Page 13 - Tax withholding and Estimated Taxes
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            Use the amount of each item you reasona-  • Deductible expenses related to income re-  Other  amounts  owed.  If  you  expect  to  owe
         bly  can  expect  to  show  on  your  return.  How-  ported on Schedule 1 (Form 1040 or   amounts  other  than  income  tax,  such  as
         ever, don’t use more than:              1040–SR), line 8, from the rental of per-  self-employment  tax,  include  them  on  line  8.
           • The amount shown for that item on your   sonal property engaged in for profit.  The  total  is  the  additional  withholding  needed
             2019 return (or your 2018 return if you   • Repayment of certain supplemental unem-  for the year.
             haven’t yet filed your 2019 return), plus  ployment benefits.
           • Any additional amount related to a transac-  • Contributions to pension plans.  Note.  Use  Form  W-4,  not  Form  W-4P,  if
             tion or occurrence (such as payments al-  • Contributions by certain chaplains to plans.  you receive any of the following.
             ready made, the signing of an agreement,   • Attorney fees and court costs for certain   • Military retirement pay.
             or the sale of property) that has happened   unlawful discrimination claims.  • Payments from certain nonqualified defer-
             or will happen during 2019 or 2020.  • Attorney fees and court costs for certain   red compensation plans. These are em-
         Don’t  include  any  amount  shown  on  your  last   whistleblower awards.  ployer plans that pay part of your compen-
                                                                                     sation at a later time, but are not
         tax return that has been disallowed by the IRS.  • Estimated amount of decrease in tax attrib-
                                                 utable to income averaging using Sched-  tax-qualified deferred compensation plans.
         Not  itemizing  deductions.  If  you  expect  to   ule J (Form 1040 or 1040-SR).  See Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
         claim the standard deduction on your tax return,   • Educator expenses.     and Section 457 Plans in Pub. 957, Re-
         skip lines 1 and 2, and enter “-0-” on line 3 of                            porting Back Pay and Special Wage Pay-
         the worksheet.                      Nonwage  income  (worksheet  line  6).  Enter   ments to the Social Security Administra-
                                             on line 6 your estimated total nonwage income   tion.
         Itemized deductions (worksheet line 1).  En-  (other  than  tax-exempt  income).  Nonwage  in-
         ter your estimated total itemized deductions on   come includes interest, dividends, net rental in-  Withholding  rules.  The  withholding  rules  for
         line 1 of the worksheet.            come, unemployment compensation, gambling   pensions and annuities differ from those for sal-
            Listed  below  are  some  of  the  deductions   winnings,  prizes  and  awards,  hobby  income,   aries and wages in the following ways.
         you  can  take  into  account  when  figuring  addi-  capital gains, royalties, and partnership income.  • If you don’t fill out a withholding certificate,
                                                                                     tax will be withheld as if you were married
         tional withholding allowances for 2020. You nor-  If  line  6  is  more  than  line  5,  you  may  not   and claiming three withholding allowances.
         mally  claim  these  deductions  on  Schedule  A   have enough income tax withheld from your wa-  • You can choose not to have tax withheld,
         (Form 1040 or 1040-SR). For a full list of item-  ges. See Getting the Right Amount of Tax With-  regardless of how much tax you owed last
         ized  deductions,  see  the  2019  Instructions  for   held.                year or expect to owe this year. You don’t
         Schedule  A  (Form  1040  or  1040-SR)  and                                 have to qualify for exemption. See Choos-
         What’s New for 2020, earlier.       Net  deductions  and  adjustments  (work-  ing Not To Have Income Tax Withheld,
                                             sheet line 8).  Divide the amount on line 7 by
           1. Medical and dental expenses that are   $4,300, drop any fraction, and enter the amount   later.
             more than 7.5% of your 2020 adjusted   on line 8. If it's a negative amount, enter it in pa-  • If you don’t give the payer your SSN in the
             gross income (AGI) (defined under Expec-  rentheses.                    required manner or the IRS notifies the
             ted AGI, later).                                                        payer before any payment or distribution is
                                                Example.  If  line  7  is  $5,200,  $5,200  ÷
           2. State and local income or property taxes   $4,300 = 1.2. Drop the fraction (0.2) and enter   made that you gave an incorrect SSN, tax
                                                                                     will be withheld as if you were single and
             (up to $10,000).                “1” on line 8.                          were claiming no withholding allowances.
