Page 147 - IRS Business Tax Credits Guide
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          Mitchell       7,301  Fileid: … ions/i8941/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 24,547  Auglaize  14:26 - 22-Nov-2022
          Montgomery     9,030   22,169        Dickey         8,478   24,547       Belmont        7,496   19,458
          Moore          9,030   22,169        Divide         8,478   24,547       Brown          7,363   19,544
          Nash           8,970   27,984        Dunn           8,478   24,547       Butler         7,124   22,838
          New Hanover    7,474   21,413        Eddy           8,478   24,547       Carroll        7,521   21,311
          Northampton    7,967   22,994        Emmons         8,478   24,547       Champaign      6,862   19,411
          Onslow         7,474   21,413        Foster         8,478   24,547       Clark          6,862   19,411
          Orange         7,438   25,284        Golden Valley  8,478   24,547       Clermont       7,363   19,544
          Pamlico        9,047   21,390        Grand Forks    7,139   23,920       Clinton        7,363   19,544
          Pasquotank     7,967   22,994        Grant          8,478   24,547       Columbiana     7,528   20,468
          Pender         7,474   21,413        Griggs         8,478   24,547       Coshocton      7,496   19,458
          Perquimans     7,967   22,994        Hettinger      8,478   24,547       Crawford       7,128   20,059
          Person         7,438   25,284        Kidder         8,478   24,547       Cuyahoga       7,530   23,234
          Pitt           8,970   27,984        La Moure       8,478   24,547       Darke          6,862   19,411
          Polk           7,301   21,752        Logan          8,478   24,547       Defiance       8,137   21,370
          Randolph       7,341   21,582        McHenry        8,478   24,547       Delaware       7,055   22,087
          Richmond       7,233   23,420        McIntosh       8,478   24,547       Erie           8,591   20,639
          Robeson        7,233   23,420        McKenzie       8,478   24,547       Fairfield      7,055   22,087
          Rockingham     7,341   21,582        McLean         8,478   24,547       Fayette        7,055   22,087
          Rowan          7,131   22,733        Mercer         8,478   24,547       Franklin       7,055   22,087
          Rutherford     7,301   21,752        Morton         8,059   23,849       Fulton         8,137   21,370
          Sampson        7,233   23,420        Mountrail      8,478   24,547       Gallia         8,906   23,548
          Scotland       7,233   23,420        Nelson         8,478   24,547       Geauga         7,530   23,234
          Stanly         7,131   22,733        Oliver         8,478   24,547       Greene         6,862   19,411
          Stokes         8,418   23,593        Pembina        8,478   24,547       Guernsey       7,496   19,458
          Surry          8,418   23,593        Pierce         8,478   24,547       Hamilton       7,124   22,838
          Swain          7,301   21,752        Ramsey         8,478   24,547       Hancock        7,480   19,589
          Transylvania   7,301   21,752        Ransom         8,478   24,547       Hardin         7,480   19,589
          Tyrrell        9,047   21,390        Renville       8,478   24,547       Harrison       7,496   19,458
          Union          7,131   22,733        Richland       8,478   24,547       Henry          8,137   21,370
          Vance          6,774   20,823        Rolette        8,478   24,547       Highland       7,363   19,544
          Wake           7,209   22,091        Sargent        8,478   24,547       Hocking        7,051   21,428
          Warren         6,774   20,823        Sheridan       8,478   24,547       Holmes         5,810   18,897
          Washington     9,047   21,390        Sioux          8,478   24,547       Huron          8,591   20,639
          Watauga        7,736   23,965        Slope          8,478   24,547       Jackson        8,906   23,548
          Wayne          8,970   27,984        Stark          8,478   24,547       Jefferson      7,496   19,458
          Wilkes         7,736   23,965        Steele         8,478   24,547       Knox           7,055   22,087
          Wilson         8,970   27,984        Stutsman       8,478   24,547       Lake           7,530   23,234
          Yadkin         8,418   23,593        Towner         8,478   24,547       Lawrence       8,906   23,548
          Yancey         7,301   21,752        Traill         8,478   24,547       Licking        7,055   22,087
                                               Walsh          8,478   24,547       Logan          7,055   22,087
         North Dakota                          Ward           8,478   24,547       Lorain         7,530   23,234

                         Employee- Dependent,  Wells          8,478   24,547       Lucas          8,137   21,370
          County         Only    Family, etc.  Williams       8,478   24,547       Madison        7,055   22,087
          Adams          8,478   24,547                                            Mahoning       7,528   20,468
          Barnes         8,478   24,547       Ohio                                 Marion         7,654   21,747
          Benson         8,478   24,547                       Employee- Dependent,  Medina        7,297   22,928
          Billings       8,478   24,547        County         Only    Family, etc.  Meigs         7,051   21,428
          Bottineau      8,478   24,547        Adams          7,363   19,544       Mercer         7,480   19,589
          Bowman         8,478   24,547        Allen          7,480   19,589       Miami          6,862   19,411
          Burke          8,478   24,547        Ashland        7,297   22,928       Monroe         7,496   19,458
          Burleigh       8,059   23,849        Ashtabula      7,530   23,234       Montgomery     6,862   19,411
          Cass           7,707   24,039        Athens         7,051   21,428       Morgan         7,496   19,458

         2022 Average Premium Tables                        -23-
   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152