Page 559 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 559
GTAG — BCM Requirements
used to optimize production based on available resources and recovery solutions are implemented, they must own the
(vendor and utility) services. continuity strategies for their team.
C. Alternative Offices Needed for Recovery
Activities 5.5 Disaster Recovery for IT
Alternative office space may be required in nearly all disas- Depending on the business functions being performed and
ters that require the activation of the BCP. There are many their reliance on IT, some portion of the critical business
options to provide offices for staff, but the cost of these solu- processes can be recovered without IT or information.
tions varies greatly. Below are some of the alternative office In other cases, IT systems and information are needed to
space options. support the recovery of some critical business processes. Each
• Another organization facility that is outside of the organization must determine the maximum downtime of IT
disaster zone but near the primary office is often a systems that can occur before it becomes an issue that could
low-cost solution. This requires the business unit at jeopardize the entire organization, whether it be hours, days,
the alternative organization office to invoke their weeks, or more.
BCP to send noncritical staff home. Disaster recovery planning is a term used to describe IT
• Many people today use remote access to perform recovery. Some companies use different terms to include
many office-related functions from home or a hotel. the recovery of IT systems, data, information manage-
The key requirement is that employees have the ment systems and processes, and other related systems.
appropriate security tools (e.g., remote access token) The disaster recovery document should describe the IT and
and appropriate hardware (e.g., laptop or personal information management systems recovery strategies. The
computer) they need to work remotely. When DRP should cover detailed recovery instructions that may
evaluating remote access solutions, the impact to include references to procedures, vendor references, system
productivity must be considered, particularly as it diagrams, and other related recovery materials. The detailed
pertains to lack of collaboration and communica- recovery procedures must be updated when system and busi-
tions if a team is spread across multiple sites. ness processes change.
• Commercial recovery sites also offer office space, but Below are some examples of the components that may be
usually at high cost and often with limited network recovered as part of the DRP.
connections to the organization IT systems. • IT systems, including:
o IT data center.
Any alternative office space solution must be tested by o Applications and data needed by the
users to ensure they can log on. Some volume (performance) organization.
testing also must be completed to verify the solution will o Servers and other hardware.
support the desired number of users. Noncritical staff should o Communications such as phone, radio, etc.
be instructed to not log on during a disaster so that resources o Network, including external (third party)
remain available for those deemed critical. connections.
o IT infrastructure (e.g., logon services and soft-
D. Planning to Transition Back to Normal ware distribution).
Operations o Remote access services.
A plan must be developed to transition the organization back o Process control systems (e.g., SCADA/DCS).
to a normal state after the recovery solutions are no longer • Information management systems, including:
needed. This can be challenging because the organization o File rooms.
operates in an abnormal state during a disaster. Manually o Document management systems (electric and
collected data must be entered into systems once they are manual).
restored. Financial and regulatory exceptions that occurred
during the disaster must be resolved by filing the appropriate A. Considerations When Selecting DRP
paperwork and obtaining approvals. Product exchanges Strategies
(borrowed) that occurred during the disaster either need There are a number of things to consider when selecting IT
to be replenished, or the other party must be paid for those recovery strategies:
products. • The DRP document should describe the strategies for
The BCM sponsor and an appropriate team of managers recovering systems and information based on direc-
must approve the continuity strategies for their scope of tion from staff after staff members have performed a
operations. Because managers throughout the organization BIA.
are responsible for ensuring the business continuity and