Page 17 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 17

Law                               with the supported organization’s   trustees did not maintain a close, con-
         Under Regs. Sec. 1.509(a)-4(b)(1), to   officers, directors, or trustees (Regs.   tinuous working relationship with their
         qualify as a supporting organization,   Sec. 1.509(a)-4(i)(3)(ii)).  counterparts in the supported organiza-
         a Sec. 509(a)(3) organization must   Finally, for a Type III supporting   tion; and the supported organization
         be both organized and operated exclu-  organization to meet the responsiveness   did not have a significant voice in the
         sively “for the benefit of, to perform the   test, the officers, directors, or trustees of   entity’s investment policies or grant-
         functions of, or carry out the purposes   the supported organization must “have   making activities. The IRS explained
         of … one or more specified publicly   a significant voice in the investment   that the organization was not operated
         supported organizations.”         policies of the supporting organiza-  exclusively for charitable purposes be-
           Further, a Type III supporting   tion, the timing of grants, the manner   cause its activities were more social than
         organization that is operated in con-  of making grants, and the selection of   charitable in nature. In fact, the IRS
         nection with (as opposed to a Type I   grant recipients by [the] supporting   suggested that the organization should
         or II supporting organization that is   organization, and in otherwise direct-  consider applying for IRS recognition of
         supervised or controlled by, or in con-  ing the use of the income or assets of   exemption as a Sec. 501(c)(7) social club.
         nection with) one or more supported   the supporting organization” (Regs.
         organizations must satisfy the require-  Sec. 1.509(a)-4(i)(3)(iii)).  Implications
         ments of the “responsiveness test” under                            The revocation notice in this case sheds
         Regs. Sec. 1.509(a)-4(i)(3) by being   IRS conclusion               some light on the IRS’s review process
         responsive to the needs or demands of   The IRS revoked the supporting orga-  for determining qualification as a sup-
         its supported organization(s). A sup-  nization’s Sec. 501(c)(3) and Sec. 509(a)  porting organization under Sec. 509(a)
         porting organization can satisfy this   (3) tax-exempt supporting organization   (3). For instance, the IRS analyzed
         requirement only if (1) at least one of   status because it did not satisfy the Type   whether this organization met the
         its officers, directors, or trustees was   III supporting organization responsive-  Type III responsiveness test but did not
         elected or appointed by the supported   ness test and did not operate exclusively   include an analysis in the letter regard-
     PHOTO BY KASTO80/GETTY IMAGES  member of the supported organization’s   because none of its officers, directors,   organization requirements. Rather, the
                                           for charitable purposes. The organiza-
                                                                             ing whether or how it met the Type III
         organization’s officers, directors, trust-
                                                                             integral-part test or other supporting
                                           tion failed the responsiveness test
         ees, or membership; (2) at least one
                                           or trustees were elected or appointed
                                                                             IRS suggested in the revocation letter
         governing body is an officer, director,
                                           by the supported organization; the two
                                                                             that this organization would be more
         trustee, or other important individual in
                                                                             likely to qualify under Sec. 501(c)(7) as
         the supporting organization; or (3) its
                                           organizations had no officers, directors,
                                                                             a social club — that is, a club organized
         officers, directors, or trustees maintain a
                                           or trustees in common; the supporting
         close, continuous working relationship
                                                                                              January 2023  15             organization’s officers, directors, and   and operated exclusively “for pleasure,
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