Page 5 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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                 Organization for United States Tax   “Chapter  4”  refers  to  Chapter  4  of  Subtitle  A   liability of the foreign person to whom the pay-
                 Withholding and Reporting   (sections  1471  through  1474)  of  the  Internal   ment is made. If you fail to withhold and the for-
              W-8IMY  W-8IMY Certificate of Foreign   Revenue Code. See Chapter 4 Withholding Re-  eign  payee  fails  to  satisfy  its  U.S.  tax  liability,
                                             quirements, later.
                                                                                 then both you and the foreign person are liable
                 Intermediary, Foreign Flow-Through
                 Entity, or Certain U.S. Branches for   Chapter 3 withholding does not include   for  tax,  as  well  as  interest  and  any  applicable
                 United States Tax Withholding and   !  withholding  under  section  1445  of  the
                                                                                    The  applicable  tax  will  be  collected  only
                 Reporting                    CAUTION  Code (see U.S. Real Property Interest,   once. If the foreign person satisfies its U.S. tax
              W-8 Inst.  W-8 Inst. Instructions for the Requester of   later)  or  under  section  1446  of  the  Code  (see   liability, you are not liable for the tax but remain
                 Forms W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E,     Partnership Withholding on Effectively Connec-  liable for any interest and penalties for failure to
                 W-8ECI, W-8EXP, and W-8IMY  ted Income, later).                 withhold.
              W-9  W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification   A  withholding  agent  (defined  next)  is  the
                 Number and Certification    person responsible for withholding on payments   Determination  of  amount  to  withhold.  You
                                                                                 must  withhold  on  the  gross  amount  subject  to
              W-9 Inst.  W-9 Inst. Instructions for the Requester of   made to a foreign person. However, a withhold-  Chapter  3  withholding.  You  cannot  reduce  the
                 Form W-9                    ing  agent  that  can  reliably  associate  the  pay-  gross amount by any deductions.
              941  941 Employer's QUARTERLY Federal   ment with documentation (discussed later) from   If the determination of the source of the in-
                                             a U.S. person is not required to withhold. In ad-
                 Tax Return                  dition, a withholding agent may apply a reduced   come or the amount subject to tax depends on
                                                                                 facts that are not known at the time of payment,
              945  945 Annual Return of Withheld Federal   rate  of  withholding  (including  an  exemption   you  must  withhold  an  amount  sufficient  to  en-
                 Income Tax                  from withholding) if it can reliably associate the   sure  that  at  least  30%  of  the  amount  subse-
              1042  1042 Annual Withholding Tax Return for   payment  with  documentation  from  a  beneficial   quently determined to be subject to withholding
                                             owner that is a foreign person entitled to a re-
                 U.S. Source Income of Foreign   duced rate of withholding.      is  withheld.  In  no  case,  however,  should  you
                 Persons                                                         withhold  more  than  30%  of  the  total  amount
              1042-S  1042-S Foreign Person's U.S. Source   If an amount subject to Chapter 3 withhold-  paid. You may elect to hold 30% of the payment
                                                                                 in  escrow  until  the  earlier  of  the  date  that  the
                 Income Subject to Withholding  ing  also  is  a  withholdable  payment  and  Chap-  amount of income from U.S. sources or the tax-
                                             ter 4 withholding is applied to the payment, no
              1042-T  1042-T Annual Summary and Transmittal   withholding  is  required  under  Chapter  3.  See   able amount can be determined or 1 year from
                 of Forms 1042-S             Chapter 4 Withholding Requirements, later.  the  date  the  amount  is  placed  in  escrow,  at
              8233  8233 Exemption From Withholding on                           which time the withholding becomes due, or, to
                                                                                 the  extent  that  withholding  is  not  required,  the
                 Compensation for Independent (and   Withholding Agent           escrowed amount must be paid to the payee.
