Page 198 - Individual Forms & Instructions Guide
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            For  additional  information  about   in  any  reasonable  manner  you  choose,   actual  expenses  to  figure  your  deduc-
         claiming this deduction, see Pub. 587.  but  you  may  not  allocate  more  square   tion.
                                              feet to a qualified business use than you
                 If you are not using the simpli-                                    Depreciation  of  home.  You  cannot
          TIP    fied  method  to  determine  the   actually use in that business.  deduct  any  depreciation  (including  any
                 amount  of  expenses  you  may      If you used your home for more   additional first-year depreciation) or sec-
         deduct  for  business  use  of  a  home,  do   !  than  one  business,  you  will   tion 179 expense for the portion of your
         not complete the additional entry spaces   CAUTION  need  to  file  a  separate  Sched-  home that is used in a qualified business
         on  line  30  for  total  square  footage  of   ule C for each business. Do not combine   use  if  you  figure  the  deduction  for  the
         your home and of the part of the home   your  deductions  for  each  business  use   business  use  of  your  home  using  the
         used  for  business.  Just  include  the   on a single Schedule C.       simplified method. The depreciation de-
         amount from line 36 of your Form 8829                                    duction allowable for that portion of the
         on line 30.                            Business  use  of  more  than  one   home for that year is deemed to be zero.
                                              home.  You  may  have  used  more  than
         Simplified  method.  The  simplified   one home in your business. If you used   Although  you  cannot  deduct
         method  is  an  alternative  to  the  calcula-  more than one home for the same busi-  TIP  any depreciation or section 179
         tion, allocation, and substantiation of ac-  ness during 2022, you may elect to use   expense for the portion of your
         tual  expenses.  In  most  cases,  you  will   the  simplified  method  for  only  one   home that is a qualified business use be-
         figure your deduction by multiplying the   home;  you  must  file  a  Form  8829  to   cause  you  elect  to  use  the  simplified
         area (measured in square feet) used reg-  claim a business use of the home deduc-  method, you may still claim depreciation
         ularly and exclusively for business, reg-  tion  for  any  additional  home.  If  one  or   or the section 179 expense deduction on
         ularly for daycare, or regularly for stor-  more of the homes were not used for the   other assets (for example, furniture and
         age of inventory or product samples, by   entire  year  (for  example,  you  moved   equipment)  used  in  the  qualified  busi-
         $5. The area you use to figure your de-  during  the  year),  see  Part-year  use  or   ness use of your home.
         duction  cannot  exceed  300  square  feet.   area changes (for simplified method on-
         You cannot use the simplified method to   ly), later, and Columns (a) and (b) in the   Figuring  your  allowable  expenses  for
                                                                                  business  use  of  the  home.  You  will
         figure a deduction for rental use of your   Instructions for Form 8829.
         home.                                                                    figure the deduction using Form 8829 or
                                                Other  requirements  must  still  be   the  Simplified  Method  Worksheet,  or
            Electing to use the simplified meth-  met.  You must still meet all the use re-  both.
         od.  You  choose  whether  or  not  to  use   quirements  to  claim  a  deduction  for   You may not use the simplified
         the  simplified  method  each  tax  year.   business use of the home. The simplified   method  and  also  file  Form
         Make  the  election  by  using  the  simpli-  method is only an alternative to the cal-  !  8829  for  the  same  qualified
         fied method to figure the deduction for   culation,  allocation,  and  substantiation   business use of the same home.
         the qualified business use of a home on   of actual expenses. The simplified meth-
         a  timely  filed,  original  federal  income   od is not an alternative to the exclusivity   Using  Form  8829.  Use  Form  8829
         tax return for that year. An election for a   and other tests that must be met in order   to figure and claim this deduction for a
         year,  once  made,  is  irrevocable.  A   to  qualify  for  this  deduction.  For  more   home  if  you  are  not  or  cannot  use  the
         change from using the simplified meth-  information  about  qualifying  business   simplified method for that home. For in-
         od  in  one  year  to  actual  expenses  in  a   uses, see Qualifying for a Deduction in   formation about claiming this deduction
         succeeding year, or vice versa, is not a   Pub. 587.                     using  Form  8829,  see  the  Instructions
         change  in  method  of  accounting  and                                  for Form 8829 and Pub. 587.
         does not require the consent of the Com-  Gross   income   limitation.  The
         missioner.                           amount of your deduction is still limited   Using  the  simplified  method.  Use
            If you share your home with someone   to the gross income derived from quali-  the  Simplified  Method  Worksheet  in
         else  who  uses  the  home  for  a  separate   fied  business  use  of  the  home  reduced   these instructions to figure your deduc-
         business that qualifies for this deduction,   by  the  business  deductions  that  are  not   tion for a qualified business use of your
                                              related to your use of the home. If this
         each  of  you  may  make  your  own  elec-                               home if you are electing to use the sim-
         tion, but not for the same portion of the   limitation  reduces  the  amount  of  your   plified method for that home.
                                              deduction, you cannot carry over the dif-
         home.                                ference to another tax year.           Shared  use  (for  simplified  method
            If  you  conduct  more  than  one  busi-                              only).  If  you  share  your  home  with
         ness  that  qualifies  for  this  deduction  in   Carryover  of  actual  expenses  from   someone else who uses the home for a
         your home, your election to use the sim-  Form 8829.  If you used Form 8829 in a   separate  business  that  also  qualifies  for
         plified method applies to all your quali-  prior year, and you had actual expenses   this deduction, you may not include the
         fied  business  uses  of  your  home.  You   that  you  could  carry  over  to  the  next   same  square  feet  to  figure  your  deduc-
         are limited to a maximum of 300 square   year, you cannot claim those expenses if   tion as the other person. You must allo-
         feet for all of the businesses you conduct   you are using the simplified method. In-  cate  the  shared  space  between  you  and
         in your home that qualify for this deduc-  stead,  the  actual  expenses  from  Form   the other person in a reasonable manner.
         tion. Allocate the actual square footage   8829 that were not allowed will be car-  Example.  Kristen  and  Lindsey  are
         used  (up  to  the  maximum  300  square   ried  over  to  the  next  year  that  you  use   roommates. Kristen uses 300 square feet
         feet) among your qualified business uses

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