Page 150 - Internal Auditing Standards
P. 150

Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities Volume 1—Core Concepts

        •     Achieve fair presentation (for fair presentation frameworks); or

        •     Are not misleading (for compliance frameworks).

        When information is identified that suggests the existence of related-party relationships or transactions that

        were not previously identified or disclosed by management, the auditor is required to determine whether the

        underlying circumstances confirm the existence of such relationships or transactions.
        ISA 550 provides guidance on the auditor’s responsibility and audit procedures regarding related parties and
        transactions with such parties.

        Exhibit 12.1-2

         Where                   Description
         Applicable              Obtain an understanding of the entity’s related-party relationships and transactions
         Financial Reporting     suffi  cient to:
         Framework               •    Recognize fraud risk factors, if any, arising from related-party relationships
         Establishes Minimal          and transactions that are relevant to the identification and assessment of the

         or No Requirements           risks of material misstatement due to fraud; and
                                 •    Conclude, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether the fi nancial
                                      statements, insofar as they are affected by those relationships and

                                      transactions, achieve fair presentation (for fair presentation frameworks); or
                                      are not misleading (for compliance frameworks).

         Applicable              In addition to the steps described above, obtain suffi  cient appropriate audit
         Financial Reporting     evidence to comply with the specific accounting and disclosure requirements for

         Framework Sets Out  related-party relationships, transactions, and balances.
         the Requirements

        12.2 Risk Assessment

            Paragraph #           Relevant Extracts from ISAs
            550.11                As part of the risk assessment procedures and related activities that ISA 315 and ISA 240 require the
                                  auditor to perform during the audit, the auditor shall perform the audit procedures and related
                                  activities set out in paragraphs 12-17 to obtain information relevant to identifying the risks of
                                  material misstatement associated with related-party relationships and transactions. (Ref: Para. A8)
            550.12                The engagement team discussion that ISA 315 and ISA 240 require shall include specifi c consideration

                                  of the susceptibility of the financial statements to material misstatement due to fraud or error that
                                  could result from the entity’s related-party relationships and transactions. (Ref: Para. A9-A10)
            550.13                The auditor shall inquire of management regarding:
                                  (a)  The identity of the entity’s related parties, including changes from the prior period; (Ref:
                                     Para. A11-A14)
                                  (b)  The nature of the relationships between the entity and these related parties; and
                                  (c)  Whether the entity entered into any transactions with these related parties during the
                                     period and, if so, the type and purpose of the transactions.

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