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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         interest in the property. To figure the value of a   2. You and the organization receiving the   is  that  the  property,  without  the  easement,
         contribution involving a partial interest, see Pub.   contribution must enter into a written   would  be  developed.  In  determining  whether
         1457.                                   agreement certifying that the organization   the property could be developed, you must also
                                                 is a qualified organization and that it has   consider any zoning, conservation, or historical
            If the only interest you own in real property is   the resources and commitment to maintain   preservation laws that would already restrict the
         a  remainder  interest  and  you  transfer  part  of   the property as donated.  property's potential highest and best use.
         that interest to a qualified organization, see the   3. If you make the contribution, you must in-  Finally, if a potential highest and best use is
         previous discussion on valuation of a remainder                         being  considered  that  would  require  a  change
         interest in real property.              clude with your return:         in  zoning  or  other  restrictions  on  the  property,
                                                  a. A qualified appraisal;      you  must  address  whether  it  is  reasonably
         Qualified Conservation                   b. Photographs of the building's entire   probable that such a change would be permit-
         Contribution                               exterior; and                ted. Granting a conservation easement may in-
                                                                                 crease,  rather  than  reduce,  the  value  of  prop-
         A qualified conservation contribution is a contri-  c. A description of all restrictions on de-  erty, and in such a situation no deduction would
         bution  of  a  qualified  real  property  interest  to  a   velopment of the building, such as   be allowed.
         qualified  organization  to  be  used  only  for  con-  zoning laws and restrictive covenants.  Example.    You  own  10  acres  of  farmland.
         servation purposes.                    If  you  claim  a  deduction  of  more  than   Similar land in the area has an FMV of $2,000
                                             $10,000, your deduction will not be allowed un-  an acre. However, land in the general area that
         Qualified  organization.    For  purposes  of  a   less  you  pay  a  $500  filing  fee.  See  Form
         qualified  conservation  contribution,  a  qualified   8283-V, and its instructions.  is  restricted  solely  to  farm  use  has  an  FMV  of
                                                                                 $1,500 an acre. Your county wants to preserve
         organization is:                                                        open space and prevent further development in
           • A governmental unit;            Qualified real property interest.   This is any   your area.
           • A publicly supported charitable, religious,   of the following interests in real property.
                                                                                    You grant to the county an enforceable open
             scientific, literary, educational, etc., organi-                    space  easement  in  perpetuity  on  8  of  the  10
             zation; or                        1. Your entire interest in real estate other
           • An organization that is controlled by, and   than a mineral interest (subsurface oil,   acres, restricting its use to farmland. The value
                                                                                 of this easement is $4,000, determined as fol-
             operated for the exclusive benefit of, a   gas, or other minerals, and the right of ac-
             governmental unit or a publicly supported   cess to these minerals).  lows.
             charity.                          2. A remainder interest.
         The organization must also have a commitment   3. A restriction (granted in perpetuity) on the   FMV of the property before
                                                                                  granting easement:
         to  protect  the  conservation  purposes  of  the   use that may be made of the real property.  $2,000 × 10 acres  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $20,000
         donation  and  must  have  the  resources  to  en-                       FMV of the property after
         force the restrictions.             Valuation.    A  qualified  real  property  interest   granting easement:  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $12,000
                                                                                    $1,500 × 8 acres  .
         Conservation  purposes.  Your  contribution   described in (1) consists of the following.  $2,000 × 2 acres  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  4,000  16,000
                                               • Your entire interest in real property with
         must be made only for one of the following con-  you retaining a qualified mineral interest, or   Value of easement  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $4,000
         servation purposes.                     your entire interest in the real property
           • Preserving land areas for outdoor recrea-  when someone else owns the qualified   If you later transfer in fee your remaining in-
             tion by, or for the education of, the general   mineral interest and the probability of sur-  terest in the 8 acres to another qualified organi-
             public.                             face mining occurring is so remote as to be   zation, the FMV of your remaining interest is the
           • Protecting a relatively natural habitat of   negligible. A qualified mineral interest   FMV of the 8 acres reduced by the FMV of the
             fish, wildlife, or plants, or a similar ecosys-  gives you the right to access subsurface   easement granted to the first organization.
             tem.                                oil, gas, or other minerals. You determine
           • Preserving open space, including farmland   the FMV of the real property absent the   More  information.    For  more  information
             and forest land, if it yields a significant pub-  qualified mineral interest in the same man-  about qualified conservation contributions, see
             lic benefit. It must be either for the scenic   ner that you determine the FMV of real es-  Pub. 526.
             enjoyment of the general public or under a   tate. See Real Estate, earlier.
             clearly defined federal, state, or local gov-  • A remainder interest in real property. You
             ernmental conservation policy.      determine the FMV of a remainder interest  Substantiation of
           • Preserving a historically important land   in real property as directed earlier under
             area or a certified historic structure. There   Remainder Interest in Real Property.  Noncash Charitable
             must be some visual public access to the   • A conservation restriction (granted in per-  Contributions
             property. Factors used in determining the   petuity) on the use which may be made of
             type and amount of public access required   real property.
             include the historical significance of the                          What you need to substantiate your deduction
             property, the remoteness or accessibility of   The value of the charitable contribution of a   depends upon the property being donated and
             the site, and the extent to which intrusions   perpetual conservation restriction (conservation   the  claimed  value  of  this  property.  There  are
             on the privacy of individuals living on the   easement)  is  the  FMV  of  the  easement  at  the   three types of documents that may be required
             property would be unreasonable.  time of the contribution. In determining the FMV   in order to substantiate your contribution.
                                             of  a  conservation  easement,  if  there  is  a  sub-  • Contemporaneous Written Acknowledg-
         Building  in  registered  historic  district.  A   stantial record of arm's–length sales of conser-  ment (CWA).
         contribution of a qualified real property interest   vation  easements  on  other  properties  that  are   • Form 8283.
         that  is  an  easement  or  other  restriction  on  the   the same as or very similar to the donated con-  • An appraisal, which in some cases must
         exterior of a building in a registered historic dis-  servation easement, you must take into account   be a “qualified appraisal,” completed by a
         trict is  deductible  only  if  it meets  all of the  fol-  the selling price of these easements. If there are   “qualified appraiser.”
         lowing three conditions.            no comparable sales, the FMV of the conserva-
           1. The restriction must preserve the entire   tion easement is generally determined indirectly   CWA.   You must get a CWA from the charity to
                                                                                 which you contributed property on or before the
                                             as  the  difference  between  the  FMVs  of  the
             exterior of the building and must prohibit   property before and after the grant of the con-  earlier of the date on which you file a return re-
             any change to the exterior of the building   servation  easement.  The  FMV  of  the  property   porting the donation or the due date (including
             that is inconsistent with its historical char-  before the grant of the conservation easement   extensions)  for  filing  such  return.  The  CWA
             acter.                          must take into account not only the current use   must include a description (but not value) of the
                                             of  the  property  but  also  an  objective  assess-  property donated and whether the charity gave
                                             ment of how immediate or remote the likelihood   you any goods or services in exchange for the
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