Page 554 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 554

GTAG — BCM Requirements

            5.  BCM Requirements                                5.1   Management Support
                                                                Management support is critical to the success of BC at every
            Figure  3  shows  the  action  necessary  to  meet  BCM   organization. Senior management must ensure that there are
            requirements.                                       policies in place that require management teams throughout
                                                                the organization to deploy a BCM program for their business

                                      Management Commitment to BCM Program
                                                   - Build a business case
                                                   - Understand the value
                                                   - Establish a BCM program

                                     Conduct a BC Risk Assessment & BC Mitigation

                                            - Assess the impact of disruptive events
                                            - Define BC disruptive (credible) events
                                            - Develop BC risk mitigation strategies

                                        Conduct a Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

                                   - Identify business processes & define critical processes
                                   -  Define recovery time objective and recovery point
                                    objective for processes, resources, etc.
                                   - Identify other parties and physical resources for recovery

                      Define Business Recovery                         Establish Disaster Recovery for IT
                      and Continuity Strategies                      - Understand business recovery requirements

                - Define staffing alternatives needed for recovery   - Select recovery solutions and recovery sites
                - Define alternative sourcing of critical functions
                - Define alternative offices needed for recovery
                - Plan to transition back to normal operations

                                 Deploy, Verify, and Maintain BCM Program Capabilities

                                 - Deploy BCM program awareness and training
                                 - Maintain the BCM program and BC plans
                                 - Exercise BC capabilities
                                 - Establish crisis communications and align with crisis management
                                 - Align with emergency response and external agencies coordination

            Figure 3. BCM Requirement Flow Chart

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