Page 9 - Tax withholding and Estimated Taxes
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         IRS  review  of  your  withholding.  Your  with-  Use Figure 1-A to help you decide whether   Your  claim  of  exempt  status  may  be  re-
         holding or any claim for a complete exemption   you  can  claim  exemption  from  withholding.   viewed by the IRS. See IRS review of your with-
         from withholding is subject to review by the IRS.   Don’t use Figure 1-A if you:  holding, earlier.
         Your employer may be required to send a copy   • Are 65 or older,
         of the Form W-4 to the IRS. There is a penalty   • Are blind,              An  exemption  is  good  for  only  1  year.
         for  supplying  false  information  on  Form  W-4.   • Will itemize deductions on your 2020 re-  You must give your employer a new Form W-4
         See Penalties, later.                   turn, or                        by February 15 each year to continue your ex-
            If the IRS determines that you have oversta-  • Will claim any tax credits on your 2020 re-  emption.
         ted your withholding or can’t claim a complete   turn.
         exemption from withholding, the IRS will issue a   These situations are discussed later.  Supplemental Wages
         notice  that  specifies  the  withholding  arrange-
         ment permitted for the employee (commonly re-  Students.  If you are a student, you are not au-  Supplemental wages include bonuses, commis-
         ferred  to  as  a  “lock-in  letter”)  to  both  you  and   tomatically exempt. If you work only part time or   sions,  overtime  pay,  vacation  allowances,  cer-
         your employer.                      during the summer, you may qualify for exemp-  tain  sick  pay,  and  expense  allowances  under
            The IRS will provide a period of time during   tion from withholding.  certain plans. The payer can figure withholding
         which you can dispute the determination before                          on supplemental wages using the same method
         your  employer  adjusts  your  withholding.  If  you   Example 1.  You are a high school student   used for your regular wages. However, if these
         believe that you are entitled to claim complete   and expect to earn $2,500 from a summer job.   payments are identified separately from regular
         exemption from withholding or that the IRS de-  You don’t expect to have any other income dur-  wages, your employer or other payer of supple-
         termination  was  otherwise  incorrect,  you  must   ing  the  year,  and  your  parents  will  be  able  to   mental  wages  can  withhold  income  tax  from
         submit a new Form W-4 and a written statement   claim  you  as  a  dependent  on  their  tax  return.   these wages at a 22% flat rate under certain cir-
         to support your claims made on Form W-4 that   You worked last summer and had $375 federal   cumstances as explained in the section on sup-
         would decrease federal income tax withholding   income  tax  withheld  from  your  pay.  The  entire   plemental wages in Pub. 15.
         to the IRS. Contact information (a toll-free num-  $375  was  refunded  when  you  filed  your  2019
         ber and an IRS office address) will be provided   return. Using Figure 1-A, you find that you can   Expense  allowances.  Reimbursements  or
         in the lock-in letter. At the end of this period, if   claim exemption from withholding.  other  expense  allowances  paid  by  your  em-
         you haven’t responded or if your response isn’t                         ployer under a nonaccountable plan are treated
         adequate,  your  employer  will  be  required  to   Example  2.  The  facts  are  the  same  as  in   as supplemental wages. A nonaccountable plan
         withhold based on the original lock-in letter.  Example 1, except that you also have a savings   is a reimbursement arrangement that does not
            After the lock-in letter takes effect, your em-  account  and  expect  to  have  $400  interest  in-  require you to account for, or prove, your busi-
         ployer  must  withhold  tax  on  the  basis  of  the   come  during  the  year.  Using  Figure  1-A,  you   ness expenses to your employer or does not re-
         withholding  rate  (marital  status)  and  maximum   find  that  you  can’t  claim  exemption  from  with-  quire  you  to  return  your  employer's  payments
         withholding specified in that letter.  holding because your unearned income will be   that are more than your proven expenses.
