Page 9 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 9

         & Shareholders                     Companies should assess their structures to
                                             identify applicable corporations, taking into
         Inflation Reduction Act                        account the special rules for
         includes 15% corporate
         minimum tax on book                          common employer groups and
         income                                 foreign-parented multinational groups.
         On Aug. 16, 2022, President Biden
         signed into law the Inflation Reduc-
         tion Act, P.L. 117-169. For applicable
         corporations that report over $1 bil-  determining adjusted financial statement   annual adjusted financial statement
         lion in profits to shareholders, the act   income for the $1 billion qualification   income, determined without regard to
         includes a 15% corporate alternative   test, the act generally treats adjusted   loss carryovers, of $100 million or more.
         minimum tax based on book income.  financial statement income of all persons   A foreign-parented multinational group
           The corporate alternative mini-  considered a single employer with a   means two or more entities if (1) at least
         mum tax was introduced in the House   corporation under Sec. 52(a) or (b) as   one entity is a domestic corporation
         Ways and Means Committee’s Build   adjusted financial statement income of   and another is a foreign corporation;
         Back Better Act (BBBA) proposal   the corporation.                  (2) the entities are included in the same
         in November 2021 (House BBBA).      For a corporation that is a member of   applicable financial statement; and (3)
         It was then modified by the Senate   a foreign-parented multinational group,   the common parent of those entities is
         Finance Committee in its December   (1) the three-year average annual adjust-  a foreign corporation (or the entities are
         2021 BBBA proposal (Senate BBBA).   ed financial statement income must be   treated as having a common parent that
         The tax, which applies to tax years   over $1 billion from all members of the   is a foreign corporation).
         beginning after Dec. 31, 2022, is pri-  foreign-parented multinational group
         marily a revenue raiser.          (without regard to certain adjustments   Three-tax-year period
                                           as specified in Sec. 59(k)(2)(A)), and   For purposes of determining whether a
         15% minimum tax and               (2) the corporation must have average   corporation has average annual adjusted
         applicable corporations
         An appliable corporation is liable for
         the corporate alternative minimum
         tax to the extent that its “tentative
         minimum tax” exceeds its regular U.S.
         federal income tax liability (computed
         before taking into account general
         business credits) plus its liability for
         the base-erosion and anti-abuse tax
         (BEAT). An applicable corporation’s
         tentative minimum tax is 15% of its
         adjusted financial statement income
         to the extent the tax exceeds the
         corporate alternative minimum tax
     PHOTO BY JLGUTIERREZ/GETTY IMAGES  applies to any corporation (other than
         foreign tax credit for the tax year. The
         corporate alternative minimum tax

         an S corporation, regulated investment
         company, or real estate investment
         trust) whose average annual adjusted
         financial statement income exceeds $1
         billion for any three consecutive tax
         years preceding the tax year. When

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