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         recreation, and other nonprofitable   related elections and special rules. The   allocation of assets and liabilities of
         purposes.” This revocation underscores   proposed regulations cross-referenced   certain partnerships for purposes of
         the need for careful planning to ensure   the temporary regulations.  Sec. 987).
         that an organization is both organized   The 2016 final regulations’   Previous deferrals of the ap-
         and operated exclusively for tax-exempt   prescribed approach for comput-  plicability date: The 2016 final
         charitable purposes before applying   ing taxable income or loss and Sec.   regulations originally applied to tax years
         for IRS recognition of Sec. 501(c)(3)   987 gain or loss of a Sec. 987 QBU   beginning on or after one year after the
         tax-exempt status or otherwise claiming   differs entirely from that used by   first day of the first tax year beginning
         that status.                      most taxpayers for more than 30   after Dec. 7, 2016 (e.g., to 2018 for
           From Stephen M. Clarke, J.D., Wash-  years. The regulations also impose   calendar-year taxpayers). The applicabil-
         ington, D.C.; Melanie A. McPeak, CPA,   substantial recordkeeping and compli-  ity date of the 2016 final regulations,
         Tampa, Fla.; Cal Hoke, Raleigh, N.C.;   ance requirements.          however, has been deferred every year
         and Morgan Moran, E.A., Pittsburgh  2019 final regulations: In T.D.   since they were released.
                                           9857, effective May 13, 2019, Treasury
                                           and the IRS finalized certain provi-  Notice 2022-34
         Foreign Income & Taxpayers        sions of the 2016 temporary regula-  Notice 2022-34 announces intended
                                           tions. Specifically, Temp. Regs. Secs.   amendments to further delay the
         Sec. 987 foreign currency         1.987-2T and -4T (on combinations   applicability date of the 2016 final
         regulations applicability date    and separations of Sec. 987 QBUs)   regulations and certain related provi-
         extended again                    and Temp. Regs. Sec. 1.987-12T (ad-  sions of the 2019 final regulations by
         On Aug. 15, 2022, the IRS announced   dressing recognition and deferral of   one additional year. Consequently,
         (Notice 2022-34) that it intends to defer   Sec. 987 gain and loss upon certain   these regulations will now apply to
         by one more year the applicability date   Sec. 987 QBU terminations and   tax years beginning after Dec. 7, 2023
         of certain foreign currency regulations   certain other transactions involving   (e.g., to 2024 for calendar-year taxpay-
         under Sec. 987. The affected regulations   partnerships) were finalized with   ers). The applicability date of Regs.
         will be amended to apply to tax years be-  certain clarifications. In addition,   Sec. 1.987-12 was not changed, so the
         ginning after Dec. 7, 2023 (e.g., to 2024   Treasury and the IRS withdrew Temp.   deferral-event and outbound-loss-event
         for calendar-year taxpayers).     Regs. Sec. 1.987-7T (regarding the   rules of Regs. Sec. 1.987-12 generally
           2016 final, temporary, and pro-
         posed regulations: On Dec. 8, 2016,
         Treasury and the IRS published final
         (T.D. 9794), temporary (T.D. 9795),
         and proposed (REG-128276-12) regu-
         lations under Sec. 987. The 2016 final
         regulations provide guidance to corpo-
         rations and individuals on determining
         taxable income or loss of a qualified
         business unit (QBU) whose functional
         currency differs from that of its owner
         (a Sec. 987 QBU). They also provide
         guidance on the timing, amount, char-
         acter, and source of any Sec. 987 gain
         or loss arising from such a QBU. The
         temporary regulations, some of which
         were finalized in T.D. 9857, provided                                                                   PHOTO BY TRAVELER1116/GETTY IMAGES
         rules for deferring Sec. 987 gain or loss
         in connection with certain Sec. 987
         QBU terminations and transactions
         involving partnerships, as well as other

         16 January 2023                                                                      The Tax Adviser
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