Page 27 - Virtual Currencies
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         Bonuses  and  awards.  Bonuses  or  awards   amount  of  deferrals  for  the  year  under  a  non-  or resign, this amount will be included as wages
         you receive for outstanding work are included in   qualified  deferred  compensation  plan.  This   on your Form W-2.
         your  income  and  should  be  shown  on  your   amount  is  shown  in  Form  W-2,  box  12,  using   If you resign from one agency and are reem-
         Form W-2. These include prizes such as vaca-  code  Y.  This  amount  isn’t  included  in  your  in-  ployed by another agency, you may have to re-
         tion trips for meeting sales goals. If the prize or   come.             pay  part  of  your  lump-sum  annual  leave  pay-
         award  you  receive  is  goods  or  services,  you   However, if at any time during the tax year,   ment  to  the  second  agency.  You  can  reduce
         must include the FMV of the goods or services   the  plan  fails  to  meet  certain  requirements,  or   gross  wages  by  the  amount  you  repaid  in  the
         in  your  income.  However,  if  your  employer   isn’t  operated  under  those  requirements,  all   same tax year in which you received it. Attach
         merely promises to pay you a bonus or award at   amounts  deferred  under  the  plan  for  the  tax   to your tax return a copy of the receipt or state-
         some  future  time,  it  isn’t  taxable  until  you  re-  year and all preceding tax years are included in   ment given to you by the agency you repaid to
         ceive it or it’s made available to you.  your income for the current year. This amount is   explain  the  difference  between  the  wages  on
            Employee achievement award.  If you re-  included  in  your  wages  shown  in  Form  W-2,   your return and the wages on your Forms W-2.
         ceive  tangible  personal  property  (other  than   box 1. It’s also shown in Form W-2, box 12, us-  Outplacement  services.  If  you  choose  to
                                             ing code Z.
         cash, a gift certificate, or an equivalent item) as                     accept a reduced amount of severance pay so
         an award for length of service or safety achieve-  Nonqualified  deferred  compensation  plans   that  you  can  receive  outplacement  services
         ment, you must generally exclude its value from   of  nonqualified  entities.  In  most  cases,  any   (such  as  training  in  résumé  writing  and  inter-
         your income. However, the amount you can ex-  compensation  deferred  under  a  nonqualified   view  techniques),  you  must  include  the  unre-
         clude  is  limited  to  your  employer's  cost  and   deferred  compensation  plan  of  a  nonqualified   duced amount of the severance pay in income.
         can’t  be  more  than  $1,600  ($400  for  awards   entity is included in gross income when there is
         that  aren’t  qualified  plan  awards)  for  all  such   no  substantial  risk  of  forfeiture  of  the  rights  to   Sick pay.  Pay you receive from your employer
         awards  you  receive  during  the  year.  Your  em-  such  compensation.  For  this  purpose,  a  non-  while you're sick or injured is part of your salary
         ployer  can  tell  you  whether  your  award  is  a   qualified entity is one of the following.  or wages. In addition, you must include in your
         qualified plan award. Your employer must make                           income sick pay benefits received from any of
         the award as part of a meaningful presentation,   1. A foreign corporation, unless substantially   the following payers.
         under  conditions  and  circumstances  that  don’t   all of its income is:  • A welfare fund.
         create  a  significant  likelihood  of  it  being  dis-  a. Effectively connected with the con-  • A state sickness or disability fund.
         guised pay.                                duct of a trade or business in the Uni-  • An association of employers or employees.
            However, the exclusion doesn’t apply to the   ted States, or           • An insurance company, if your employer
         following awards.                                                           paid for the plan.
           • A length-of-service award if you received it   b. Subject to a comprehensive foreign   However, if you paid the premiums on an acci-
             for less than 5 years of service or if you re-  income tax.         dent or health insurance policy, the benefits you
             ceived another length-of-service award   2. A partnership, unless substantially all of its   receive  under  the  policy  aren’t  taxable.  For
             during the year or the previous 4 years.   income is allocated to persons other than:  more  information,  see  Other  Sickness  and  In-
           • A safety achievement award if you're a                              jury  Benefits  under  Sickness  and  Injury  Bene-
             manager, administrator, clerical employee,   a. Foreign persons for whom the income   fits, later.
