Page 7 - Withholding Taxes for Foreign Entities
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         documentation  for  payments  made  outside  of   be  required  to  report  the  payment  on  Form   described  above,  you  must  treat  the  partner,
         the  United  States  on  offshore obligations.  See   1099  and,  if  applicable,  backup  withhold.  You   beneficiary,  or  owner  (as  applicable)  of  the
         Regulations  section  1.1471-3(d)  for  details  on   may assume that a foreign entity is not a disre-  flow-through entity as the payee for Chapter 4
         these  documentation  requirements.  Withhold-  garded entity unless you can reliably associate   purposes  (similar  to  the  determination  of  the
         ing  under  Chapter  4  also  applies  to  account   the  payment  with  documentation  provided  by   payee for Chapter 3 purposes) (looking through
         holders  of  a  participating  FFI  or  registered   the owner or you have actual knowledge or rea-  partners,  beneficiaries,  and  owners  that  are
         deemed-compliant  FFI  that  the  FFI  is  required   son to know that the foreign entity is a disregar-  themselves  flow-through  entities  that  are  not
         to treat as recalcitrant account holders.  ded entity.                  one of the types described above).
            This section titled Persons Subject to Chap-  Special Chapter 4 rules.  If you make a with-  In  most  cases,  you  treat  a  payee  as  a
         ter 3 or Chapter 4 Withholding applies to both   holdable  payment  to  a  disregarded  entity   flow-through entity if it provides you with a Form
         Chapters 3 and 4 except where otherwise indi-  owned  by  an  FFI,  for  Chapter  4  purposes  you   W-8IMY (see Documentation, later) on which it
         cated and except where the text clearly applies   must determine whether you must treat the pay-  claims such status. You also may be required to
         to one or the other (for example, reduced rates   ment as made to a payee that is a nonpartici-  treat  the  entity  as  a  flow-through  entity  under
         and exemptions under income tax treaties).  pating FFI (to which Chapter 4 withholding ap-  the presumption rules, discussed later.
                                             plies)  or  a  payee  that  is  an  FFI  with  another
         Identifying the Payee               Chapter 4 status (such as a participating FFI). If   For purposes of Chapter 3, you must deter-
                                             you  make  a  withholdable  payment  to  a  disre-  mine  whether  the  owners  or  beneficiaries  of  a
         In most cases, the payee is the person to whom   garded  entity  that  is  treated  as  a  disregarded   flow-through entity are U.S. or foreign persons,
         you  make  the  payment,  regardless  of  whether   entity  that  is  a  branch  of  an  FFI  that  cannot   how much of the payment relates to each owner
         that  person  is  the  beneficial  owner  of  the  in-  comply  with  the  requirements  of  an  applicable   or beneficiary, and, if the owner or beneficiary is
         come.  However,  there  are  situations  in  which   IGA  or  the  regulations  under  Chapter  4,  you   foreign,  whether  a  reduced  rate  of  Chapter  3
         the  payee  is  a  person  other  than  the  one  to   must treat the payment as made to a nonpartici-  withholding applies. For purposes of Chapter 4,
         whom you actually make a payment.   pating  FFI  and  withhold  30%  of  the  payment.   you must determine the Chapter 4 status of the
                                             See  the  Instructions  for  Form  W-8BEN-E  for   owners or beneficiaries of a flow-through entity
         U.S.  agent  of  foreign  person.  For  purposes   more  information  on  payments  to  disregarded   (subject  to  the  exceptions  described  above),
         of Chapter 3, if you make a payment to a U.S.   entities.               how much of the payment relates to each owner
         person and you have actual knowledge that the                           or  beneficiary,  and  whether  withholding  under
         U.S.  person  is  receiving  the  payment  as  an   Flow-Through Entities  Chapter 4 applies. You make these determina-
         agent  of  a  foreign  person,  you  must  treat  the                   tions based on the documentation and other in-
         payment as made to the foreign person. How-  Chapter  3  payees.  The  payees  of  payments   formation  (contained  in  a  withholding  state-
         ever, if the U.S. person is a financial institution,   (other than income effectively connected with a   ment)  that  is  associated  with  the  flow-through
         you may treat the institution as the payee provi-  U.S.  trade  or  business)  made  to  a  foreign   entity's Form W-8IMY. If you do not have all of
         ded you have no reason to believe that the insti-  flow-through entity are the owners or beneficia-  the information that is required to reliably asso-
         tution will not comply with its own obligation to   ries of the flow-through entity. This rule applies   ciate a payment with a specific payee, you must
         withhold under Chapter 3.           for  purposes  of  Chapter  3  withholding  and  for   apply  the  presumption  rules.  See  Documenta-
            For Chapter 4 purposes, if you make a with-  Form  1099  reporting  and  backup  withholding.   tion and Presumption Rules, later.
