Page 516 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 516
GTAG — Types of IT Outsourcing
1 – Types of IT Outsourcing the user entity. The user requirements or work statement
should be defined clearly from the beginning of the formal
IT outsourcing has changed from traditional outsourced stages of the development phase. Consider involving
services, such as application development and IT help internal auditors, as recommended in GTAG 12 Auditing
desk activities, to high-end services, such as product IT Projects:
development, specialized research & development (R&D), • To provide ongoing advice throughout strategic
and distributed computer support. Organizations continue projects.
to outsource IT services as new technologies emerge. • To identify key risks or issues early.
Outsourcing is sometimes confused with off-shoring. The In most cases, the SDLC process ends with the successful
difference between outsourcing and off-shoring is:
completion of the client’s user acceptance testing, although
the service provider may be responsible only until the unit
outsourcing: Contracting the operation of specific business testing’s completion. The system, integration, and user-
functions or knowledge-related work with an external testing phases are essential elements that ensure the system
service provider. satisfies the client’s requirements. Testing can be conducted
off-shoring: Relocating activities that were previously by the client team or jointly by the client and service
managed in the domestic country.
provider. In either case, any problems or issues noted in the
testing phase are referred back to the service provider for
The scope of this guide relates to IT outsourcing, no correction.
matter whether they are located domestically or in foreign
locations. However, risk considerations should be given to Ongoing maintenance of existing applications and
domestic versus foreign providers in the business case to application upgrades should respond to software
outsource. This guide does not apply to internal off-shoring development recommendations by the business process
activities, although many considerations may be similar.
users and stakeholders. Recommendations may be minor
changes, such as the creation of new fields or reports, or
The most common outsourced IT services include:
major changes, such as the creation of a new module.
• Application development and maintenance.
• Infrastructure management. Infrastructure Management
• Help desk. Services to manage and maintain the IT infrastructure
• Independent testing and validation. can be classified as infrastructure management. These
• Data center management. services include network management, maintaining
• Systems integration. overall infrastructure performance and availability, disaster
• R&D. recovery strategies and capabilities, troubleshooting errors,
• Managed security. maintaining databases, and backing up and restoring
services. More recent and value-added services under this
• Cloud computing. category are the monitoring of IT infrastructure activities
and capacity management, performing of downtime
Service providers and user entities may use different names analyses, and reporting of critical system failures and their
for the types of outsourced services. User entities also may implications.
outsource one or more of these services to multiple service
Help Desk
Application Development & Maintenance Any maintenance service, such as troubleshooting
problems, production support, and infrastructure
When development and specific functionalities or management, can be categorized as a help desk service.
modules within a software application are outsourced, Under this arrangement, the service provider’s personnel
the user entity should give priority to third-party software support the client through various IT problems either on
development firms with technical skill and experiential site (i.e., at the client’s premises) or off site (i.e., from the
knowledge to address client specifications. Coding should service provider’s premises). Turn-around time (TAT) (i.e.,
follow a rigorous software development life cycle (SDLC) responses and resolutions) is then defined for each level of
methodology established as part of the service provider’s service.
standard quality process. In certain arrangements, SDLC
steps may be specified, monitored, and managed directly by