Page 12 - Tax withholding and Estimated Taxes
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            The  amount  withheld  depends  on  whether   holding  allowances  you  can  claim.  The  work-  If your total income will be from $181,951 to
         you  receive  payments  spread  out  over  more   sheets  are  for  your  own  records.  Don’t  give   $200,000 ($351,401 and $400,000 if married fil-
         than  1  year  (periodic  payments),  within  1  year   them to the payer of your pension or annuity.  ing jointly), enter “1” on line D for each eligible
         (nonperiodic  payments),  or  as  an  eligible  roll-  Complete only one set of Form W-4P work-  child.
         over distribution (ERD). Income tax withholding   sheets, no matter how many sources of income   If your total income is higher than $200,000
         from  an  ERD  is  mandatory.  ERDs  are  dis-  you have. If you are married and will file a joint   ($400,000 if married filing jointly), enter “-0-” on
         cussed  under  Eligible  Rollover  Distributions,   return, complete only one set of worksheets for   line D.
         later.                              you and your spouse, even if you both earn wa-  To see if your child is an eligible child for the
                                             ges or receive pension or annuity payments and   child tax credit, see the instructions for Depend-
         Nontaxable part.  The part of your pension or   each must give Form W-4 or W-4P to your em-  ents  in  the  Form  1040  and  1040-SR  instruc-
         annuity  that  is  a  return  of  your  investment  in   ployers or the payers of your pension or annuity   tions.
         your retirement plan (the amount you paid into   payments.  Complete  separate  sets  of  work-  For  more  information  about  the  child  tax
         the plan or its cost to you) isn’t taxable. Income   sheets only if you and your spouse will file sep-  credit, see the Instructions for Forms 1040 and
         tax won’t be withheld from the part of your pen-  arate returns.        1040-SR.
         sion or annuity that isn’t taxable. The tax with-  Complete all worksheets that apply  to your   Instead  of  using  line  D,  you  can  choose  to
         held will be figured on, and can’t be more than,   situation.  The  worksheets  will  help  you  figure   take the child tax credit into account on line 1 of
         the taxable part.                   the  maximum  number  of  withholding  allowan-  Worksheet 1-6A.
            For  information  about  figuring  the  part  of   ces you are entitled to claim so that the amount
         your  pension  or  annuity  that  isn’t  taxable,  see   of income tax withheld from your periodic pay-  Credit for other dependents (worksheet line
         Pub. 575, Pension and Annuity Income.  ments  will  match,  as  closely  as  possible,  the   E).  If  your  total  income  will  be  less  than
                                             amount of income tax you will owe at the end of   $72,351 ($105,051 if married filing jointly), enter
         Periodic Payments                   the year.                           “1” on line E for each eligible dependent.
                                                                                    If your total income will be from $72,351 to
         Withholding  from  periodic  payments  of  a  pen-  Personal Allowances Worksheet  $181,950 ($105,051 and $351,400 if married fil-
         sion or annuity is figured similarly to withholding                     ing jointly), enter “1” on line E for every two de-
         from  certain  salaries  and  wages.  To  tell  the   Use  the  Personal  Allowances  Worksheet  on   pendents (for example, you would enter -0- for
         payer of your pension or annuity how much you   page 4 of Form W-4P to figure your withholding   one dependent, “1” if you have two or three de-
         want  withheld,  fill  out  Form  W-4P  or  a  similar   allowances based on all of the following that ap-  pendents, or “2” if you have four dependents).
         form  provided  by  the  payer.  2020  Form  W-4P   ply.                   If  your  total  income  will  be  higher  than
         has  different  entries  and  is  completed  differ-  • Filing status.  $181,950 ($351,400 if married filing jointly), en-
         ently from the 2020 Form W-4. Withholding on   • Child tax credit.      ter -0- on line E.
