Page 397 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 397
Providing Assurance to the Board
To effectively communicate risks related to insider threats to the board, internal auditors must
translate audit findings into terms of financial loss, reputational damage, operational disruption,
and other organizational performance indicators.
To illustrate risks in terms that are meaningful for
management, internal auditors may find it helpful
Audit Reports
to leverage existing industry reports describing
data compromises and breaches throughout the For detailed instructions on
world that resulted from insider threats. Using preparing internal audit reports, see
real world data helps communicate the breadth IIA Practice Guide “Audit Reports:
and depth of the impacts and helps remove the Communicating Assurance
illusion that insider threats and resulting breaches Engagement Reports.”
cannot happen to the organization.
Educating the board includes helping them understand that “absolute security” is not possible;
therefore, it is critical to focus on strengthening the organization’s IT security incident response
capabilities and ensuring balance between security and efficiency (security is managed based on
the risk appetite established by the organization). Other key elements for providing assurance to
the board include:
Develop a collaborative reporting approach with parties such as the chief information
security officer (CISO) and chief risk officer (CRO) to demonstrate the level of maturity of
the organization’s security posture related to insider threats.
Ensure that insider threat risks are included in the organizationwide risk assessment and
communicating the effort and results to the board.
Agree on a framework that all assurance parties can use to assess the maturity and
effectiveness of insider threat mitigation efforts.
Develop possible risk scenarios to describe the potential actors and the likelihood and
impact in a language that clearly relates to business objectives.
Determine whether the internal audit activity possesses the competencies needed to
assess insider threat management or can be trained, and if not, outsourcing the expertise.
Develop the internal audit plan to leverage the work of other assurance functions
(compliance, management self-assessments, and risk management results). Auditing Insider Threat Programs 29