Page 150 - IRS Business Tax Credits Guide
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Kingsbury 7,825 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 16,567 Robertson 14:26 - 22-Nov-2022
Lake 7,321 21,356 Dickson 6,733 18,618 Rutherford 7,695 19,360
Lawrence 7,426 21,045 Dyer 7,401 20,883 Scott 6,720 17,996
Lincoln 7,321 21,356 Fayette 7,200 18,799 Sequatchie 7,379 18,618
Lyman 7,426 21,045 Fentress 6,672 16,567 Sevier 6,720 17,996
Marshall 7,825 23,411 Franklin 7,379 18,618 Shelby 7,200 18,799
McCook 7,321 21,356 Gibson 7,401 20,883 Smith 6,672 16,567
McPherson 7,825 23,411 Giles 6,733 18,618 Stewart 6,733 18,618
Meade 7,426 21,045 Grainger 6,720 17,996 Sullivan 7,434 18,852
Mellette 7,426 21,045 Greene 7,434 18,852 Sumner 7,695 19,360
Miner 8,365 24,641 Grundy 7,379 18,618 Tipton 7,200 18,799
Minnehaha 7,321 21,356 Hamblen 6,720 17,996 Trousdale 7,695 19,360
Moody 7,321 21,356 Hamilton 7,379 18,618 Unicoi 7,434 18,852
Pennington 7,426 21,045 Hancock 7,434 18,852 Union 6,720 17,996
Perkins 7,426 21,045 Hardeman 7,401 20,883 Van Buren 6,672 16,567
Potter 7,825 23,411 Hardin 7,401 20,883 Warren 6,672 16,567
Roberts 7,825 23,411 Hawkins 7,434 18,852 Washington 7,434 18,852
Sanborn 8,365 24,641 Haywood 7,200 18,799 Wayne 6,733 18,618
Shannon 7,426 21,045 Henderson 7,401 20,883 Weakley 7,401 20,883
Spink 7,825 23,411 Henry 7,401 20,883 White 6,672 16,567
Stanley 7,426 21,045 Hickman 6,733 18,618 Williamson 7,695 19,360
Sully 8,365 24,641 Houston 6,733 18,618 Wilson 7,695 19,360
Todd 7,426 21,045 Humphreys 6,733 18,618 Texas
Tripp 7,426 21,045 Jackson 6,672 16,567
Turner 7,321 21,356 Jefferson 6,720 17,996 Employee- Dependent,
Union 7,321 21,356 Johnson 7,434 18,852 County Only Family, etc.
Walworth 7,825 23,411 Knox 6,720 17,996 Anderson 7,822 19,420
Yankton 8,365 24,641 Lake 7,401 20,883 Andrews 7,822 19,420
Ziebach 7,426 21,045 Lauderdale 7,200 18,799 Angelina 7,822 19,420
Lawrence 6,733 18,618 Aransas 8,102 26,628
Lewis 6,733 18,618 Archer 8,440 20,716
Employee- Dependent, Lincoln 6,733 18,618 Armstrong 10,030 22,167
County Only Family, etc. Loudon 6,720 17,996 Atascosa 7,665 18,955
Anderson 6,720 17,996 Macon 6,672 16,567 Austin 7,022 22,662
Bedford 6,733 18,618 Madison 7,401 20,883 Bailey 7,822 19,420
Benton 7,401 20,883 Marion 7,379 18,618 Bandera 7,665 18,955
Bledsoe 7,379 18,618 Marshall 6,733 18,618 Bastrop 7,061 20,191
Blount 6,720 17,996 Maury 6,733 18,618 Baylor 7,822 19,420
Bradley 7,379 18,618 McMinn 7,379 18,618 Bee 7,822 19,420
Campbell 6,720 17,996 McNairy 7,401 20,883 Bell 7,339 16,674
Cannon 6,672 16,567 Meigs 7,379 18,618 Bexar 7,665 18,955
Carroll 7,401 20,883 Monroe 6,720 17,996 Blanco 7,822 19,420
Carter 7,434 18,852 Montgomery 7,695 19,360 Borden 7,822 19,420
Cheatham 7,695 19,360 Moore 6,733 18,618 Bosque 7,822 19,420
Chester 7,401 20,883 Morgan 6,720 17,996 Bowie 6,585 18,517
Claiborne 6,720 17,996 Obion 7,401 20,883 Brazoria 7,022 22,662
Clay 6,672 16,567 Overton 6,672 16,567 Brazos 7,118 20,305
Cocke 6,720 17,996 Perry 6,733 18,618 Brewster 7,822 19,420
Coffee 6,733 18,618 Pickett 6,672 16,567 Briscoe 7,822 19,420
Crockett 7,401 20,883 Polk 7,379 18,618 Brooks 7,822 19,420
Cumberland 6,672 16,567 Putnam 6,672 16,567 Brown 7,822 19,420
Davidson 7,695 19,360 Rhea 7,379 18,618 Burleson 7,118 20,305
Decatur 7,401 20,883 Roane 6,720 17,996 Burnet 7,822 19,420
-26- 2022 Average Premium Tables