             or other professional employee or if more   isn’t subject to a comprehensive for-
             than 10% of eligible employees previously   eign income tax, and    Social security and Medicare taxes paid by
             received safety achievement awards dur-  b. Tax-exempt organizations.  employer.  If  you  and  your  employer  have  an
             ing the year.                                                       agreement that your employer pays your social
                                             Note received for services.  If your employer   security and Medicare taxes without deducting
            Example 2.   You received three employee   gives you a secured note as payment for your   them  from  your  gross  wages,  you  must  report
         achievement awards during the year: a nonqua-  services, you must include the FMV (usually the   the amount of tax paid for you as taxable wages
         lified plan award of a watch valued at $250, and   discount  value)  of  the  note  in  your  income  for   on your tax return. The payment is also treated
         two qualified plan awards of a stereo valued at   the year you receive it. When you later receive   as  wages  for  figuring  your  social  security  and
         $1,000 and a set of golf clubs valued at $500.   payments  on  the  note,  a  proportionate  part  of   Medicare  taxes  and  your  social  security  and
         Assuming  that  the  requirements  for  qualified   each payment is the recovery of the FMV that   Medicare  benefits.  However,  these  payments
         plan  awards  are  otherwise  satisfied,  each   you  previously  included  in  your  income.  Don’t   aren’t  treated  as  social  security  and  Medicare
         award by itself would be excluded from income.   include that part again in your income. Include   wages  if  you're  a  household  worker  or  a  farm
         However, because the $1,750 total value of the   the  rest  of  the  payment  in  your  income  in  the   worker.
         awards is more than $1,600, you must include   year of payment.
         $150 ($1,750 − $1,600) in your income.  If your employer gives you a nonnegotiable   Stock  appreciation  rights.  Don’t  include  a
                                             unsecured  note  as  payment  for  your  services,   stock  appreciation  right  granted  by  your  em-
         Differential wage payments.  This is any pay-  payments on the note that are credited toward   ployer  in  income  until  you  exercise  (use)  the
         ment made by an employer to an individual for   the principal amount of the note are compensa-  right. When you use the right, you're entitled to
         any period during which the individual is, for a   tion income when you receive them.  a cash payment equal to the FMV of the corpo-
         period  of  more  than  30  days,  an  active  duty                     ration's stock on the date of use minus the FMV
         member  of  the  uniformed  services  and  repre-  Severance  pay.  You  must  include  in  income   on the date the right was granted. You include
         sents all or a portion of the wages the individual   amounts you receive as severance pay and any   the cash payment in income in the year you use
         would have received from the employer for that   payment  for  the  cancellation  of  your  employ-  the right.
         period. These  payments  are  treated as wages   ment contract.
         and are subject to income tax withholding, but                          Virtual  currency.  If  your  employer  gives  you
         not FICA or FUTA taxes. The payments are re-  Severance  payments  are  subject  to  social   virtual  currency  (such  as  Bitcoin)  as  payment
         ported as wages on Form W-2.        security  and  Medicare  taxes,  income  tax   for your services, you must include the FMV of
                                             withholding, and FUTA tax.   Severance pay-  the currency in your income. The FMV of virtual
         Government   cost-of-living   allowances.   ments are wages subject to social security and   currency paid as wages is subject to federal in-
         Most  payments  received  by  U.S.  Government   Medicare taxes. As noted in section 15 of Pub.   come tax withholding, Federal Insurance Contri-
         civilian employees for working abroad are taxa-  15, Special Rules for Various Types of Service   bution  Act  (FICA)  tax,  and  Federal  Unemploy-
         ble.  However,  certain  cost-of-living  allowances   and  Payments,  severance  payments  are  also   ment Tax Act (FUTA) tax and must be reported
         are tax free. Pub. 516 explains the tax treatment   subject  to  income  tax  withholding  and  FUTA   on  Form  W-2.  Notice  2014-21,  2014-16  I.R.B.
         of  allowances,  differentials,  and  other  special   tax.             938,  describes  how  virtual  currency  is  treated
         pay you receive for employment abroad.                                  for  federal  tax  purposes  and  is  available  at
                                                Accrued  leave  payment.  If  you're  a  fed-   For
         Nonqualified deferred compensation plans.   eral  employee  and  receive  a  lump-sum  pay-  further information, see
         Your  employer  will  report  to  you  the  total   ment for accrued annual leave when you retire
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