         holdable  payment  to  a  U.S.  person  and  you   Income  that  is,  or  is  deemed  to  be,  effectively
         have actual knowledge that the U.S. person is   connected  with  the  conduct  of  a  U.S.  trade  or   Withholding  foreign  partnerships  and  with-
         receiving  the  payment  as  an  intermediary  or   business  of  a  flow-through  entity  is  treated  as   holding foreign trusts are not flow-through enti-
         agent  of  a  foreign  person,  you  must  treat  the   paid to the entity.  ties.
         foreign  person  as  the  payee.  However,  if  you   The following are flow-through entities.
         make  a  withholdable  payment  to  a  U.S.  finan-  • A foreign partnership (other than a with-  Foreign  partnerships.  A  foreign  partnership
         cial institution or a U.S. insurance broker (to the   holding foreign partnership).  is any partnership (including an entity classified
         extent  the  withholdable  payment  is  a  payment   • A foreign simple or foreign grantor trust   as a partnership) that is not organized under the
         of  an  insurance  premium)  that  is  receiving  the   (other than a withholding foreign trust).  laws of any state of the United States or the Dis-
         payment as an intermediary or agent, you may                            trict of Columbia or any partnership that is trea-
         treat the financial institution or insurance broker   If the Chapter 3 payee is a disregarded en-  ted as foreign under the income tax regulations.
         as the payee if you do not have reason to know   tity or flow-through entity for U.S. tax purposes,   If a foreign partnership is not a withholding for-
         that the financial institution or insurance broker   but  the  payee  is  claiming  treaty  benefits,  see   eign partnership, the payees of income are the
         will  not  comply  with  its  obligations  to  withhold   Fiscally transparent entities claiming treaty ben-  partners  of  the  partnership,  provided  the  part-
         under Chapter 4. See Definitions, later, for the   efits, later.        ners are not themselves flow-through entities or
         definition of financial institution.  Chapter 4 payees.  For purposes of Chapter 4,   foreign  intermediaries.  However,  the  payee  is
            If  the  payment  is  not  subject  to  Chapter  3   however, a foreign entity that is a flow-through   the partnership itself if the partnership is claim-
         withholding and is not a withholdable payment,   entity  is  a  payee  with  respect  to  a  payment   ing treaty benefits on the basis that it is not trea-
         you must treat the payment as made to a U.S.   (other  than  income  effectively  connected  with   ted as fiscally transparent in the treaty jurisdic-
         person and not as a payment to a foreign per-  the conduct of a U.S. trade or business) if the   tion and that it meets all the other requirements
         son. You may be required to report the payment   flow-through entity is:  for claiming treaty benefits. If a partner is a for-
         on Form  1099  and,  if  applicable, backup with-  • An FFI that is not a participating FFI or   eign flow-through entity or a foreign intermedi-
         hold.                                   deemed-compliant FFI, or restricted dis-  ary, you apply the payee determination rules to
         Disregarded  entities.  In  general,  a  business   tributor (an entity that operates as a distrib-  that partner to determine the payees.
                                                                                    For  purposes  of  Chapter  4,  a  foreign  part-
                                                 utor that holds debt or equity interests in a
         entity  that  is  not  a  corporation  and  that  has  a   restricted fund as a nominee and meets   nership is a payee of a withholdable payment if
         single  owner  may  be  disregarded  as  an  entity   the requirements described in Regulations   the partnership is a withholding foreign partner-
         separate  from  its  owner  (a  disregarded  entity)   section 1.1471-5(f)(4)) receiving the pay-  ship that is not acting as an agent or intermedi-
         for  federal  tax  purposes.  The  payee  of  a  pay-  ment on behalf of its owners (in such a   ary with respect to the payment. If the partner-
         ment made to a disregarded entity is the owner   case, the entity is a nonparticipating FFI   ship is not a withholding foreign partnership, the
         of the entity.                          subject to withholding under Chapter 4); or  payees  are  the  partners  (looking  through  any
            If the owner of the entity is a foreign person,   • An excepted NFFE that is not acting as an   partners  that  are  flow-through  entities  that  are
         you  must  apply  Chapter  3  withholding  unless   agent or intermediary with respect to the   not treated as payees under the Chapter 4 reg-
         you can treat the foreign owner as a beneficial   payment.              ulations).
         owner entitled to a reduced rate of withholding.
            If the owner is a U.S. person, you do not ap-  If  you  make  a  withholdable  payment  to  a   Example 1.  A nonwithholding foreign part-
         ply  Chapter  3  withholding.  However,  you  may   flow-through entity that is not one of the types   nership has three partners: a nonresident alien
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