Page 113 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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         Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice                        14:28 - 20-Jan-2023

         The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of  tax return. This could make the tax higher   If  you  have  suggestions  for  making
         1998,  the  Privacy  Act  of  1974,  and  the  or delay any refund. Interest may also be  these forms simpler, we would be happy
         Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 require  charged.                       to hear from you. You can send us com-
         that when we ask you for information we                                 ments  through
         must  first  tell  you  our  legal  right  to  ask   Generally, tax returns and return infor-  Or you can send your comments to Inter-
         for  the  information,  why  we  are  asking   mation are confidential, as stated in Code   nal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and Pub-
         for it, and how it will be used. We must   section  6103.  However,  Code  section   lications  Division,  1111  Constitution
         also tell you what could happen if we do   6103 allows or requires the Internal Reve-  Ave.  NW,  IR-6526,  Washington,  DC
         not receive it and whether your response   nue Service to disclose or give the infor-  20224. Don’t send your return to this ad-
         is voluntary, required to obtain a benefit,   mation shown on your tax return to others   dress. Instead, see the addresses at the end
         or mandatory under the law.         as  described  in  the  Code.  For  example,   of these instructions.
                                             we may disclose your tax information to
            This  notice  applies  to  all  records  and   the  Department  of  Justice  to  enforce  the   Although we can't respond individual-
         other material (in paper or electronic for-  tax  laws,  both  civil  and  criminal,  and  to  ly to each comment received, we do ap-
         mat)  you  file  with  us,  including  this  tax   cities,  states,  the  District  of  Columbia,  preciate your feedback and will consider
         return. It also applies to any questions we   and  U.S.  commonwealths  or  possessions  your  comments  as  we  revise  our  tax
         need to ask you so we can complete, cor-  to carry out their tax laws. We may dis-  forms and instructions.
         rect,  or  process  your  return;  figure  your   close your tax information to the Depart-
         tax; and collect tax, interest, or penalties.  ment of Treasury and contractors for tax   Estimates of Taxpayer
            Our legal right to ask for information  administration purposes; and to other per-  Burden
         is  Internal  Revenue  Code  sections  6001,  sons  as  necessary  to  obtain  information  The  following  table  shows  burden  esti-
         6011, and 6012(a), and their regulations.  needed to determine the amount of or to  mates based on current statutory require-
         They  say  that  you  must  file  a  return  or  collect the tax you owe. We may disclose  ments as of November 2022 for taxpayers
         statement with us for any tax you are lia-  your  tax  information  to  the  Comptroller  filing a 2022 Form 1040 or 1040-SR tax
         ble for. Your response is mandatory under  General of the United States to permit the  return.  Time  spent  and  out-of-pocket
         these  sections.  Code  section  6109  re-  Comptroller General to review the Inter-  costs are presented separately. Time bur-
         quires  you  to  provide  your  identifying  nal  Revenue  Service.  We  may  disclose  den  is  broken  out  by  taxpayer  activity,
         number on the return. This is so we know  your  tax  information  to  committees  of  with recordkeeping representing the larg-
         who you are, and can process your return  Congress;  federal,  state,  and  local  child  est  component.  Out-of-pocket  costs  in-
         and other papers. You must fill in all parts  support  agencies;  and  to  other  federal  clude any expenses incurred by taxpayers
         of the tax form that apply to you. But you  agencies for the purposes of determining  to  prepare  and  submit  their  tax  returns.
         do  not  have  to  check  the  boxes  for  the  entitlement  for  benefits  or  the  eligibility  Examples  include  tax  return  preparation
         Presidential  Election  Campaign  Fund  or  for and the repayment of loans. We may  and  submission  fees,  postage  and  photo-
         for the third-party designee. You also do  also  disclose  this  information  to  other  copying costs, and tax return preparation
         not  have  to  provide  your  daytime  phone  countries under a tax treaty, to federal and  software  costs.  While  these  estimates
         number or email address.            state  agencies  to  enforce  federal  nontax  don’t  include  burden  associated  with
                                             criminal laws, or to federal law enforce-  post-filing activities, IRS operational data
            You are not required to provide the in-
         formation requested on a form that is sub-  ment and intelligence agencies to combat  indicate  that  electronically  prepared  and
         ject to the Paperwork Reduction Act un-                                 filed returns have fewer arithmetic errors,
         less the form displays a valid OMB con-  Please  keep  this  notice  with  your  re-  implying lower post-filing burden.
         trol number. Books or records relating to   cords. It may help you if we ask you for   Reported time and cost burdens are na-
         a form or its instructions must be retained   other  information.  If  you  have  questions  tional  averages  and  don’t  necessarily  re-
         as long as their contents may become ma-  about the rules for filing and giving infor- flect a “typical” case. Most taxpayers ex-
         terial in the administration of any Internal   mation,  please  call  or  visit  any  Internal  perience lower than average burden, with
         Revenue law.                        Revenue Service office.             taxpayer burden varying considerably by
            We  ask  for  tax  return  information  to   We Welcome Comments on   taxpayer type. For instance, the estimated
         carry  out  the  tax  laws  of  the  United   Forms                     average time burden for all taxpayers fil-
         States.  We  need  it  to  figure  and  collect                         ing a Form 1040 or 1040-SR is 13 hours,
         the right amount of tax.            We  try  to  create  forms  and  instructions   with an average cost of $250 per return.
                                             that can be easily understood. Often this   This average includes all associated forms
            If you do not file a return, do not pro-                             and schedules, across all tax return prepa-
         vide  the  information  we  ask  for,  or  pro-  is difficult to do because our tax laws are   ration methods and taxpayer activities.
         vide fraudulent information, you may be   very  complex.  For  some  people  with  in-
         charged penalties and be subject to crimi-  come  mostly  from  wages,  filling  in  the   Within  this  estimate,  there  is  signifi-
         nal prosecution. We may also have to dis-  forms is easy. For others who have busi-  cant variation in taxpayer activity. For ex-
         allow the exemptions, exclusions, credits,   nesses, pensions, stocks, rental income, or   ample,  nonbusiness  taxpayers  are  expec-
         deductions, or adjustments shown on the   other investments, it is more difficult.  ted to have an average burden of about 8

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