           3. Deductible home mortgage interest.
           4. Investment interest up to net investment   Multiple Pensions/      Effective  date  of  withholding  certificate.  If
                                                                                 you  give  your  withholding  certificate  (Form
             income.                         More-Than-One-Income Worksheet      W-4P or a similar form) to the payer on or be-
           5. Charitable contributions.      Complete   the   Multiple   Pensions/  fore the date your payments start, it will be put
           6. Casualty and theft losses attributable to a   More-Than-One-Income  Worksheet  on  page  5   into effect by the first payment made more than
                                                                                 30 days after you submit the certificate.
             federally declared disaster that are more   of Form W-4P if you (and your spouse if married
             than $100 and 10% of your AGI.  filing jointly) have more than one source of in-  If  you  give  the  payer  your  certificate  after
                                             come subject to withholding (for example, more   your payments start, it will be put into effect with
         Adjustments  to  income  (worksheet  line  4).  than one pension, or a pension and a job, or if   the first payment, which is at least 30 days after
         Enter  your  estimated  total  adjustments  to  in-  you have a pension and your spouse works).  you submit it. However, the payer can elect to
         come on line 4 of the Deductions, Adjustments,                          put it into effect earlier.
         and Additional Income Worksheet.    Reducing your allowances (worksheet lines
            You  can  take  the  following  adjustments  to   1–3).  On  line  1  of  the  worksheet,  enter  the   Nonperiodic Payments
         income  into  account  when  figuring  additional   number from line G of the Personal Allowances
         withholding allowances for 2020.    Worksheet (or line 10 of the Deductions, Adjust-  Tax  will  be  withheld  at  a  flat  10%  rate  on  any
           • Net losses from Schedules C, D, E, and F   ments,  and  Additional  Income  Worksheet,  if   nonperiodic payments you receive, unless you
             of Form 1040 or 1040-SR and from Part II   used). Using Table 1 in the Multiple Pensions/  tell the payer not to withhold.
             of Form 4797, line 18b.         More-Than-One-Income  Worksheet,  find  the
           • Net operating loss carryovers.  number  that  applies  to  the  lowest-paying  pen-  Use  Form  W-4P,  line  3,  to  specify  that  an
           • Certain business expenses of reservists,   sion or job and enter it on line 2. If you are mar-  additional  dollar  amount  be  withheld.  You  can
             performing artists, and fee-based govern-  ried filing jointly and the amount from the high-  also  use  Form  W-4P,  line  1,  to  choose  not  to
             ment officials.                 est-paying pension or job is $75,000 or less and   have  tax  withheld.  If  you  want  to  revoke  a
           • Health savings account or medical savings   the combined amounts for you and your spouse   choice not to have tax withheld, see Choosing
             account deduction.              are $107,000 or less, don't enter more than “7.”  Not To Have Income Tax Withheld, later.
           • Certain moving expenses for members of   If line 1 is more than or equal to line 2, sub-  You  may  need  to  use  Form  W-4P  to
             the Armed Forces on active duty.  tract line 2 from line 1. Enter the result on line 3   !  ask  for  additional  withholding.  If  you
           • Deduction for self-employment tax.  (if  zero  or  less,  enter  -0-)  and  on  Form  W-4P,   CAUTION  don’t  have  enough  tax  withheld,  you
           • Deduction for contributions to self-em-  line 2. Don't use the rest of the worksheet.  may need to pay estimated tax, as explained in
             ployed SEP, and qualified SIMPLE plans.  If  line  1  is  less  than  line  2,  enter  “-0-”  on   chapter 2.
           • Self-employed health insurance deduction.  Form  W-4P,  line  2.  Then,  complete  lines  4
           • Penalty on early withdrawal of savings.  through  9  of  the  worksheet  to  figure  the  addi-
           • IRA deduction.                  tional  withholding  needed  to  avoid  underwith-
           • Student loan interest deduction.  holding.
           • Jury duty pay given to your employer.
           • Reforestation amortization and expenses.
                                                                             Chapter 1  Tax Withholding for 2020    Page 11
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