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             charitable contribution for naming a chari-  spouse, or any of your dependents by, or on be-  Retirement Planning Services
             table organization as the beneficiary of   half  of,  the  institution  or  center  for  use  as  a
             your policy.)                   home. The lodging must be located on or near a   If your employer has a qualified retirement plan,
           4. The plan existed on January 1, 1984, and:  campus  of  the  educational  institution  or  aca-  qualified retirement planning services provided
                                                                                 to  you  (and  your  spouse)  by  your  employer
                                             demic health center.
              a. You retired before January 2, 1984,                             aren't  included  in  your  income.  Qualified  serv-
                and were covered by the plan when   Adequate  rent.    The  amount  of  rent  you   ices  include  retirement  planning  advice,  infor-
                you retired; or              pay for the year for qualified campus lodging is   mation  about  your  employer's  retirement  plan,
                                             considered adequate if it's at least equal to the
              b. You reached age 55 before January   lesser of:                  and information about how the plan may fit into
                                                                                 your  overall  individual  retirement  income  plan.
                2, 1984, and were employed by the   • 5% of the appraised value of the lodging,   You can't exclude the value of any tax prepara-
                employer or its predecessor in 1983.  or                         tion,  accounting,  legal,  or  brokerage  services
                                               • The average of rentals paid by individuals   provided by your employer. Also, see Financial
         Entire cost taxed.   You’re taxed on the entire   (other than employees or students) for   Counseling Fees, earlier.
         cost of group-term life insurance if either of the   comparable lodging held for rent by the ed-
         following circumstances applies.        ucational institution.
           • The insurance is provided by your em-                               Transportation
             ployer through a qualified employees' trust,   If the amount you pay is less than the lesser of
             such as a pension trust or a qualified annu-  these amounts, you must include the difference   If  your  employer  provides  you  with  a  qualified
             ity plan.                       in your income.                     transportation fringe benefit, it can be excluded
           • You’re a key employee and your employ-  The lodging must be appraised by an inde-  from your income, up to certain limits. A quali-
             er's plan discriminates in favor of key em-  pendent  appraiser  and  the  appraisal  must  be   fied transportation fringe benefit is:
             ployees.                        reviewed on an annual basis.          • Transportation in a commuter highway ve-
                                                                                     hicle (such as a van) between your home
                                                Example 4.   You are a sociology professor   and work place,
         Meals and Lodging                   for  State  University  and  rent  a  home  from  the   • A transit pass, or
                                             university that is qualified campus lodging. The   • Qualified parking.
         You  don't  include  in  your  income  the  value  of   house  is  appraised  at  $200,000.  The  average
         meals  and  lodging  provided  to  you  and  your   rent  paid  for  comparable  university  lodging  by   Cash  reimbursement  by  your  employer  for
         family by your employer at no charge if the fol-  persons  other  than  employees  or  students  is   these  expenses  under  a  bona  fide  reimburse-
         lowing conditions are met.          $14,000  a  year.  You  pay  an  annual  rent  of   ment arrangement is also excludable. However,
           1. The meals are:                 $11,000. You don’t include in your income any   cash reimbursement for a transit pass is exclud-
                                             rental value because the rent you pay equals at
              a. Furnished on the business premises   least  5%  of  the  appraised  value  of  the  house   able only if a voucher or similar item that can be
                                                                                 exchanged  only  for  a  transit  pass  isn't  readily
                of your employer, and        (5% × $200,000 = $10,000). If you paid annual   available for direct distribution to you.
              b. Furnished for the convenience of your   rent of only $8,000, you would have to include
                employer.                    $2,000 in your income ($10,000 − $8,000).  Exclusion limit.   The exclusion for commuter
           2. The lodging is:                Moving Expense Reimbursements       vehicle  transportation  and  transit  pass  fringe
                                                                                 benefits can't be more than $280 a month.
              a. Furnished on the business premises                                 The exclusion for the qualified parking fringe
                of your employer,            For  tax  years  2018  through  2025,  reimburse-  benefit can't be more than $280 a month.
              b. Furnished for the convenience of your   ments for certain moving expenses are no lon-  If the benefits have a value that is more than
                employer, and                ger excluded from the gross income of nonmili-  these  limits,  the  excess  must  be  included  in
                                             tary taxpayers.
                                                                                 your income.
              c. A condition of your employment. (You
                must accept it in order to be able to   No-Additional-Cost Services  Commuter  highway  vehicle.  This  is  a  high-
                properly perform your duties.)                                   way vehicle that seats at least six adults (not in-
                                             The value of services you receive from your em-  cluding the driver). At least 80% of the vehicle's
            You  also  don't  include  in  your  income  the   ployer  for  free,  at  cost,  or  for  a  reduced  price   mileage must reasonably be expected to be:
         value of meals or meal money that qualifies as a   isn't included in your income if your employer:  • For transporting employees between their
         minimal  fringe  benefit.  See  De  Minimis  (Mini-  • Offers the same service for sale to custom-  homes and workplace, and
         mal) Benefits, earlier.                 ers in the ordinary course of the line of   • On trips during which employees occupy at
                                                 business in which you work, and     least half of the vehicle's adult seating ca-
         Faculty  lodging.  If  you're  an  employee  of  an   • Doesn’t have a substantial additional cost   pacity (not including the driver).
         educational  institution  or  an  academic  health   (including any sales income given up) to
         center  and  you're  provided  with  lodging  that   provide you with the service (regardless of   Transit  pass.  This  is  any  pass,  token,  fare-
         doesn't meet the three conditions given earlier,   what you paid for the service).  card, voucher, or similar item entitling a person
         you may still not have to include the value of the                      to ride mass transit (whether public or private)
         lodging  in  income.  However,  the  lodging  must   In  most  cases,  no-additional-cost  services   free  or  at  a  reduced  rate  or  to  ride  in  a  com-
         be qualified campus lodging, and you must pay   are  excess  capacity  services,  such  as  airline,   muter highway vehicle operated by a person in
         an Adequate rent.                   bus, or train tickets; hotel rooms; and telephone   the  business  of  transporting  persons  for  com-
            Academic health center.  This is an organ-  services.                pensation.
         ization that meets the following conditions.                            Qualified parking.  This is parking provided to
           • Its principal purpose or function is to pro-  Example 5.   You're employed as a flight at-  an employee at or near the employer's place of
             vide medical or hospital care or medical   tendant for a company that owns both an airline   business.  It  also  includes  parking  provided  on
             education or research.          and a hotel chain. Your employer allows you to   or  near  a  location  from  which  the  employee
           • It receives payments for graduate medical   take personal flights (if there is an unoccupied   commutes  to  work  by  mass  transit,  in  a  com-
             education under the Social Security Act.  seat) and stay in any one of their hotels (if there   muter highway vehicle, or by car pool. It doesn't
           • One of its principal purposes or functions is   is an unoccupied room) at no cost to you. The   include  parking  at  or  near  the  employee's
             to provide and teach basic and clinical   value of the personal flight isn't included in your   home.
             medical science and research using its   income. However, the value of the hotel room is
             own faculty.                    included  in  your  income  because  you  don't
                                             work in the hotel business.
            Qualified campus lodging.  Qualified cam-
         pus  lodging  is  lodging  furnished  to  you,  your
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