         2020  Form  W-4P  is  figured  under  the  same   • Credit for other dependents.  Instead  of  using  line  E,  you  can  choose  to
         rules that are used in calculating withholding in   • Other credits.    take  the  credit  for  other  dependents  into  ac-
         2020 for employees who have a 2019 (or prior                            count on line 2 of Worksheet 1-6A.
         year)  Form  W-4  in  effect.  Because  the  forms   Filing Status (worksheet lines A, B, and C).   To see who you can claim as a dependent
         and lines on the 2020 Form W-4 and the 2020   Single  or  married  but  filing  separately   for the credit for other dependents, see the in-
         Form W-4P are different this year, the rules dis-  from  your  spouse.  You  can  claim  an  allow-  structions for Dependents in the Form 1040 and
         cussed  under  Salaries  and  Wages,  earlier,  for   ance for yourself. If you expect to file as single   1040-SR  instructions.  A  dependent  for  purpo-
         completing  the  2020  Form  W-4  should  not  be   or married filing separately on your 2020 tax re-  ses  of  the  credit  for  other  dependents  also  in-
         used in completing the 2020 Form W-4P. See   turn, enter “2” on line A of the worksheet.  cludes an eligible child who had an ITIN but not
         the  instructions  for  the  2020  Form  W-4P  and                      an SSN by the due date of your 2020 return (in-
         the following material for guidance in filling out   Married  filing  jointly  or  qualifying   cluding extensions).
         your 2020 Form W-4P.                widow(er).  You can claim an allowance if you
                                             will  file  as  married  filing  jointly  or  qualifying   Other credits (worksheet line F).  Use Work-
         Withholding Allowances              widow(er). If you expect to file as married filing   sheet 1-6A to figure the amount of other credits
                                             jointly or qualifying widow(er) on your 2020 tax
                                                                                 to  enter  on  line  F.  In  addition  to  the  child  tax
         The more allowances you claim on Form W-4P,   return, enter “1” on line B of the worksheet.  credit and credit for other dependents, you can
         the less income tax your employer will withhold.   Head  of  household.  Generally,  you  can   take your other credits into account when figur-
         You will have the most tax withheld if you claim   file as head of household if you are unmarried   ing additional withholding allowances for 2020.
         “0” allowances. The number of allowances you   and pay more than half the cost of keeping up a   See Table 1-2 .
         can claim depends on the following factors.  home that:                    Head of household filers can also use Work-
           • Whether you will file as single, head of   • Was the main home for all of 2020 of your   sheet 1-6A to further reduce withholding.
             household, married filing jointly, or married   parent whom you can claim as your de-
             filing separately.                  pendent, or                     Total  personal  allowances  (worksheet  line
           • Whether you have income from more than   • You lived in for more than half the year with   G).  Add lines A through F and enter the total on
             one source.                         your qualifying child or any other person   line G. If you don’t use either of the worksheets
           • What credits you expect to claim for chil-  whom you can claim as your dependent.  on  page  5  of  Form  W-4P,  enter  the  number
             dren and other dependents.                                          from line G on line 2 of Form W-4P.
           • What other credits you expect to claim for   For more information, see Pub. 501.
             the year.                          If you expect to file as head of household on   Deductions, Adjustments,
           • What deductions, adjustments, and nonw-  your 2020 tax return, enter "1" on line C of the   and Additional Income Worksheet
             age income (such as dividends or interest)   worksheet.  In  addition,  see  line  12  of  Work-
             you expect to have for the year.  sheet 1-6A for an additional amount to enter on   Use  the  Form  W-4P  Deductions,  Adjustments,
                                             line G of the Personal Allowances Worksheet.  and Additional Income Worksheet if you plan to
            If  you  are  married  (filing  jointly),  it  also  de-  Child  tax  credit  (worksheet  line  D).  If  your   itemize your deductions or claim adjustments to
         pends  on  whether  your  spouse  also  works  or   total  income  will  be  less  than  $72,351   the  income  on  your  2020  tax  return  and  you
         receives  pension  or  annuity  payments  and   ($105,051  if  married  filing  jointly),  enter  “4”  on   want to reduce your withholding. Also, use this
         claims any allowances on his or her own Form   line D for each eligible child.  worksheet  to  figure  out  how  much  to  increase
         W-4P  or  withholding  on  his  or  her  own  Form   If your total income will be from $72,351 to   the tax withheld from your paycheck if you have
         W-4.                                $181,950 ($105,051 and $351,400 if married fil-  a large amount of nonwage income, such as in-
                                                                                 terest  or  dividends.  Complete  this  worksheet
         Form  W-4P  worksheets.  Form  W-4P  has   ing jointly), enter “2” on line D for each eligible   when you have changes to those items to see if
         worksheets  to  help  you  figure  how  many  with-                     you need to change your withholding.
         Page 10    Chapter 1  Tax Withholding for 2020
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