Page 9 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         directly  from  the  source  that  paid  it  to  A.  Ac-  determined. See Documentation and Presump-  Qualified  derivatives  dealers  (QDDs).
         cordingly, A is fiscally transparent in its jurisdic-  tion Rules, later.  For the definition of QDD, see Qualified deriva-
         tion, country X.                                                        tives dealer (QDD), later. For QDD liability, see
            B  and  C  are  not  fiscally  transparent  under   Special rule for Chapter 4.   For purposes of   Amounts paid to QDDs, later.
         the laws of their respective countries of incorpo-  Chapter 4, a foreign person acting as an inter-
         ration. Country Y requires B to separately take   mediary is generally not the payee if the foreign   Branches  of  financial  institutions.
         into account on a current basis B's share of the   person is:           Branches of financial institutions are not permit-
         income paid to A, and the character and source   • An NFFE, unless the NFFE is a QI that has   ted to operate as QIs if they are located outside
         of  the  income  to  B  is  determined  as  if  the  in-  assumed primary Chapters 3 and 4 with-  of  countries  having  approved  “know-your-cus-
         come  were  realized  directly  from  the  source   holding responsibility; or  tomer”  (KYC)  rules.  The  countries  with  ap-
         that paid it to A. Accordingly, A is fiscally trans-  • A participating FFI, deemed-compliant FFI,   proved  KYC  rules  are  listed  at
         parent for that income under the laws of country   or restricted distributor, unless such entity   Businesses/International-Businesses/List-of-
         Y, and B is treated as deriving its share of the   is a QI that has assumed primary Chapters   Approved-KYC-Rules.
         U.S. source royalty income for purposes of the   3 and 4 withholding responsibility.  QI  agreement.    FFIs,  foreign  clearing  or-
         U.S.–Y  income  tax  treaty.  Country  Z,  on  the   If you make a withholdable payment to one   ganizations, and foreign branches of U.S. finan-
         other hand, treats A as a corporation and does   of  the  types  of  entities  described  above,  the   cial  institutions  or  clearing  organizations  can
         not  require  C  to  take  into  account  its  share  of   payee is the person for whom the agent or inter-  enter into an agreement with the IRS to become
         A's  income  on  a  current  basis  whether  or  not   mediary collects the payment.  a  QI.  An  eligible  entity  (as  defined  in  Regula-
         distributed.  Therefore,  A  is  not  treated  as  fis-                 tions section 1.1441-1(e)(6)(ii)) also may enter
         cally  transparent  under  the  laws  of  country  Z.   Nonqualified  intermediary  (NQI).  An  NQI  is   into a QI agreement for purposes of becoming a
         Accordingly,  C  is  not  treated  as  deriving  its   any  intermediary  that  is  a  foreign  person  and   QDD.  To  enter  into  a  QI  agreement,  an  FFI
         share of the U.S. source royalty income for pur-  that is not a QI. The payees of a payment made   must have a Chapter 4 status as:
         poses of the U.S.–Z income tax treaty.  to an NQI for both Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 pur-  • A participating FFI (including a reporting
                                             poses are the customers or account holders on   Model 2 FFI);
         Foreign Intermediaries              whose behalf the NQI is acting.       • A registered deemed-compliant FFI (in-
                                                                                     cluding a reporting Model 1 FFI and a non-
         In most cases, if you make payments to a for-  Example.  You make a payment of interest   reporting Model 2 FFI treated as registered
         eign  intermediary,  the  payees  are  the  persons   to  a  foreign  bank  that  is  an  NQI.  Assume  the   deemed-compliant); or
         for  whom  the  foreign  intermediary  collects  the   payment is subject to Chapter 3 withholding but   • An FFI treated as a deemed-compliant FFI
         payment,  such  as  account  holders  or  custom-  is not a withholdable payment. The bank gives   under an applicable Model 1 IGA that is
         ers, not the intermediary itself. This rule applies   you a Form W-8IMY, the Forms W-8BEN of two   subject to similar due diligence and report-
         for  purposes  of  Chapter  3  withholding  and  for   foreign  persons,  and  a  Form  W-9  from  a  U.S.   ing requirements with respect to U.S. ac-
         Form  1099  reporting  and  backup  withholding   person for whom the bank is collecting the pay-  counts as those applicable to a registered
         and  Chapter  4  withholding,  provided  the  inter-  ments. The bank also associates with its Form   deemed-compliant FFI (a “registered
         mediary  is  not  a  nonparticipating  FFI  to  which   W-8IMY a withholding statement on which it al-  deemed-compliant Model 1 IGA FFI”).
