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           2. You must get an acknowledgment from   1. A copy of your agreement with the organi-  • Has a valuation effective date no earlier
             the qualified organization that contains:  zation sponsoring the student placed in   than 60 days before the date of the contri-
              a. A description of the services you pro-  your household,             bution and no later than the date of the
                                                                                     contribution. For an appraisal report dated
                vided,                         2. A summary of the various items you paid   on or after the date of the contribution, the
              b. A statement of whether or not the or-  to maintain the student, and  valuation effective date must be the date of
                ganization provided you any goods or   3. A statement that gives:    the contribution; and
                services to reimburse you for the ex-  a. The date the student became a mem-  • Does not involve a prohibited appraisal
                penses you incurred,                ber of your household,           fee.
              c. A description and a good faith esti-  b. The dates of his or her full-time at-  You must receive the qualified appraisal be-
                mate of the value of any goods or   tendance at school, and      fore  the  due  date,  including  extensions,  of  the
                services (other than intangible reli-                            return on which a charitable contribution deduc-
                gious benefits) provided to reimburse   c. The name and location of the school.  tion is first claimed for the donated property. If
                you, and                                                         the  deduction  is  first  claimed  on  an  amended
              d. A statement that the only benefit you                           return, the qualified appraisal must be received
                                                                                 before the date on which the amended return is
                received was an intangible religious   Noncash contributions.   Enter your noncash   filed.
                benefit, if that was the case. The ac-  contributions  on  Schedule  A  (Form  1040),
                knowledgment doesn't need to de-  line 12.                          Qualified  appraiser.  A  qualified  appraiser
                scribe or estimate the value of an in-                           is an individual with verifiable education and ex-
                tangible religious benefit (defined   Total  deduction  over  $500.    If  your  total   perience  in  valuing  the  type  of  property  for
                earlier under Acknowledgment).  deduction  for  all  noncash  contributions  for  the   which the appraisal is performed.
                                             year  is  over  $500,  you  must  complete  Form
         You must get the acknowledgment on or before   8283 and attach it to your Form 1040. Use Sec-  1. The individual:
         the earlier of:                     tion A of Form 8283 to report noncash contribu-  a. Has earned an appraisal designation
           1. The date you file your return for the year   tions  for  which  you  claimed  a  deduction  of   from a generally recognized profes-
             you make the contribution, or   $5,000  or  less  per  item  (or  group  of  similar   sional appraiser organization, or
                                             items).  Also  use  Section  A  to  report  contribu-
           2. The due date, including extensions, for fil-  tions of publicly traded securities. See  Deduc-  b. Has met certain minimum education
             ing the return.                 tion over $5,000 next, for the items you must re-  requirements and 2 or more years of
                                             port on Section B.                         experience. To meet the minimum ed-
         Car expenses.  If you claim expenses directly   The  IRS  may  disallow  your  deduction  for   ucation requirement, the individual
         related to use of your car in giving services to a   noncash  charitable  contributions  if  it  is  more   must have successfully completed
         qualified  organization,  you  must  keep  reliable   than $500 and you don't submit Form 8283 with   professional or college-level course-
         written records of your expenses. Whether your   your return.                  work obtained from:
         records are considered reliable depends on all                                   i. A professional or college-level
         the  facts  and  circumstances.  Generally,  they   Deduction  over  $5,000.    You  must  com-  educational organization,
         may  be  considered  reliable  if  you  made  them   plete Section B of Form 8283 for each item or
         regularly and at or near the time you had the ex-  group of similar items for which you claim a de-  ii. A professional trade or appraiser
         penses.                             duction  of  over  $5,000.  (However,  if  you  con-  organization that regularly offers
            For  example,  your  records  might  show  the   tributed  publicly  traded  securities,  complete   educational programs in valuing
         name of the organization you were serving and   Section A instead.) In figuring whether your de-  the type of property, or
         the dates you used your car for a charitable pur-  duction  for  a  group  of  similar  items  was  more   iii. An employer as part of an em-
         pose. If you use the standard mileage rate of 14   than  $5,000,  consider  all  items  in  the  group,   ployee apprenticeship or educa-
         cents a mile, your records must show the miles   even if items in the group were donated to more   tion program similar to professio-
         you drove your car for the charitable purpose. If   than one organization. However, you must file a   nal or college-level courses.
         you deduct your actual expenses, your records   separate Form 8283, Section B, for each organ-
         must  show  the  costs  of  operating  the  car  that   ization. The organization that received the prop-  2. The individual regularly prepares apprais-
         are directly related to a charitable purpose.  erty  must  complete  and  sign  Part  V  of  Sec-  als for which he or she is paid.
            See Car expenses under Out-of-Pocket Ex-  tion B.                      3. The individual is not an excluded individ-
         penses  in  Giving  Services,  earlier,  for  the  ex-  Vehicle donations.   If you donated a car,   ual.
         penses you can deduct.              boat, airplane, or other vehicle, you may have to
                                             attach  a  copy  of  Form  1098-C  (or  other  state-  See Pub. 561 for more information.
         How To Report                       ment)  to  your  return.  For  details,  see  Cars,   If you claim a deduction for a qualified conser-
                                                                                    Easement on building in historic district.
                                             Boats, and Airplanes, earlier.
         Report your charitable contributions on Sched-  Clothing  and  household  items  not  in   vation contribution for an easement on the exte-
                                                                                 rior of a building in a registered historic district,
         ule A (Form 1040), lines 11 through 14.  good used condition.   You must include with
                                             your return a Qualified appraisal, which is pre-  you must include a qualified appraisal (defined
            If you made noncash contributions, you may   pared by a Qualified appraiser, of any single do-  earlier), photographs, and certain other informa-
         also be required to fill out parts of Form 8283.   nated  item  of  clothing  or  any  donated  house-  tion  with  your  return.  See  Qualified  Conserva-
         See Noncash contributions, later.   hold  item  that  isn't  in  good  used  condition  or   tion Contribution, earlier.
                                             better  and  for  which  you  deduct  more  than   Deduction over $500,000.   If you claim a
         Cash  contributions  and  out-of-pocket  ex-  $500. See Clothing and Household Items, ear-  deduction of more than $500,000 for a contribu-
         penses.   Enter your cash contributions, includ-  lier.                 tion of property, you must attach a Qualified ap-
         ing  out-of-pocket  expenses,  on  Schedule  A                          praisal,  which  is  prepared  by  a  Qualified  ap-
         (Form 1040), line 11.                  Qualified  appraisal.  A  qualified  appraisal
                                             is an appraisal document that:      praiser,  of  the  property  to  your  return.  This
            Reporting  expenses  for  student  living   • Is made, signed, and dated by a qualified   doesn't apply to contributions of cash, qualified
         with you.  If you claim amounts paid for a stu-  appraiser (defined later) in accordance   vehicles for which you obtained a CWA, certain
         dent who lives with you, as described earlier un-  with generally accepted appraisal stand-  inventory, publicly traded securities, or intellec-
         der Expenses Paid for Student Living With You,   ards;                  tual   property.   See   Regulations   section
         you must submit with your return:     • Meets the relevant requirements of Regu-  1.170A-16(e)(2).
                                                 lations section 1.170A-17(a);      In  figuring  whether  your  deduction  is  over
                                                                                 $500,000, combine the claimed deductions for

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