Page 14 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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                                                                                   The IRS letter
                                                                                   rulings remind
                                                                                 taxpayers of the
                                                                              complex regulations
                                                                                and penalties that
                                                                              private nonoperating
                                                                                 foundations may

                                                                                face when making
                                                                                  distributions to
                                                                               nonpublic charities
                                                                                    and making
                                                                                    (or failing to
                                                                                    timely make)
                                                                                  required yearly


           A third private nonoperating founda-  separate annual financial statement audit   and Company Foundation for three
         tion, “New Foundation,” is a grantmak-  for New Foundation that covers the   years — the year in which the grants
         ing charitable trust recognized as a Sec.   Bequest.”               are made plus the next two years. Grant
         501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. The   To better serve the decedent’s chari-  agreements will be entered into to
         terms of the trust agreement that created   table intent, Family Foundation’s trans-  specify how the proposed transfers may
         New Foundation are essentially identi-  fers to New Foundation will be made   be used and require annual reporting
         cal to the terms of the agreement that   as capital endowment grants. This will   on the use of the funds and any income
         created Family Foundation. Trustee is   “allow the Bequest to be administered   generated. Following each proposed
         the sole trustee of both Family Founda-  and invested within New Foundation,   transfer, Family Foundation intends
         tion and New Foundation. The taxpayer   with its activities separated from the   to review the reports from the two
         represents that all three foundations are   smaller-in-scale grant-making activi-  transferee foundations and their overall
         effectively controlled by the same per-  ties of Family Foundation,” permitting   operations to confirm that the funds
         sons within the meaning of Regs. Sec.   greater flexibility in charitable program-  have been used properly.
         1.507-3(a)(2)(ii).                ing and eliminating additional costs that   Family Foundation does not intend
           Family Foundation established New   Family Foundation would otherwise   to distribute all its assets or to inform
         Foundation in anticipation of receiving a   incur in managing the bequest.   the IRS of an intent to terminate its
         large bequest, distributed over the course   Family Foundation also plans to   status as a private foundation under Sec.
         of year 2. In year 3, Family Foundation   make capital endowment grants to   507(a)(1). It further represents that it
         anticipates making a series of transfers   Company Foundation and restrict   has not engaged, and will not engage,
         of at least 80% of Family Foundation’s   Company Foundation’s endowment   in acts that would give rise to tax under
         assets to Company Foundation and New   spending to only the annual income   Code Chapter 42 (Secs. 4940–4968).
         Foundation. The transfers are intended   from the endowment, in furtherance   Rulings: Noting that the transferee   PHOTO BY YULIA NAUMENKO/GETTY IMAGES
         to “better facilitate separate and distinct   of Company Foundation’s chari-  foundations “are not treated as newly
         programmatic grantmaking between   table purposes.                  created foundations as a result of [a
         the two transferee foundations, increase   Family Foundation will exercise ex-  Sec.] 507(b)(2) transfer of assets” and
         transparency of the foundations’ respec-  penditure responsibility over the capital   that Family Foundation would be mak-
         tive charitable activities, and allow a   endowment grants to New Foundation   ing Sec. 507(b)(2) transfers to Company

         12  January 2023                                                                     The Tax Adviser
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