Page 15 - Supplement to 2022 Income Tax
P. 15

Updates, Additions, and Corrections to the Text of Your Income Tax 2022

                        Updates, Additions, and Corrections to the Text of

                                             Your Income Tax 2022

            Note to our readers:  If you have the Professional Edition of J.K.   amortization and fixed annuitization methods under
            Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2022, some of the corrections to the text   the  substantially  equal  periodic  payments  penalty
            and the updates provided in the following pages may already be
            included in your edition. We regret any errors.      exception. For payment schedules starting in 2022
                                                                 or later, the interest rate used can be up to 5%, or,
            The page references in the boldface headings below   if greater, 120% of the federal mid-term rate for
            are to the text of J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2022.   either of the two months immediately preceding the
            Page references within the items themselves (after the   month distributions begin. Currently, 5% far exceeds
            headings) are also to the text of Your Income Tax 2022   120% of the federal mid-term rate. Under prior rules
            unless reference is made to this Supplement.         (Revenue Ruling 2002-62), the rate could not exceed
                                                                 120% of the federal mid-term rate. Being able to use

            Keep in mind that when this Supplement was prepared,   an interest rate up to 5% will allow IRA owners and
            Congress had not extended any of the provisions that   individuals who are separated from service to receive
            expired at the end of 2021 and no new provisions had   higher annual payments under the fixed amortization
            been enacted (see the list of expired provisions on page   method or fixed annuitization method without
            11 of this Supplement).                              penalty before age 591/2.
              For future updates, visit                In applying the required minimum distribution
                                                                 (RMD)  method or  the fixed  amortization  method
            Charitable contributions (page xxviii).  The reference to   for determining substantially equal periodic
            the deduction for cash contributions by nonitemizers   payments,  the new IRS Single Life Expectancy
            should be to 13.2 (not 12.2).                        Table (page 249), the new IRS Joint Life and Last

            Build Back Better  Act did not become law (pages     Survivor Life Expectancy  Table (pages 238–239),
            xxxiv–xxxv).  The House-passed  version of  the      or a special Uniform Lifetime Table included in the
            Build Back Better Act stalled in the Senate. When    Appendix to Notice 2022-6, can be used for a series
            this Supplement was prepared, it was not clear if    of payments starting in 2022 and must be used for
            agreement was possible on  a different version of    a series of payments starting in 2023 or later. The
            the legislation.                                     Joint Life and Last Survivor Life Expectancy Table
                                                                 also can be used with the fixed annuitization method
            Where to mail your 2021 return (page 5).  For residents   if the annuity factor is based on the joint lives of the
            of  numerous  States,  the  IRS  mailing  address  has   account owner and designated benficiary. A person
            changed. See page 15 of this Supplement for the      who has already begun a series of payments under
            updated IRS mailing addresses for 2021 returns.      the RMD method using the “old” (pre-2022) life
                                                                 expectancy table may switch to the new table and the
            Unemployment  benefits  (page  43).  In the first
            paragraph of 2.5, the reference in the fourth sentence to   switch will not be considered a “modification” that
            the exclusion that applied only for 2020 unemployment   voids the penalty exception and triggers the 10%
            benefits should be $10,200 (not $10,500).            penalty on all payments received before age 591/2. See
                                                                 Notice 2022-6 for further details on using the life
            Substantially equal periodic payments exception      expectancy tables, including the rules for determining
            to   10%    early   distribution  penalty  (pages    the designated beneficiary under the Joint Life and
            191,238–239).  The IRS in Notice 2022-6 has          Last Survivor Life Expectancy Table where there are
            revised the interest rate rule used to apply the fixed   multiple beneficiaries or the beneficiary is changed.

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