Page 520 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 520

GTAG — IT Outsourcing Life Cycle: Risk and Control Considerations

              •  Consider management-of-change requirements.    Internal audit considerations:
                 How does one create an environment inside an     •  Evaluate bid evaluation process, timing, criteria,
                 organization to enable an outsourcing environment   completeness, and approval transparency.
                 (e.g., change of policies, operational procedures, and   •  Review control assurance requirements of
                 infrastructure support)?
                                                                     management such as a service auditor’s report (e.g.,
                                                                     Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements
            Internal audit considerations:                           (SSAE) No. 16: Reporting on Controls at a Service
              •  Assess whether information in the detailed analysis   Organization, issued by The American Institute
                 is reliable and considers all business risks and    of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) or
                 implementation risk.                                International Standard on Assurance Engagements
              •  Ascertain whether governance and approval processes   (ISAE) 3402, issued by the International Accounting
                 are transparent, documented, and completed.         and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of the
              •  Determine whether appropriate parties and experts   International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)) or
                 are included in the evaluation process.             ongoing evaluations; ensure that the organization’s
              •  Determine whether other major stakeholders are kept   right to audit clause is drafted effectively.
                 informed.                                        •  Assess the project team’s experience and capability as
              •  Assess management’s contingency plans if the        well as whether it is resourced appropriately to meet
                                                                     the need.
                 outsourcing initiative fails at various stages.
              •  Evaluate whether estimates of failure and the    •  Evaluate whether risk management, legal, human
                                                                     resources (HR), and finance functions are involved as
                 probable impacts/costs are considered in the business   needed.
                 case or when comparing options among providers.
              •  Evaluate sensitivity of cost/benefits to assumptions.  •  Perform due diligence reviews or assess management’s
                                                                     review of provider operations.
              •  Identify key performance measures and data sources.
                                                                  •  Consider ongoing or periodic evaluations conducted
                                                                     by other assurance providers for gaining comfort on
            Tender Process and Contracting                           performance capability control effectiveness. Review
            Conduct request for proposals, vendor selection, and     SLAs and OLAs to ensure that performance measures
            structure a deal in line with the business case:         are defined and reliable. This should be done initially
                                                                     by management; however, internal audit can assess
              •  Develop a detailed scope of work so providers can   reliability with a focus on risk/control performance
                 make informed bids and highlight other relevant     expectations and compliance with key provider
                 matters.                                            standards or those specifically demanded by the
              •  Evaluate bids based on relevant criteria as generally   customer or applicable regulations.
                 used in business cases or specific considerations
              •  Detail any new risks arising or any significant   Implementation/Transition
                 deviations from the approved business case.    Develop a transition plan, secure necessary funding, and
              •  Select provider based on criteria and bids/proposals   formalize program/project management sponsorship,
                 submitted.                                     support, and other resources:
              •  Staff an experienced team to perform an operational   •  Formalize plans and set governance expectations for
                 due diligence review and ensure key performance     any outsourcing of a significant process or operation.
                 indicators — service level agreements (SLAs) and    Consider incorporating a schedule on governance in
                 operational level agreements (OLAs) — are addressed   the contract, budget for it in the business case, and
                 in the contract.                                    schedule/build contract compliance audits.
              •  Assess potential losses, breakdowns, and         •  Determine fundamental timing, funding, deliverable
                 non-performance results. Determine tolerance        dates, testing, and ongoing monitoring.
                 thresholds and what will happen (recourse) when   •  Address human resource issues and cultural
                 deviations occur.                                   adjustments as critical success factors before, during,
              •  Obtain sign-off by sponsor and inform key           and after transitions.
                 stakeholders, highlighting any deviations or new risks.   •  Obtain service provider resource accreditation. How
                 Include legal compliance reviews and necessary legal   does one ensure operationally and contractually that
                 steps to finalize a binding agreement (including exit   service provider resources are qualified to perform
                 strategies and plans if terminated or not renewed).  the job?

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