Page 25 - IRS Employer Tax Guide
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            For  additional  information  about  employer  withholding   hospital  insurance  part  is  financed  by  the  Medicare  tax.
         compliance, see                           Each of these taxes is reported separately.
         Substitute Forms W-4.   You’re encouraged to have your   Generally,  you’re  required  to  withhold  social  security
         employees use the official version of Form W-4. You may   and Medicare taxes from your employees' wages and pay
         use a substitute version of Form W-4 to meet your busi-  the employer's share of these taxes. Certain types of wa-
         ness  needs.  However,  your  substitute  Form  W-4  must   ges  and  compensation  aren't  subject  to  social  security
         contain language that is identical to the official Form W-4   and Medicare taxes. See section 5 and section 15 for de-
         and your form must meet all current IRS rules for substi-  tails. Generally, employee wages are subject to social se-
         tute forms. At the time you provide your substitute form to   curity  and  Medicare  taxes  regardless  of  the  employee's
         the employee, you must provide him or her with all tables,   age or whether he or she is receiving social security bene-
         instructions, and worksheets from the current Form W-4.  fits. If the employee reported tips, see section 6.
            You  can't  accept  substitute  Forms  W-4  developed  by   Tax  rates  and  the  social  security  wage  base  limit.
         employees. An employee who submits an employee-de-     Social  security  and  Medicare  taxes  have  different  rates
         veloped substitute Form W-4 after October 10, 2007, will   and only the social security tax has a wage base limit. The
         be treated as failing to furnish a Form W-4. However, con-  wage base limit is the maximum wage subject to the tax
         tinue to honor any valid employee-developed Forms W-4   for the year. Determine the amount of withholding for so-
         you accepted before October 11, 2007.                  cial security and Medicare taxes by multiplying each pay-
         Invalid  Forms  W-4.  Any  unauthorized  change  or  addi-  ment by the employee tax rate.
         tion to Form W-4 makes it invalid. This includes taking out   For 2020, the social security tax rate is 6.2% (amount
         any language by which the employee certifies the form is   withheld) each for the employer and employee (12.4% to-
         correct. A Form W-4 is also invalid if, by the date an em-  tal). The social security wage base limit is $137,700. The
         ployee gives it to you, he or she clearly indicates it is false.   tax rate for Medicare is 1.45% (amount withheld) each for
         An employee who submits a false Form W-4 may be sub-   the  employee  and  employer  (2.9%  total).  There  is  no
         ject to a $500 penalty. You may treat a Form W-4 as inva-  wage base limit for Medicare tax; all covered wages are
         lid  if  the  employee  wrote  “exempt”  below  Step  4(c)  and   subject to Medicare tax.
         checked  the  box  in  Step  2(c)  or  entered  numbers  for   Additional  Medicare  Tax  withholding.  In  addition  to
         Steps 3 and 4.                                         withholding Medicare tax at 1.45%, you must withhold a
            When you get an invalid Form W-4, don't use it to figure   0.9% Additional Medicare Tax from wages you pay to an
         federal income tax withholding. Tell the employee it is in-  employee  in  excess  of  $200,000  in  a  calendar  year.
         valid and ask for another one. If the employee doesn't give   You’re required to begin withholding Additional Medicare
         you a valid one, then how you will treat the employee de-  Tax in the pay period in which you pay wages in excess of
         pends on when you first paid wages to the employee. An   $200,000 to an employee and continue to withhold it each
         employee who was paid wages in 2019 should be treated   pay  period  until  the  end  of  the  calendar  year.  Additional
         as single and claiming zero allowances on a 2019 Form   Medicare Tax is only imposed on the employee. There is
         W-4.  However,  if  you  have  an  earlier  Form  W-4  for  this   no employer share of Additional Medicare Tax. All wages
         employee that is valid, withhold as you did before. An em-  that are subject to Medicare tax are subject to Additional
         ployee who is first paid wages in 2020, including an em-  Medicare  Tax  withholding  if  paid  in  excess  of  the
         ployee who previously worked for you and was rehired in   $200,000 withholding threshold.
         2020, should be treated as if the employee had checked   For  more  information  on  what  wages  are  subject  to
         the box for Single or Married filing separately in Step 1(c)   Medicare tax, see section 15. For more information on Ad-
         and made no entries in Step 2, Step 3, or Step 4 of the   ditional Medicare Tax, go to
         2020 Form W-4.
         Amounts  exempt  from  levy  on  wages,  salary,  and   Successor  employer.  When  corporate  acquisitions
                                                                meet certain requirements, wages paid by the predeces-
         other income.  If you receive a Notice of Levy on Wages,   sor are treated as if paid by the successor for purposes of
         Salary, and Other Income (Forms 668-W(ACS), 668-W(c)   applying  the  social  security  wage  base  and  for  applying
         (DO), or 668-W(ICS)), you must withhold amounts as de-  the Additional Medicare Tax withholding threshold (that is,
         scribed in the instructions for these forms. Pub. 1494 has   $200,000  in  a  calendar  year).  You  should  determine
         tables to figure the amount exempt from levy. If a levy is-  whether or not you should file Schedule D (Form 941), Re-
         sued in a prior year is still in effect and the taxpayer sub-  port  of  Discrepancies  Caused  by  Acquisitions,  Statutory
         mits  a  new  Statement  of  Exemptions  and  Filing  Status,   Mergers, or Consolidations, by reviewing the Instructions
         use  the  current  year  Pub.  1494  to  figure  the  exempt   for  Schedule  D  (Form  941).  See  Regulations  section
         amount.                                                31.3121(a)(1)-1(b)  for  more  information.  Also  see  Reve-

         Social Security and Medicare Taxes                     nue Procedure 2004-53, 2004-34 I.R.B. 320, available at
         The Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) provides   Example.  Early in 2020, you bought all of the assets of
         for a federal system of old-age, survivors, disability, and   a plumbing business from Mr. Martin. Mr. Brown, who had
         hospital  insurance.  The  old-age,  survivors,  and  disability   been  employed  by  Mr.  Martin  and  received  $2,000  in
         insurance part is financed by the social security tax. The   wages before the date of purchase, continued to work for

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