Page 524 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 524
GTAG — IT Outsourcing Life Cycle: Risk and Control Considerations
Stages Objectives Key Activities Manager Roles * 2 Risks Auditor
Involvement 3
D: Implementation Execute transition as n Roll out transition Project team,* n Loss of assets n Conduct pre-
and Transition planned. Initiate new plan. process owner,* and ROI due to implementation
operations n Transfer/manage executive sponsor, inefficiency and review to
resources. finance, HR, and risk. unmanaged risks. determine
n Transform n Interruption if project is
process. of service and following standard
customer impacts. disciplines.
n Operational n Review
quality is less than contingency plans
projected. if transition is not
properly effected.
n Determine
whether risks
and actions
are identified,
and escalated
appropriately to
stakeholders as
part of project
governance and
Stages Objectives Key Activities Manager Roles * Risks Involvement
E: Monitoring and Oversee and control n Manage Process owner,* n Relationship n Determine
Reporting the outsourced relationship. retained team, and deliverables how provider
operation. n Assess results and project sponsor, devolve with performance and
performance. finance, HR, risk, and customer damage compliance to
n Design ongoing other experts. and loss of assets the contract will
reporting and ROI. be assessed and
and process n Process is not routinely reviewed
improvement sustained and is by management.
model. not optimized as n Ask what metrics
planned. and other key
indicators are
n Ask how concerns
and areas for
improvement are
and leveraged to
improve current
and future
Stages Objectives Key Activities Manager Roles * Risks Auditor
F: Renegotiation Ensure the renewed n Gather all Process owner* n Optimization is n Identify the
relationship evolves operational, procurement,* reached with strategies and
and improves. cost, quality, executive sponsor, resulting loss in information used
and relationship legal, finance, and ROI and future and needed
issues. other experts. operational to ensure
n Benchmark and quality. optimal future
review current n Better alternatives negotiations.
market studies. are not found or n Understand
n Establish new cost increases are reversibility and
targets to improve not justified. monitoring or
contract. performance
results. Determine
whether experts
and process
owners are driving
*Primary responsibility and typical owner of stage.