Page 7 - Finanancial Management_2022
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                                               PAUL ASH, FCMA, CGMA

               anagement accounting is                                            productivity. It happened in the
               one of the most trusted                                            First Industrial Revolution, and
        Mand valued professions.                                                  we are experiencing it again today
         The critical relationship between                                        as we live through the Fourth
         business information, strategy,                                          Industrial Revolution. It’s
         and the evolution of businesses’                                         happening in ways we could
         connections to civil society has                                         never have imagined, as the
         never been faster paced nor more                                         boundaries between the physical,
         dynamic. Stakeholders are now                                            digital, and biological worlds
         broader, problems are now more                                           become more blurred. Indeed, we
         complex, data and data sources                                           know that higher productivity not
         are now more widespread, and                                             only improves the bottom line but
         the decisions we must make now                                           can also improve quality of life.
         are more uncertain.                                                         As management accountants
           To get us through these                                                we are at the centre of our
         challenging times, research firm   A commitment                          businesses, and we understand
         and consultancy Gartner believes                                         how processes can be optimised
         that, in the post-COVID-19                                               to maximise productivity. To help
         pandemic era, organisations              to skills                       you, I encourage you to read our
         should focus on the skills an                                            report Reimagining Performance
         individual has and needs rather                                          Management, in which we outline
         than on the role an individual   ‘When employees possess                 some best practices that were
         performs. I agree. During the past   critical skills — such as in digital   recommended by our members.
         two years, many organisations                                               We shouldn’t forget that our
         have had to either change their   technologies — they are                skills must keep up in a climate of
         business model or accelerate                                             change, even during a period
         changes that may have been in the         more agile.’                   when revenue streams are
         wings — as the Association did                                           unreliable and cash flow remains
         when we accelerated the introduction of remote             a top priority. Finance professionals are key to
         examinations to ensure our students’ learning did not      business continuity, so it is critical that we continue
         lose momentum.                                             to invest wisely in our people, building the human
           When employees possess critical skills — such as         resilience needed to navigate our businesses through
         in digital technologies — they are more agile, and it      and beyond the challenges we face.
         can open up more options in their careers (CIMA’s            Throughout my presidency, I have said we must
         Digital Mindset Pack is available to members). Also,       collaborate with each other and other professions, to
         getting to the truth behind the data matters. We need      “dare together” to move forward successfully. We live
         to be certain that data is accurate before we can use it   and work in a fast-changing and uncertain world, but
         to inform and impact management decisions.                 as management accountants we will remain central to
         Committing to building a resilient organisation also       business information, planning, and decision-making
         means committing to building resilient skills in our       processes. We will respond by mapping a way forward
         organisations, and that means supporting both              and ensuring that all our stakeholders are able to
         existing and potential employees to build their            adapt and thrive. To remain effective and personally
         necessary skillsets. Acquisition of such skills,           relevant, we all need to continually improve on our
         knowledge, and new techniques should also form part        skills. So, think about the new skills that you need to   PHOTO BY FIONA HANSON/AP IMAGES
         of our performance management programmes.   KEEP IN TOUCH  gain today, as well as those that you need to improve
           Performance management also needs to focus on   Follow me  on, and engage with us so we can help you acquire the
         productivity. Albeit seen differently across different   on Twitter:  skills that will help your businesses become more
         eras and markets, innovation has always improved   @CIMA_President  profitable, productive, resilient, and sustainable.
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