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                                                   a priority

                                                   By Andrew Harding, FCMA, CGMA

                  ne of the things that makes our   finding that we also see in our Mind the   suggestions for how the UK’s productivity
                  profession fulfilling is that we   Skills Gap surveys. They also highlighted   could be improved. Some are for
                  can use our training and skills   poor management as a problem.   policymakers — we are proposing that the
                  to drive real business progress   Members told us that new technology   UK establishes a productivity
         Oand innovation. Take for         is the most impactful factor behind   commission, similar to those that have
          example, productivity. This idea of   improved productivity, followed by hybrid   been created in Australia and South Africa.
          monitoring and driving business   working and accumulation of knowledge,   But others are actions we can take as
          performance has been central to our work   and sharing of ideas and know-how. You   business finance leaders, such as
          since our foundation in 1919. In late 2021,   no doubt recognise these as core   improving management practices by
          the Association published a report,   components of your work as a   finding better ways to set the right targets
          Tackling the UK Productivity Puzzle,   management accountant.      and track outcomes, for example. How
          looking at how government and finance   I often talk about the importance of   companies motivate employees is key to
          professionals can play leading roles in   setting the right targets for the right areas   boosting productivity, with skilful use of
          driving productivity, an ongoing issue for   — I think this simple mantra has   KPIs and budgeting a central part of this.
          the UK and elsewhere.            significant power. We attend to things that   If we are to deliver a lasting economic
            Within the G7 group of nations, the UK   are measured, so we need to be confident   recovery, ensure greater business
          lags behind France, Germany, and the US   that those areas are the right ones to focus   resilience, and drive sustainable growth in
          in productivity. The UK also has what is   on. This is where our work on integrated   the next 18 months, we must outline a
          known as the “productivity puzzle” to   thinking and integrated reporting (IR)   longer-term strategy to tackle structural
          contend with. That means, in short, that   comes into its own. IR explores where the   issues that risk holding the UK back, such
          its productivity is not growing at the rate it  value in a business is generated, going   as our faltering productivity and widening
          did before the financial crash in 2008. This  beyond the hard numbers to unearth   skills gap. As management accountants,
          sounds like an esoteric economic issue,   other factors that contribute to its success   we should make it a priority to measure,
          but as productivity is one of the most   and viability. As you consider your own   report, and drive strategic options on
          important factors in determining   productivity questions, why not look at   productivity.
          standards of living, it has consequences   the picture through the lens of IR to find
          that everyone feels.             new insights?                       Andrew Harding, FCMA, CGMA, is chief
            When we surveyed UK and Ireland   We recognise that solving the    executive–Management Accounting at
          members for their opinions on the key   productivity puzzle has become even   the Association of International
          causes of sluggish productivity, they   more critical as we wait to see the   Certified Professional Accountants,
          pointed to areas such as available skills   long-term impact of the pandemic in this   representing AICPA & CIMA.
          not fitting what the market needs, a   area. Meantime, we have made
          6  I  FM MAGAZINE  I  February 2022
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