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         Major Categories of Federal Income and Outlays for Fiscal Year 2021

           Income and Outlays. These pie charts show the relative sizes of the major categories of federal income and outlays for  scal year 2021.
             Income                                               Outlays*
                                                                                   Law                 Physical,
                   Social security, Medicare,  Personal income   Social security,             interest  human, and
                  and unemployment and other     taxes          Medicare, and other  enforcement  on the  community
                                                                                and general
                      retirement taxes            30%              retirement 1  government    debt  development 3
                          19%                                        29%                       5%
                                                                                   5%                   13%

                                               Excise, customs,      National defense,
                                 Corporate     estate, gift, and                                Social
               Borrowing to     income taxes                        veterans, and foreign      programs 4
               cover de cit        5%         miscellaneous taxes        affairs                 33%
                  41%                              5%                     15%
                                                               *Numbers may not total to 100% due to rounding.

         On or before the first Monday in February  30, 2021), federal income was $4.047 tril-  countries  and  the  maintenance  of  U.S.
         of each year, the President is required by  lion  and  outlays  were  $6.882  trillion,  embassies abroad.
         law  to  submit  to  the  Congress  a  budget  leaving a deficit of $2.775 trillion.  3. Physical,  human,  and  communi-
         proposal for the fiscal year that begins the                            ty development: These outlays were for
         following  October.  The  budget  plan  sets  Footnotes for Certain Federal   agriculture;  natural  resources;  environ-
         forth  the  President's  proposed  receipts,   Outlays                  ment;  transportation;  aid  for  elementary
         spending,  and  the  surplus  or  deficit  for                          and secondary education and direct assis-
         the federal government. The plan includes                               tance to college students; job training; de-
         recommendations  for  new  legislation  as   1. Social  security,  Medicare,  and   posit  insurance,  commerce  and  housing
         well as recommendations to change, elim-  other  retirement:  These  programs  pro-  credit, and community development; and
         inate, and add programs. After receipt of  vide  income  support  for  the  retired  and   space,  energy,  and  general  science  pro-
         the President's proposal, the Congress re-  disabled and medical care for the elderly.  grams.
         views the proposal and makes changes. It   2. National  defense,  veterans,  and   4. Social  programs:  About  22%  of
         first passes a budget resolution setting its  foreign  affairs:  About  11%  of  outlays   total  outlays  were  for  Medicaid,  Supple-
         own targets for receipts, outlays, and sur-  were  to  equip,  modernize,  and  pay  our   mental  Nutrition  Assistance  Program
         plus or deficit. Next, individual spending  armed forces and to fund national defense   (formerly food stamps), temporary assis-
         and revenue bills that are consistent with  activities;  about  3%  were  for  veterans   tance for needy families, supplemental se-
         the  goals  of  the  budget  resolution  are  benefits and services; and about 1% were   curity income, and related programs; and
         enacted.                            for international activities, including mili-  11% for health research and public health
            In  fiscal  year  2021  (which  began  on   tary  and  economic  assistance  to  foreign   programs,  unemployment  compensation,
         October 1, 2020, and ended on September                                 assisted housing, and social services.

         Note. The percentages shown here exclude undistributed offsetting receipts, which were $124 billion in fiscal year 2021. In the budget, these receipts are offset against spending in figuring the outlay totals shown above.
         These receipts are for the U.S. Government's share of its employee retirement programs, rents and royalties on the Outer Continental Shelf, and proceeds from the sale of assets.

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