Page 151 - IRS Business Tax Credits Guide
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Caldwell 7,061 Fileid: … ions/i8941/2022/a/xml/cycle05/source 19,420 Kimble 14:26 - 22-Nov-2022
Calhoun 8,198 21,075 Frio 7,822 19,420 King 7,822 19,420
Callahan 7,456 20,335 Gaines 7,822 19,420 Kinney 7,822 19,420
Cameron 6,716 18,683 Galveston 7,022 22,662 Kleberg 7,822 19,420
Camp 7,822 19,420 Garza 7,822 19,420 Knox 7,822 19,420
Carson 10,030 22,167 Gillespie 7,822 19,420 Lamar 7,822 19,420
Cass 7,822 19,420 Glasscock 7,822 19,420 Lamb 7,822 19,420
Castro 7,822 19,420 Goliad 8,198 21,075 Lampasas 7,339 16,674
Chambers 7,022 22,662 Gonzales 7,822 19,420 LaSalle 7,822 19,420
Cherokee 7,822 19,420 Gray 7,822 19,420 Lavaca 7,822 19,420
Childress 7,822 19,420 Grayson 7,707 19,176 Lee 7,822 19,420
Clay 8,440 20,716 Gregg 6,126 22,987 Leon 7,822 19,420
Cochran 7,822 19,420 Grimes 7,822 19,420 Liberty 7,022 22,662
Coke 7,822 19,420 Guadalupe 7,665 18,955 Limestone 7,822 19,420
Coleman 7,822 19,420 Hale 7,822 19,420 Lipscomb 7,822 19,420
Collin 7,978 22,164 Hall 7,822 19,420 Live Oak 7,822 19,420
Collingsworth 7,822 19,420 Hamilton 7,822 19,420 Llano 7,822 19,420
Colorado 7,822 19,420 Hansford 7,822 19,420 Loving 7,822 19,420
Comal 7,665 18,955 Hardeman 7,822 19,420 Lubbock 6,457 21,917
Comanche 7,822 19,420 Hardin 9,052 22,480 Lynn 7,822 19,420
Concho 7,822 19,420 Harris 7,022 22,662 Madison 7,822 19,420
Cooke 7,822 19,420 Harrison 7,822 19,420 Marion 7,822 19,420
Coryell 7,339 16,674 Hartley 7,822 19,420 Martin 7,822 19,420
Cottle 7,822 19,420 Haskell 7,822 19,420 Mason 7,822 19,420
Crane 7,822 19,420 Hays 7,061 20,191 Matagorda 7,822 19,420
Crockett 7,822 19,420 Hemphill 7,822 19,420 Maverick 7,822 19,420
Crosby 6,457 21,917 Henderson 7,822 19,420 McCulloch 7,822 19,420
Culberson 7,822 19,420 Hidalgo 8,613 21,323 McLennan 5,696 16,196
Dallam 7,822 19,420 Hill 7,822 19,420 McMullen 7,822 19,420
Dallas 7,978 22,164 Hockley 7,822 19,420 Medina 7,665 18,955
Dawson 7,822 19,420 Hood 7,822 19,420 Menard 7,822 19,420
Deaf Smith 7,822 19,420 Hopkins 7,822 19,420 Midland 6,913 22,892
Delta 7,978 22,164 Houston 7,822 19,420 Milam 7,822 19,420
Denton 7,978 22,164 Howard 7,822 19,420 Mills 7,822 19,420
DeWitt 7,822 19,420 Hudspeth 7,822 19,420 Mitchell 7,822 19,420
Dickens 7,822 19,420 Hunt 7,978 22,164 Montague 7,822 19,420
Dimmit 7,822 19,420 Hutchinson 7,822 19,420 Montgomery 7,022 22,662
Donley 7,822 19,420 Irion 10,151 20,682 Moore 7,822 19,420
Duval 7,822 19,420 Jack 7,822 19,420 Morris 7,822 19,420
Eastland 7,822 19,420 Jackson 7,822 19,420 Motley 7,822 19,420
Ector 8,911 19,166 Jasper 7,822 19,420 Nacogdoches 7,822 19,420
Edwards 7,822 19,420 Jeff Davis 7,822 19,420 Navarro 7,822 19,420
El Paso 7,581 16,149 Jefferson 9,052 22,480 Newton 7,822 19,420
Ellis 7,978 22,164 Jim Hogg 7,822 19,420 Nolan 7,822 19,420
Erath 7,822 19,420 Jim Wells 7,822 19,420 Nueces 8,102 26,628
Falls 7,822 19,420 Johnson 7,978 22,164 Ochiltree 7,822 19,420
Fannin 7,822 19,420 Jones 7,456 20,335 Oldham 7,822 19,420
Fayette 7,822 19,420 Karnes 7,822 19,420 Orange 9,052 22,480
Fisher 7,822 19,420 Kaufman 7,978 22,164 Palo Pinto 7,822 19,420
Floyd 7,822 19,420 Kendall 7,665 18,955 Panola 7,822 19,420
Foard 7,822 19,420 Kenedy 7,822 19,420 Parker 7,978 22,164
Fort Bend 7,022 22,662 Kent 7,822 19,420 Parmer 7,822 19,420
Franklin 7,822 19,420 Kerr 7,822 19,420 Pecos 7,822 19,420
2022 Average Premium Tables -27-