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         financial statement income in excess of   taxpayer’s applicable financial statement.   ■   Adjusted financial statement income
         $1 billion and is subject to the corporate   Special rules apply for cooperatives,   for a foreign corporation is deter-
         alternative minimum tax, the three-tax-  Alaska Native corporations, and mort-  mined under the principles of Sec.
         year period means any three consecutive   gage servicing companies.   882 (regarding effectively connected
         tax years preceding the tax year in which   Although the act requires Treasury   income).
         the tax applies (beginning with three-  to issue regulations and/or other guid-  ■   For a taxpayer with a disregarded
         tax-year periods in which the third year   ance as necessary on adjustments to   entity, adjusted financial statement
         of the period ends after Dec. 31, 2021).   adjusted financial statement income,   income includes the disregarded
         For example, to determine whether a   Sec. 56A(c) requires the following gen-  entity’s adjusted financial statement
         calendar-year corporation is subject   eral adjustments:              income to the extent it is not
         to the corporate alternative minimum   ■   Taxpayers must make unspecified   otherwise included on the taxpayer’s
         tax for 2023, the three-tax-year period   adjustments when the applicable   applicable financial statement.
         includes calendar years ending Dec.   financial statement covers a period   ■   The taxpayer must adjust adjusted
         31, 2020; Dec. 31, 2021; and Dec. 31,   other than the tax year.      financial statement income to disre-
         2022. For corporations (or a predeces-  ■   For a consolidated group, adjusted   gard federal income taxes or income,
         sor) existing less than three tax years,   financial statement income includes   war profits, or excess profits taxes
         the act substitutes the number of years   items from the group’s applicable   (within the meaning of Sec. 901)
         the corporation has existed for three.   financial statement that are properly   imposed by a foreign country or
         Any tax year less than 12 months must   allocable to members of the group.  possession of the United States. No
         be annualized.                    ■   For a corporation not included   adjustment is required for income,
                                             on a consolidated return with the   war profits, or excess profits taxes
         Exceptions                          taxpayer (e.g., an unconsolidated   imposed by a foreign country or
         The corporate alternative minimum   subsidiary), the taxpayer includes in   possession of the United States if the
         tax does not apply to corporations that   adjusted financial statement income   taxpayer chooses not to claim foreign
         have either changed ownership or fallen   only dividends received from the   tax credits for the tax year.
         below the adjusted financial statement   corporation and other amounts   ■   Adjusted financial statement income
         income threshold for a specified number   required to be included in gross   is adjusted to disregard tax refunds
         of consecutive years (to be determined   income or deductible as a loss (other   attributable to elections made under
         by Treasury), conditioned upon Trea-  than amounts included under Secs.   Sec. 48D(d) and Sec. 6417.
         sury’s also determining that it would be   951 and 951A).           ■   For taxpayers with “covered benefit
         inappropriate to continue subjecting the   ■   For a taxpayer that is a partner in   plans”:
         corporation to the tax. The exception no   a partnership, adjusted financial   ●   Adjusted financial statement
         longer applies if the corporation meets   statement income includes only   income is adjusted for:
         the three-year average adjusted financial   the taxpayer’s distributive share of    Single-employer qualified de-
         statement income test for any tax year   adjusted financial statement income   fined benefit pension plans;
         beginning after the year for which the   of the partnership.              Qualified foreign plans under
         determination applies.            ■   For a U.S. shareholder of a controlled   Sec. 404A; and
                                             foreign corporation (CFC), adjusted    Other defined benefit plans
         Adjusted financial statement        financial statement income includes    providing post-employ-
         income                              the shareholder’s pro rata share of    ment benefits.
         The act adds new Sec. 56A, which    items taken into account in comput-  ●   Adjusted financial statement
         defines “adjusted financial statement in-  ing the net income or loss on the   income is determined by:
         come” of a corporation (taxpayer) as the   CFC’s applicable financial statement,    Disregarding any income, cost,
         taxpayer’s net income or loss reported in   with adjustments similar to those ap-  or expense that is connected
         the taxpayer’s applicable financial state-  plicable in computing the taxpayer’s   with the covered benefit plan
         ment — as defined in Sec. 451(b)(3)   adjusted financial statement income.   and otherwise included in the
         — with adjustments for certain items. If   Any negative adjustment for a CFC   taxpayer’s applicable finan-
         a taxpayer’s financial results are reported   (or aggregate negative adjustment   cial statement;
         on the applicable financial statement   for multiple CFCs) must be carried    Increasing adjusted financial
         for a group of entities, the act treats that   forward to the next succeeding tax   statement income for any
         consolidated financial statement as the   year.                            income that is connected with

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