            If  you  later  believe  that  you  are  entitled  to   more  than  $350  and  your  total  income  will  be   Reimbursements or other expense allowan-
         claim exemption from withholding or otherwise   more than $1,100.       ces  paid  under  an  accountable  plan  that  are
         adjust  your  withholding,  you  can  complete  a   You may have to file a tax return, even   more than your proven expenses are treated as
         new Form W-4 and a written statement to sup-  if  you  are  exempt  from  withholding.   paid  under  a  nonaccountable  plan  if  you  don’t
         port  the  claims  made  on  the  Form  W-4  and   !  See Pub. 501 to see whether you must   return the excess payments within a reasonable
         send them directly to the IRS address shown on   file a return.         period of time.
         the lock-in letter. Your employer must continue
         to  figure  your  withholding  on  the  basis  previ-  Age 65 or older or blind. If you are 65   Accountable  plan.  To  be  an  accountable
         ously determined by the IRS until the IRS advi-  or older or blind, use Worksheet 1-1 or   plan,  your  employer's  reimbursement  or  allow-
         ses your employer otherwise.              Worksheet  1-2  to  help  you  decide   ance arrangement must include all three of the
            At any time, either before or after the lock-in   whether  you  can  claim  exemption  from  with-  following rules.
         letter becomes effective, you may give your em-  holding.  Don’t  use  either  worksheet  if  you  will   • Your expenses must have a business con-
         ployer  a  new  Form  W-4  that  does  not  claim   itemize deductions or claim tax credits on your   nection. That is, you must have paid or in-
         complete  exemption  from  withholding  and  re-  2020 return. Instead, see Itemizing deductions   curred deductible expenses while perform-
         sults in more income tax withheld than specified   or claiming credits next.  ing services as an employee of your
         in  the  lock-in  letter.  Your  employer  must  then                       employer.
         withhold tax based on this new Form W-4.                                  • You must adequately account to your em-
            Additional  information  is  available  at   Itemizing deductions or claiming credits.  If   ployer for these expenses within a reason-
                                                                                     able period of time.
                                             you had no tax liability for 2019, and you will:   Enter   ``withholding   compliance   • Itemize deductions, or  • You must return any excess reimburse-
         questions'' in the search box.        • Claim a tax credit,                 ment or allowance within a reasonable pe-
                                                                                     riod of time.
         Exemption From Withholding          use Worksheet 2-1 (also, see chapter 2) to fig-  An  excess  reimbursement  or  allowance  is
                                             ure  your  2020  expected  tax  liability.  You  can
         If  you  claim  exemption  from  withholding,  your   claim  exemption  from  withholding  only  if  your   any amount you are paid that is more than the
                                             total expected tax liability (line 11c of the work-
                                                                                 business-related expenses that you adequately
         employer  won’t  withhold  federal  income  tax   sheet) is zero.       accounted for to your employer.
         from your wages. The exemption applies only to                             The  definition  of  reasonable  period  of  time
         income  tax,  not  to  social  security  or  Medicare   Claiming  exemption  from  withholding.  To
         tax.                                claim exemption, you must give your employer   depends  on  the  facts  and  circumstances  of
                                                                                 your  situation.  However,  regardless  of  those
            You  can  claim  exemption  from  withholding   a Form W-4. Write “Exempt” on the form in the   facts  and  circumstances,  actions  that  take
         for 2020 only if both of the following situations   space  below  Step  4(c)  and  complete  Steps   place within the times specified in the following
         apply.                              1(a),  1(b),  and  5.  Don’t  complete  any  other   list will be treated as taking place within a rea-
           • For 2019, you had a right to a refund of all   steps.               sonable period of time.
             federal income tax withheld because you   If you claim exemption, but later your situa-  • You receive an advance within 30 days of
             had no tax liability.           tion  changes  so  that  you  will  have  to  pay  in-  the time you have an expense.
           • For 2020, you expect a refund of all federal   come  tax  after  all,  you  must  file  a  new  Form   • You adequately account for your expenses
             income tax withheld because you expect to   W-4  within  10  days  after  the  change.  If  you   within 60 days after they were paid or in-
             have no tax liability.          claim exemption in 2020 but you expect to owe   curred.
                                             income tax for 2021, you must file a new Form
                                             W-4 by December 1, 2020.

                                                                              Chapter 1  Tax Withholding for 2020    Page 7
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