Page 196 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
P. 196

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            Enter  on  line  20b  amounts  paid  to   • Contributions to a state unemploy-  your employee, the travel is for a bona
         rent or lease other property, such as of-  ment insurance fund or disability benefit   fide business purpose, and the expenses
         fice space in a building.            fund if they are considered taxes under   would  otherwise  be  deductible  by  that
                                              state law.                          person.
         Line 21                                Do not deduct the following.         Do not include expenses for meals on

         Deduct the cost of incidental repairs and   • Federal  income  taxes,  including   this line. Instead, see Line 24b, later. Do
         maintenance that do not add to the prop-  your  self-employment  tax.  However,   not  include  entertainment  expenses  on
         erty's  value  or  appreciably  prolong  its   you can deduct one-half of your self-em-  this line.
         life.  Do  not  deduct  the  value  of  your   ployment  tax  on  Schedule  1  (Form
         own labor. Do not deduct amounts spent   1040),  line  15  (but  if  filing  Form   Instead  of  keeping  records  of  your
         to restore or replace property; they must   1040-NR, then only when covered under   actual incidental expenses, you can use
         be capitalized.                      the U.S. social security system due to an   an  optional  method  for  deducting  inci-
                                              international social security agreement).  dental expenses only if you did not pay
         Line 22                                • Estate and gift taxes.          or  incur  meal  expenses  on  a  day  you
                                                                                  were  traveling  away  from  your  tax
                                                • Taxes assessed to pay for improve-
         In most cases, you can deduct the cost of   ments, such as paving and sewers.  home.  The  amount  of  the  deduction  is
         materials and supplies only to the extent   • Taxes  on  your  home  or  personal   $5  a  day.  Incidental  expenses  include
         you actually consumed and used them in   use property.                   fees  and  tips  given  to  porters,  baggage
         your business during the tax year (unless   • State and local sales taxes on prop-  carriers, bellhops, hotel maids, stewards
         you deducted them in a prior tax year).   erty purchased for use in your business.   or stewardesses and others on ships, and
         However, if you had incidental materials   Instead,  treat  these  taxes  as  part  of  the   hotel servants in foreign countries. They
         and supplies on hand for which you kept   cost of the property.          do  not  include  expenses  for  laundry,
         no inventories or records of use, you can   • State and local sales taxes imposed   cleaning and pressing of clothing, lodg-
         deduct  the  cost  of  those  you  actually   on  the  buyer  that  you  were  required  to   ing  taxes,  or  the  costs  of  telegrams  or
         purchased during the tax year, provided   collect  and  pay  over  to  state  or  local   telephone  calls.  You  cannot  use  this
         that method clearly reflects income.  governments. These taxes are not inclu-  method  on  any  day  that  you  use  the
            You  can  also  deduct  the  cost  of   ded  in  gross  receipts  or  sales  nor  are   standard  meal  allowance  (as  explained
         books,  professional  instruments,  equip-  they  a  deductible  expense.  However,  if   under Line 24b, later).
         ment,  etc.,  if  you  normally  use  them   the  state  or  local  government  allowed   You  cannot  deduct  expenses  for  at-
         within a year. However, if their useful-  you  to  retain  any  part  of  the  sales  tax   tending a convention, seminar, or simi-
         ness  extends  substantially  beyond  a   you  collected,  you  must  include  that   lar  meeting  held  outside  the  North
         year,  you  must  generally  recover  their   amount as income on line 6.  American area unless the meeting is di-
         costs through depreciation.            • Other taxes and license fees not re-  rectly  related  to  your  trade  or  business
                                              lated to your business.             and it is as reasonable for the meeting to
         Line 23                                     Do  not  reduce  your  deduction   be held outside the North American area

         You can deduct the following taxes and   !  for  social  security  and  Medi-  as  within  it.  These  rules  apply  to  both
                                                     care  taxes  by  the  nonrefunda-
         licenses on this line.               ble and refundable portions of the credit   employers  and  employees.  Other  rules
            • State and local sales taxes imposed                                 apply to luxury water travel.
         on you as the seller of goods or services.   for sick and family leave wages that you   For  details  on  travel  expenses,  see
         If you collected this tax from the buyer,   claimed  on  Form  944  or  Form(s)  941.   chapter 1 of Pub. 463.
         you  must  also  include  the  amount  col-  Instead, you must report your credit for
         lected  in  gross  receipts  or  sales  on   qualified sick and family leave wages as   Line 24b
         line 1.                              income on line 6.
            • Real  estate  and  personal  property                               Enter your deductible business meal ex-
         taxes on business assets.            Line 24a                            penses. This includes expenses for meals
            • Licenses  and  regulatory  fees  for                                while  traveling  away  from  home  for
         your trade or business paid each year to   Enter  your  expenses  for  lodging  and   business. Your deductible business meal
         state or local governments. But some li-  transportation connected with overnight   expenses are a percentage of your actual
         censes,  such  as  liquor  licenses,  may   travel  for  business  while  away  from   business meal expenses or standard meal
         have  to  be  amortized.  See  chapter  8  of   your tax home. In most cases, your tax   allowance.  See  Amount  of  deduction,
         Pub. 535 for details.                home is your main place of business, re-  later,  for  the  percentage  that  applies  to
            • Social security and Medicare taxes   gardless  of  where  you  maintain  your   your  actual  meal  expenses  or  standard
         paid to match required withholding from   family home. You cannot deduct expen-  meal allowance. In most cases, the per-
         your  employees’  wages.  Reduce  your   ses paid or incurred in connection with   centage  is  50%.  However,  business
         deduction  by  the  amount  shown  on   employment away from home if that pe-  meals are 100% deductible if the meals
         Form 8846, line 4.                   riod of employment exceeds 1 year. Al-  are food or beverages provided by a res-
            • Federal unemployment tax paid.  so,  you  cannot  deduct  travel  expenses   taurant  and  paid  or  incurred  after  De-
            • Federal highway use tax.        for your spouse, your dependent, or any   cember 31, 2020, and before January 1,
                                              other  individual  unless  that  person  is   2023.

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