Page 32 - Small Business Taxes
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             whether eligibility for the payments depended on     Public officials of state or local governments report their
             length of service).                                fees from the public on Schedule C if they are paid solely
                                                                on a fee basis and if their services are eligible for, but not
         Insurance agent, retired.  Income paid by an insurance   covered  by,  social  security  under  a  federal-state  agree-
         company  to  a  retired  self-employed  insurance  agent   ment.
         based  on  a  percentage  of  commissions  received  before
         retirement is reported on Schedule C. Also, renewal com-  Real estate agent or direct seller.  If you are a licensed
         missions  and  deferred  commissions  for  sales  made  be-  real estate agent or a direct seller, your earnings are re-
         fore retirement are generally reported on Schedule C.  ported on Schedule C if both the following apply.
            However, renewal commissions paid to the survivor of   • Substantially all your pay for services as a real estate
         an insurance agent are not reported on Schedule C.        agent or direct seller directly relates to your sales or
         Newspaper  carrier  or  distributor.  You  are  a  direct   other output rather than to the number of hours you
         seller and your earnings are reported on Schedule C if all   work.
         the following conditions apply.                         • You perform the services under a written contract that
           • You are in the business of delivering or distributing   says you will not be treated as an employee for federal
             newspapers or shopping news (including directly rela-  tax purposes.
             ted services such as soliciting customers and collect-  Dealer in section 1256 contracts.  If you are a dealer in
             ing receipts).                                     options or commodities, your gains and losses from deal-
           • Substantially all your pay for these services directly re-  ing or trading in section 1256 contracts (regulated futures
             lates to your sales or other output rather than to the   contracts,  foreign  currency  contracts,  nonequity  options,
             number of hours you work.                          dealer  equity  options,  and  dealer  securities  futures  con-
           • You perform the services under a written contract that   tracts)  or  property  related  to  those  contracts  (such  as
             says you will not be treated as an employee for federal   stock used to hedge options) are reported on Schedule C.
             tax purposes.                                      For more information, see sections 1256 and 1402(i).
            This rule applies whether or not you hire others to help   Securities or commodities trader.  You are a trader in
         you make deliveries. It also applies whether you buy the   securities or commodities if you are engaged in the busi-
         papers from the publisher or are paid based on the num-  ness  of  buying  and  selling  securities  or  commodities  for
         ber of papers you deliver.                             your own account. As a trader in securities or commodi-
                                                                ties, your gain or loss from the disposition of securities or
         Newspaper or magazine vendor.  If you are age 18 or    commodities is not reported on Schedule C. For more in-
         older and you sell newspapers or magazines, your earn-  formation about traders in securities or commodities, see
         ings are reported on Schedule C if all the following condi-  Pub. 550, Investment Income and Expenses.
         tions apply.

           • You sell newspapers or magazines to ultimate con-
             sumers.                                            Accounting for Your Income
           • You sell them at a fixed price.                    Accounting for your income for income tax purposes dif-
           • Your earnings are based on the difference between   fers at times from accounting for financial purposes. This
             the sales price and your cost of goods sold.       section discusses some of the more common differences
            This rule applies whether or not you are guaranteed a   that may affect business transactions.
         minimum  amount  of  earnings.  It  also  applies  whether  or   Figure your business income on the basis of a tax year
         not  you  receive  credit  for  unsold  newspapers  or  maga-  and according to your regular method of accounting (see
         zines you return to your supplier.                     chapter 2). If the sale of a product is an income-producing
                                                                factor in your business, you usually have to use invento-
         Notary  public.  Fees  you  receive  for  services  you  per-  ries  to  clearly  show  your  income.  Dealers  in  real  estate
         form  as  a  notary  public  are  reported  on  Schedule  C.   are not allowed to use inventories. For more information
         These  payments  are  not  subject  to  SE  tax  (see  the  In-  on inventories, see chapter 2.
         structions for Schedule SE (Form 1040)).
                                                                Income  paid  to  a  third  party.  All  income  you  earn  is
         Public  official.  Public  officials  generally  do  not  report   taxable to you. You cannot avoid tax by having the income
         what they earn for serving in public office on Schedule C.   paid to a third party.
         This rule applies to payments received by an elected tax
         collector from state funds on the basis of a fixed percent-  Example.  You  rent  out  your  property  and  the  rental
         age of the taxes collected. Public office includes any elec-  agreement directs the lessee to pay the rent to your son.
         tive or appointive office of the United States or its posses-  The amount paid to your son is gross income to you.
         sions,  the  District  of  Columbia,  a  state  or  its  political
         subdivisions, or a wholly owned instrumentality of any of   Cash  discounts.  These  are  amounts  the  seller  permits
         these.                                                 you to deduct from the invoice price for prompt payment.

         Page 26    Chapter 5   Business Income
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