Page 11 - Supplement to 2022 Income Tax
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Estimating Your 2022 Taxes

            income  exceeds  the  breakpoint,  the  0%  rate  rather   married persons filing separately. The 26% AMT rate
            than the 15% rate might still apply to a portion of   applies to the first $206,100 of 2022 taxable income
            the gains/dividends, depending on how much of the    (AMTI minus exemption), or $103,050 if married
            taxable income consists of ordinary income and how   filing separately, and the 28% rate applies to the excess
            much is long-term gain plus qualified dividends; this   over $206,100/$103,050.
            will be figured on the IRS capital gains rate worksheet.
              The breakpoint between the 15% and 20% rate is     Adoption credit and employer adoption assistance
            $517,200 if married filing jointly or a qualifying widow/  (pages 57, 67–68, 526–528).  The maximum adoption
            widower, $488,500 if a head of household, $459,750   credit for 2022 is $14,890. The credit will phase
            if single, or $258,600 if married filing separately. Even   out if MAGI exceeds $223,410, and the phaseout is
            if taxable income exceeds the breakpoint, the 20% rate   complete if MAGI is $263,410 or more. The same
            does not necessarily apply to the gains/dividends. If   limit and phaseout rules apply to the employee
            ordinary income is only a small part of taxable income,   exclusion for benefits under an employer’s adoption
            the 15% or even the 0% rate may apply to some of the   assistance program.
            gains/dividends; this will be figured on the IRS capital
            gains rate worksheet.                                Child tax credit and credit for other dependents (pages
              The 15% or 20% rate is increased by the 3.8% tax   515–518).  The maximum child tax credit amount
            on net investment income if MAGI exceeds $250,000    is set to revert to the pre-2021 limit of $2,000 per
            if married  filing jointly or a qualifying  widow/   qualifying child. For 2022, the maximum amount of
            widower, $200,000 if single or head of household, or   the credit that is refundable is the pre-2021 limit of
            $125,000 if married filing separately. If this threshold   $1,400 per qualifying child.
            is exceeded, the 3.8% tax applies to the lesser of the   The gross income limit for a qualifying relative for
            taxpayer’s net investment income, or the MAGI over   the $500 nonrefundable credit for other dependents is
            the threshold.                                       $4,400 (up from $4,300 in 2021).

            First-year expensing  (pages 738–740).  For 2022,    Health FSA salary reduction (pages 78–82).  The 2022
            the expensing limit increases to $1,080,000 and the   limit on salary-reduction contributions to a health
            limit is phased out when qualifying purchases exceed   flexible spending arrangement is $2,850 (up from
            $2,700,000. Thus, no expensing will be allowed if    $2,750 in 2021). The maximum carryover amount
            purchases are $3,780,000 or more.                    from 2022 to 2023 is $570.

            Qualified business income (QBI) deduction (pages 608,   Educator expenses (page 345).  The maximum above-
            721–722).  For 2022, the taxable income threshold    the-line deduction for educator expenses is $300 for
            above which the QBI deduction may be reduced or      2022 (up from $250 in 2021).
            eliminated is $340,100 if married filing jointly and
            $170,050 for all other filers.                       Exclusion for interest on savings bonds used for tuition
                                                                 (pages 619–621).  The exclusion for interest on Series
            Kiddie tax (pages 508–513).  For 2022, a child’s     EE and I bonds redeemed to pay higher education
            investment income over a $2,300 floor (up from $2,200   expenses will start phasing out for married couples
            in 2021) is taxed at the parent’s top marginal rate.  filing  jointly  with  2022  MAGI  over  $128,650,  and
                                                                 the phaseout is complete if MAGI is $158,650 or
            AMT exemption amounts and breakpoint between 26%     more. For single taxpayers, heads of households, and
            and 28% rates (pages 500–507).  The AMT exemption    qualifying widows/widowers, the phaseout begins
            amounts for 2022 are increased to $118,100 for married   when MAGI exceeds $85,800 and is complete at
            couples filing jointly and surviving spouses, $75,900   MAGI of $100,800 or more. Married persons filing
            for singles and heads of households, and $59,050 for   separately are not eligible for the exclusion.

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