Page 19 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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apply to events occurring on or after Jan.   provisions of the proposed regulations,   and outbound-loss-event rules of Regs.
         6, 2017.                          provided that the taxpayer and its re-  Sec. 1.987-12. Practitioners generally
           Taxpayers may rely on the provisions   lated parties consistently follow those   view a reasonable method as includ-
         of Notice 2022-34 before amendments   proposed regulations in their entirety.   ing (1) the methodology provided in
         to the final regulations are issued.   Additionally, taxpayers may rely on Prop.   the 1991 proposed regulations, (2) the
         Taxpayers may also choose to apply   Regs. Secs. 1.987-7 (Sec. 987 aggregate   “earnings only” methodology, or (3)
         the 2016 final regulations, the related   partnerships) and 1.988-2(b)(16) (defer-  early adoption of the 2016 final regula-
         temporary regulations (until they were   ral of loss on certain related-party debt   tions. Such Sec. 987 gain or loss can af-
         revoked on May 13, 2019, or expired   instruments), provided that the taxpayer   fect taxable income or global intangible
         on Dec. 6, 2019, as applicable), and the   (and its related parties) consistently   low-taxed income under Sec. 951A,
         related 2019 final regulations (beginning   follow each section of those proposed   each of which in turn may affect many
         on May 13, 2019) to tax years begin-  regulations on which it relies.  other current income tax provisions.
         ning after Dec. 7, 2016, and before Dec.                              From Doug Chestnut, CPA, Wash-
         7, 2023, provided the taxpayer and its   Implications               ington, D.C.; Menna Eltaki, J.D., Chi-
         related parties consistently apply those   The deferral was expected and is help-  cago; Lee Holt, CPA, New York City;
         regulations to those tax years.   ful because it gives taxpayers time to   Tim Kerr, CPA, J.D., Chicago; Ravi
           Although the temporary regulations   create and implement the complex   Manne, J.D., Charlotte, N.C.; and Tim
         have expired, the notice indicates that   systems and processes necessary to   Wichman, CPA, Chicago
         taxpayers can rely on certain provisions   transition to the 2016 final regulations.
         of the proposed regulations, which   Notice 2022-34 does not mention that
         cross-reference the temporary regula-  the IRS is considering changes to these   Legislation
         tions, provided the taxpayer and its   regulations to simplify the rules (al-
         related parties consistently follow the   though it has been mentioned in prior   The Inflation Reduction Act’s
         proposed regulations in their entirety   deferral notices).         energy- and climate-related
         and apply the 2016 final regulations and   Until the final regulations are effec-  tax provisions
         the related 2019 final regulations for the   tive, taxpayers must compute Sec. 987   The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,
         same tax year. A taxpayer may rely on   gain or loss under a reasonable method   P.L. 117-169, represents a monumental
         the annual deemed termination election   and must also apply the deferral-event   and unprecedented investment in the
                                                                             adoption and expansion of renewable and
                                                                             alternative energy sources. The legislation
                                                                             provides $369 billion to (1) incentivize
                                                                             and accelerate the buildout of renew-
                                                                             able energy; (2) advance the adoption
                                                                             of electric vehicle technologies; and (3)
                                                                             improve the energy efficiency of buildings
                                                                             and communities.
                                                                               Before discussing these changes
                                                                             and their implications for taxpayers in
                                                                             more detail, a high-level summary may
                                                                             be helpful.
                                                                             Broad overview
                                                                             With respect to energy transition and
                                                                             renewable energy, the Inflation Reduc-
     PHOTO BY PGIAM/GETTY IMAGES                                             ■   Includes a two-tiered credit struc-
                                                                             tion Act:
                                                                               ture for many of the applicable tax
                                                                               credits, under which there is a base
                                                                               amount, which can be increased to
                                                                               a bonus amount, so long as require-

                                                                                              January 2023  17                                                 ments to pay prevailing wage rates
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