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         choosing to include the value of property in your   you  generally  recognize  compensation  income   Grant  of  option.    If  you  receive  a  statutory
         income for the year of the transfer doesn't apply   at the time and in the amount of the reduction.  stock option, don't include any amount in your
         to a nonstatutory option.                                               income when the option is granted.
            Option  without  readily  determinable   Tax  form.  If  you  have  income  from  the  exer-  Exercise of option.   If you exercise a statutory
                                             cise  of  nonstatutory  stock  options,  your  em-
         value.   If the FMV of the option isn't readily de-  ployer  should  report  the  amount  to  you  in   stock  option,  don't  include  any  amount  in  in-
         terminable at the time it's granted to you (even if   box 12 of Form W-2 with code V. The employer   come when you exercise the option.
         it's  determined  later),  you  don't  have  income   should  show  the  spread  (that  is,  the  FMV  of
         until you exercise or transfer the option.  stock over the exercise price of options granted   Alternative  minimum  tax  (AMT).  For  the
                                             to you for that stock) from your exercise of the   AMT, you must treat stock acquired through the
                                             nonstatutory  stock  options.  Your  employer   exercise of an ISO as if no special treatment ap-
         Exercise or transfer of option.  When you ex-  should include this amount in boxes 1, 3 (up to   plied. This means that, when your rights in the
         ercise a nonstatutory stock option, the amount   the social security wage base), and 5. Your em-  stock are transferable or no longer subject to a
         to include in your income depends on whether   ployer  should  include  this  amount  in  box  14  if   substantial  risk  of  forfeiture,  you  must  include
         the option had a readily determinable value.  it's a railroad employer.  as  an  adjustment  in  figuring  alternative  mini-
            Option  with  readily  determinable  value.   If you're a nonemployee spouse and you ex-  mum taxable income the amount by which the
                                                                                 FMV of the stock exceeds the option price. En-
         When you exercise a nonstatutory stock option   ercise nonstatutory stock options you received   ter this adjustment on line 2i of Form 6251. In-
         that had a readily determinable value at the time   incident to a divorce, the income is reported to   crease your AMT basis in any stock you acquire
         the  option  was  granted,  you  don't  have  to  in-  you in box 3 of Form 1099-MISC.  by exercising the ISO by the amount of the ad-
         clude any amount in income.         Sale  of  the  stock.    There  are  no  special  in-  justment. However, no adjustment is required if
            Option  without  readily  determinable   come  rules  for  the  sale  of  stock  acquired   you dispose of the stock in the same year you
         value.    When  you  exercise  a  nonstatutory   through the exercise of a nonstatutory stock op-  exercise the option.
         stock option that didn't have a readily determi-  tion. Report the sale as explained in the Instruc-  See  Restricted  Property,  later,  for  more  in-
         nable value at the time the option was granted,   tions for Schedule D (Form 1040) for the year of   formation.
         the restricted property rules apply to the prop-  the  sale.  You  may  receive  a  Form  1099-B  re-  Your  AMT  basis  in  stock  acquired
         erty received. The amount to include in your in-  porting the sales proceeds.  through  an  ISO  is  likely  to  differ  from
         come is the difference between the amount you   Your basis in the property you acquire under   your regular tax basis. Therefore, keep
         pay  for  the  property  and  its  FMV  when  it  be-  the option is the amount you pay for it plus any   adequate records for both the AMT and regular
         comes  substantially  vested.  If  it  isn't  substan-  amount  you  included  in  income  upon  grant  or   tax so that you can figure your adjusted gain or
         tially vested at the time you exercise this non-  exercise of the option.  loss.