                 Certain Dependent) Personal
                 Services of a Nonresident Alien   Chapter 3                     When to withhold.  Withholding is required at
                 Individual                  Withholding Requirements            the  time  you  make  a  payment  of  an  amount
              8288   8288 U.S. Withholding Tax Return for                        subject to withholding. A payment is made to a
                 Disposition by Foreign Persons of   You are a withholding agent if you are a U.S. or   person if that person realizes income, whether
                 U.S. Real Property Interests  foreign person, in whatever capacity acting, that   or not there is an actual transfer of cash or other
              8288-A  8288-A Statement of Withholding on   has control, receipt, custody, disposal, or pay-  property.  A  payment  is  considered  made  to  a
                                                                                 person if it is paid for that person's benefit. For
                                             ment  of  an  amount  subject  to  Chapter  3  with-
                 Dispositions by Foreign Persons of   holding. A withholding agent may be an individ-  example,  a  payment  made  to  a  creditor  of  a
                 U.S. Real Property Interests  ual, corporation, partnership, trust, association,   person  in  satisfaction  of  that  person's  debt  to
              8966  8966 FATCA Report        nominee  (under  section  1446  of  the  Code),  or   the creditor is considered made to the person.
                                                                                 A payment also is considered made to a person
         See  How  To  Get  Tax  Help  at  the  end  of  this   any other entity, including any foreign interme-  if it is made to that person's agent.
                                             diary, foreign partnership, or U.S. branch of cer-
         publication  for  information  about  getting  publi-  tain  foreign  banks  and  insurance  companies.   A  U.S.  partnership  should  withhold  when
         cations and forms.                  You may be a withholding agent even if there is   any  distributions  that  include  amounts  subject
                                             no  requirement  to  withhold  from  a  payment  or   to withholding are made. However, if a foreign
         Withholding of Tax                  even  if  another  person  has  withheld  the  re-  partner's distributive share of income subject to
                                                                                 withholding is not actually distributed, the U.S.
                                             quired amount from the payment.
                                                                                 partnership  must  withhold  on  the  foreign  part-
         In  most  cases,  a  foreign  person  is  subject  to   Although several persons may be withhold-  ner's  distributive  share  of  the  income  on  the
         U.S. tax on its U.S. source income. Most types   ing  agents  for  a  single  payment,  the  full  tax  is   earlier  of  the  date  that  a  Schedule  K-1  (Form
         of  U.S.  source  income  received  by  a  foreign   required to be withheld only once. In most ca-  1065) is provided or mailed to the partner or the
         person  are  subject  to  U.S.  tax  of  30%.  A  re-  ses, the U.S. person who pays an amount sub-  due date for furnishing that schedule. If the dis-
         duced  rate,  including  exemption,  may  apply  if   ject to Chapter 3 withholding is the person re-  tributable  amount  consists  of  effectively  con-
         there  is  a  tax  treaty  between  the  foreign  per-  sponsible  for  withholding.  However,  other   nected income, see Partnership Withholding on
         son's  country  of  residence  and  the  United   persons may be required to withhold. For exam-  Effectively Connected Income, later.
         States. The tax is generally withheld (Chapter 3   ple, a payment made by a flow-through entity or
         withholding) from the payment made to the for-  nonqualified  intermediary  (NQI)  that  knows,  or   A  U.S.  trust  is  required  to  withhold  on  the
         eign person.                        has  reason  to  know,  that  the  full  amount  of   amount includible in the gross income of a for-
            The term “Chapter 3 withholding” is used in   Chapter 3 withholding was not done by the per-  eign beneficiary to the extent the trust's distrib-
                                                                                 utable  net  income  consists  of  an  amount  sub-
         this  publication  descriptively  to  refer  to  with-  son  from  which  it  receives  a  payment  is  re-  ject to withholding. To the extent a U.S. trust is
         holding  required  under  sections  1441,  1442,   quired to do the appropriate withholding since it   required to distribute an amount subject to with-
         and 1443 of the Internal Revenue Code. In most   also  falls  within  the  definition  of  a  withholding   holding  but  does  not  actually  distribute  the
         cases,  Chapter  3  withholding  describes  the   agent. In addition, withholding must be done by   amount, it must withhold on the foreign benefi-
         withholding regime that requires withholding on   any QI, withholding foreign partnership, or with-  ciary's allocable share at the time the income is
         a payment of U.S. source income. Payments to   holding  foreign  trust  in  accordance  with  the   required to be reported on Form 1042-S.
         foreign persons, including nonresident alien in-  terms  of  its  withholding  agreement,  discussed
         dividuals,  foreign  entities,  and  governments,   later.
         may be subject to Chapter 3 withholding.  Liability  for  tax.  As  a  withholding  agent,  you
            Withholding also may be required on a pay-  are personally liable for any tax required to be
         ment  to  the  extent  required  under  Chapter  4.   withheld. This liability is independent of the tax
         Publication 515 (2020)                                                                                Page 3
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