         you  make  a  withholdable  payment  to  which   locates  the  interest  payment  and  provides  all   Certain foreign corporations that are NFFEs
         Chapter  4  withholding  applies.  You may, how-  other  information  required  to  be  on  the  with-  acting  on  behalf  of  persons  other  than  share-
         ever, treat a QI that has assumed primary with-  holding statement. The account holders are the   holders  or  foreign  central  banks  of  issue  also
         holding  responsibility  for  a  payment  as  the   payees of the interest payment. You should re-  may apply to the IRS to become QIs.
         payee, and you are not required to withhold.  port the part of the interest paid to the two for-  See Revenue Procedure 2017-15, available
                                             eign  persons  on  Forms  1042-S  and  the  part   at,  for
            An intermediary is a custodian, broker, nom-  paid to the U.S. person on Form 1099-INT. You   more information on becoming a QI.
         inee, or any other person that acts as an agent   do not need to establish the Chapter 4 status of   An entity may apply for QI status at
         for another person. A foreign intermediary is ei-  the NQI because the payment is not a withhold-  Businesses/Corporations/Qualified-
         ther a QI or an NQI. In most cases, you deter-  able payment.           Intermediary-System.
         mine whether an entity is a QI or an NQI based
         on the representations the intermediary makes   Qualified intermediary (QI).  A QI generally is   Note.  A  QI  (other  than  an  NFFE  acting  on
         on Form W-8IMY.                     a  foreign  intermediary  (or  foreign  branch  of  a   behalf of persons other than shareholders and
                                             U.S.  intermediary)  that  has  entered  into  a  QI   certain  central  banks)  also  must  register  at
            For purposes of Chapter 3, you must deter-  agreement (discussed later) with the IRS. Cer-  to  obtain  its  applicable  Chap-
         mine whether the customers or account holders   tain entities also may act as QIs even when they   ter  4  status  and  global  intermediary  identifica-
         of a foreign intermediary are U.S. or foreign per-  are not intermediaries. You may treat a QI as a   tion number (GIIN).
         sons and, if the account holder or customer is   payee  to  the  extent  it  assumes  primary  Chap-
         foreign,  whether  a  reduced  rate  of,  or  exemp-  ters  3  and  4  withholding  responsibility  or  pri-  Documentation  requirements.  For  docu-
         tion  from,  Chapter  3  withholding  applies.  For   mary  Form  1099  reporting  and  backup  with-  mentation requirements applicable to payments
         purposes of Chapter 4, you must generally de-  holding  responsibility  for  a  payment.  In  this   made  to  QIs,  see  Responsibilities  and  Docu-
         termine  the  Chapter  4  status  of  the  account   situation, the QI is required to withhold the tax.   mentation,  discussed  later  under  Qualified  In-
         holders of a foreign intermediary if the payment   You can determine whether a QI has assumed   termediary (QI).
         is  a  withholdable  payment.  The  determination   responsibility  from  the  Form  W-8IMY  provided   Reporting  requirements.    For  the  report-
         for  Chapter  3  purposes  is  not  required  when   by the QI.         ing  requirements  of  QIs,  see  Form  1042-S  re-
         withholding  applies  under  Chapter  4  (that  is,   A payment to a QI to the extent it does not   porting  and  Collective  refund  procedures,  dis-
         when the Chapter 4 status of the foreign inter-  assume  primary  Chapters  3  and  4  withholding   cussed later under Qualified Intermediary (QI).
         mediary is a nonparticipating FFI or an entity or   responsibility is considered made to the person
         branch treated as a nonparticipating FFI under   on  whose  behalf  the  QI  acts.  If  a  QI  does  not   U.S. branches of foreign banks and foreign
         an applicable IGA). You make these determina-  assume Form 1099 reporting and backup with-  insurance companies.  Special rules apply to
         tions based on the foreign intermediary's Form   holding responsibility, you must report on Form   a U.S. branch of a foreign bank subject to Fed-
         W-8IMY and associated information and docu-  1099  and,  if  applicable,  backup  withhold  as  if   eral Reserve Board supervision or a foreign in-
         mentation. If you do not have all of the informa-  you  were  making  the  payment  directly  to  the   surance  company  subject  to  state  regulatory
         tion or documentation that is required to reliably   U.S.  person.  See  Qualified  Intermediary  (QI),   supervision.  If  you  make  a  payment  of  an
         associate  a  payment  with  a  payee,  you  must   later, for a discussion of withholding rate pools   amount  subject  to  Chapter  3  withholding  or  a
         apply the presumption rules of Chapter 3, and   and when a QI may include a U.S. nonexempt   withholdable payment to a U.S. branch of a for-
         must apply the presumption rules of Chapter 4   recipient in a U.S. payee pool.  eign bank or insurance company that agrees to
         to the foreign intermediary if the Chapter 4 sta-                       be treated as a U.S. person, you may treat the
         tus  of  the  entity  (when  required)  cannot  be
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