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6 ways to ensure

                  your team achieves

                          corporate goals

                          Avoid inefficiency by communicating how employees’
                        individual actions link to overarching company strategy.

                                                  By Andrew Kenney

                      hen she was the director   depends on the actions of executives,   Over several months, she visited all the
                      of operations for a retail   managers, and employees, the report   company’s stores. “I realised they do want
                      cosmetics chain in   concluded (see the sidebar, “How to   to work, they do want to deliver,” she said.
                      Nigeria, Tundun     Address Goal-Cascading Pitfalls”).  The problem was that many frontline
         W Aderibigbe, FCMA,                 “It’s one thing to come up with a   managers didn’t understand how they
         CGMA, was given a straightforward   strategic plan. A lot of companies go   fitted into the company’s overall
         mission: increase sales. She researched the  through that process,” said Atif Ansari, CPA   strategies.
         company’s sales, assembled detailed   (Canada), ACMA, CGMA, who runs Ansid, a   “I got to experience a day in every one
         presentations, and shared her insights in   fractional CFO consulting business in   of their lives. I then found I began to
         meetings with the managers of the   Canada.                        understand their language a little bit
         Lagos-based company’s 26 stores.    “Where it differentiates a company,” he   more,” she said. “I wanted to succeed at
           But to her surprise, her message didn’t   continued, “is how the management team   helping them, and they wanted to learn.”
         seem to work. “You could tell they were   executes that vision: How do you then take   As she visited, she explained why it
         bored,” she recalled. “They weren’t   that strategy, turn it into actionable   was important for managers to think
         unpleasant. They weren’t trying to not do   initiatives, and then cascade that through   more deeply about their sales strategies
         their jobs. They just didn’t understand   the organisation to make sure the strategy   and participate in the performance-
         what these charts meant.”        gets executed?”                   management process.
           It’s an example of a common problem   Here’s how Aderibigbe, Ansari, and   “You have to sell it: ‘This is how I put
         that was highlighted in the recent report   other financial leaders have learned to set   on the lights. This is how I make sure that
         Reimagining Performance Management   clear plans and translate company   the store is pretty. This is how I make sure
         from AICPA & CIMA and the World   objectives for their teams.      that you’re ready to serve the clients,’”
         Business Council for Sustainable                                   Aderibigbe said.
         Development.                     Turning a top-down message into     Soon enough, managers began calling
           One section of the report focuses on the  frontline strategy     her for help and advice. An intimidating
         practice of “cascading” goals, in which   After her initial messages failed to   corporate goal — “increase sales” — had
         leaders like Aderibigbe, who now has   resonate, Aderibigbe tried a new approach   become a tangible set of tactics and
         separate CFO and audit and advisory roles,   to cascade the company’s sales goals.   strategies for individual employees.
         are tasked with translating overarching   Instead of delivering messages directly   “When you help people discover
         corporate goals into objectives for   from the top, she decided to work in the   strengths they didn’t have, they trust you
         individual team members.         opposite direction.               more. They listen to you more. They seek   IMAGE BY SKOPEIN/IKON IMAGES
           Cascading can be a powerful strategy to   “The first goal was selling more. And   you out more,” Aderibigbe explained. “As
         ensure that individual employees are   then, the second goal was for them to   a leader, everything has to be about
         supporting the company’s mission — but   understand what strategies work,” she   helping people to be more [of] what they
         it’s also a highly “fallible” process that   said.                 want to be.”
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