         statutory stock option (so that you may have to   Your  holding  period  begins  as  of  the  date
         give the stock back), you don't have to include   you acquired the option, if it had a readily deter-
         any  amount  in  income.  You  include  the  differ-  minable value, or as of the date you exercised   Example 7.   Your employer, Elm Company,
         ence in income when the option becomes sub-  or transferred the option if it had no readily de-  granted you an ISO on April 8, 2021, to buy 100
         stantially  vested.  For  more  information  on  re-  terminable value.  shares of Elm Company at $9 a share, its FMV
         stricted property, see Restricted Property, later.  For  options  granted  on  or  after  January  1,   at the time. You exercised the option on Janu-
                                                                                 ary 7, 2022, when the stock was selling on the
            Transfer  in  arm's-length  transaction.    If   2014, the basis information reported to you on   open  market  for  $14  a  share.  On  January  27,
         you transfer a nonstatutory stock option without   Form  1099-B  won't  reflect  any  amount  you  in-  2022, when the stock was selling on the open
         a readily determinable value in an arm's-length   cluded in income upon grant or exercise of the   market for $16 a share, your rights to the stock
         transaction to an unrelated person, you must in-  option.  For  options  granted  before  January  1,   first  became  transferable.  You  include  $700
         clude in your income the money or other prop-  2014, any basis information reported to you on   ($1,600  value  when  your  rights  first  became
         erty you received for the transfer as if you had   Form  1099-B  may  or  may  not  reflect  any   transferable minus $900 option price) as an ad-
         exercised the option.               amount  you  included  in  income  upon  grant  or   justment on Form 6251, line 2i.
            Transfer  in  non-arm's-length  transac-  exercise;  therefore,  the  basis  may  need  to  be   If you exercise an ISO during 2022, you
         tion.  If you transfer a nonstatutory stock option                       TIP  should receive Form 3921, or a state-
         without  a  readily  determinable  value  in  a   It’s your responsibility to make any ap-  ment,  from  the  corporation  for  each
         non-arm's-length  transaction  (for  example,  a   !  propriate  adjustments  to  the  basis  in-  transfer  made  during  2022.  The  corporation
         gift),  the  option  isn't  treated  as  exercised  or   CAUTION  formation reported on Form 1099-B by   must send or provide you with the form by Janu-
         closed at that time. You must include in your in-  completing Form 8949.  ary 31, 2023. Keep this information for your re-
         come, as compensation, any money or property                            cords.
         received.  When  the  transferee  exercises  the   Statutory Stock Options
         option,  you  must  include  in  your  income,  as                      Sale of the stock.   You have taxable income
         compensation,  the  excess  of  the  FMV  of  the   There are two kinds of statutory stock options.  or a deductible loss when you sell the stock that
         stock acquired by the transferee over the sum   • Incentive stock options (ISOs).  you  bought  by  exercising  the  option.  Your  in-
         of the exercise price paid and any amount you   • Options granted under employee stock   come  or  loss  is  the  difference  between  the
         included in income at the time you transferred   purchase plans.        amount you paid for the stock (the option price)
         the option. At the time of the exercise, the trans-                     and  the  amount  you  receive  when  you  sell  it.
         feree recognizes no income and has a basis in   For  either  kind  of  option,  you  must  be  an   You generally treat this amount as capital gain
         the  stock  acquired  equal  to  the  FMV  of  the   employee  of  the  company  granting  the  option,   or loss and report it as explained in the Instruc-
         stock.                              or a related company, at all times during the pe-  tions for Schedule D (Form 1040) for the year of
            Any transfer of this kind of option to a rela-  riod beginning on the date the option is granted   the sale.
         ted  person  is  treated  as  a  non-arm's-length   and ending 3 months before the date you exer-  However, you may have ordinary income for
         transaction. See Regulations section 1.83-7 for   cise  the  option  (for  an  ISO,  1  year  before  if   the  year  that  you  sell  or  otherwise  dispose  of
         the definition of a related person.  you're disabled). Also, the option must be non-  the stock in either of the following situations.
            Recourse note in satisfaction of the ex-  transferable except at death.  • You don't satisfy the holding period re-
         ercise  price  of  an  option.    If  you're  an  em-                       quirement.
         ployee, and you issue a recourse note to your   If  you  don't  meet  the  employment  require-  • You satisfy the conditions described under
         employer in satisfaction of the exercise price of   ments,  or  you  receive  a  transferable  option,   Option granted at a discount under Em-
         an option to acquire your employer's stock, and   your option is a nonstatutory stock option.  ployee stock purchase plan, later.
         your  employer  and  you  subsequently  agree  to                       Your  employer  or  former  employer  should  re-
         reduce the stated principal amount of the note,                         port  the  ordinary  income  to  you  as  wages  in

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