Page 21 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 21

■   The Sec. 45Q credit (for capture   election (the revocation lasts for the bal-  for the tax year for which the credit
           equipment originally placed in   ance of the five-year period).    is determined, and any election, once
           service after Dec. 31, 2022);     From a procedural perspective, a   made, is irrevocable. The transfer elec-
         ■   The new Sec. 45U zero-emission   direct-pay election generally (1) applies   tion under new Sec. 6418 is available
           nuclear power production credit;  separately to each applicable facility;   for the following tax credits:
         ■   The new Sec. 45V hydrogen PTC   (2) must be made in the first year the   ■   The Sec. 30C alternative fuel
           (for facilities placed in service after   facility (or applicable equipment) is   vehicle refueling property credit;
           Dec. 31, 2012);                 placed in service; and (3) applies for   ■   The Sec. 45 PTC;
         ■   The Sec. 45W credit for com-  the full applicable credit term period,   ■   The Sec. 45Q carbon capture, use,
           mercial vehicles (for tax-exempt   subject to the time-limited direct-pay   and sequestration credit;
           entities);                      options for certain taxpayers described   ■   The new Sec. 45U zero-emission
         ■   The new Sec. 45X advanced     above. Certain credits tie the ability to   nuclear power production credit;
           manufacturing credit;           elect direct pay to the satisfaction of the   ■   The new Sec. 45V clean hydrogen
         ■   The technology-neutral PTC (new   domestic content requirements. Addi-  production credit;
           Sec. 45Y) and ITC (new Sec. 48E);  tionally, partnerships or S corporations   ■   The new Sec. 45X advanced
         ■   The new Sec. 45Z clean fuel   that directly hold a facility or property   manufacturing production credit;
           production credit;              eligible for the credit must make the   ■   The technology-neutral PTC
         ■   The Sec. 48C qualifying advanced   direct-pay election, and the partnership   (new Sec. 45Y) and ITC (new Sec.
           energy credit; and              or S corporation receives the direct   48E);
         ■   The Sec. 48 ITC.              payment (as opposed to the partners   ■   The new Sec. 45Z clean fuel
           As noted above, the direct-pay op-  or owners). Finally, an additional 20%   production credit;
         tion can be used only by “applicable   penalty can apply to taxpayers receiving   ■   The Sec. 48C qualifying advanced
         entities,” which generally only include   “excessive payments.”        energy project credit; and
         tax-exempt entities, state or local   Importantly, beginning in fiscal year   ■   The Sec. 48 ITC.
         governments, the Tennessee Valley   2023 and each fiscal year thereafter, the   Transfer elections related to the
         Authority, Indian tribal governments,   portion of any direct payment made   Sec. 45 PTC or the credits under
         or an Alaska Native corporation.   to a taxpayer under a Sec. 6417 elec-  Sec. 45Q, 45V, or 45Y must be made
         However, certain important exceptions   tion (or any amount treated as a pay-  separately for each applicable facil-
         to the “applicable entity” limitation   ment made by the taxpayer under Sec.   ity and for each tax year during the
         exist, so any eligible taxpayer can elect   6417(a)) will increase by 6.0445% (in   10-year period beginning on the date
         direct pay for:                   order to make the taxpayer whole in the   the facility was placed in service (or,
         ■   The first five years of the new Sec.   event of a potential sequestration).  for Sec. 45Q carbon capture, use, and
           45V credit for the production of   Transferability of credits (new   sequestration purposes, for each year
           clean hydrogen;                 Sec. 6418): The Inflation Reduction   during the 12-year period beginning
         ■   The first five years of the Sec.   Act contains provisions that allow   on the date the carbon capture equip-
           45Q credit (starting with any tax   certain credits to be transferred. Under   ment was originally placed in service
           year after Dec. 31, 2022, in which   new Sec. 6418, an eligible taxpayer   at such facility).
           the taxpayer has placed in service   can elect to transfer all (or any portion   The Inflation Reduction Act does
           carbon capture equipment at a   specified in the election) of an eligible   not allow applicable entities, as de-
           qualified facility); and        credit to an unrelated transferee taxpay-  fined for direct-pay purposes, to elect
         ■   A five-year period of the new Sec.   er. The transfer, however, must be paid   to transfer credits. As noted above,
           45X advanced manufacturing credit.  in cash, not be included in the income   applicable entities are defined for
           For the Sec. 45Q credit, the direct-  of the recipient taxpayer, and not be de-  direct-pay purposes as tax-exempt en-
         pay election applies separately with   ductible by the paying taxpayer. Further,   tities, state or local governments, the
         respect to carbon capture equipment   the transfer must be a one-time transfer   Tennessee Valley Authority, Indian
         originally placed in service by the   (i.e., the transferee cannot make a sub-  tribal governments, or Alaska Na-
         applicable entity during a tax year.   sequent election to further transfer any   tive corporations. An additional 20%
         Additionally, any non–tax-exempt and   portion of the transferred credit).  penalty can apply to “excessive credit
         nongovernmental taxpayers that elect   The taxpayer must elect to transfer   transfers.” For eligible credits result-
         direct pay related to the new Sec. 45V   the credits no later than the due date   ing from property held by a partner-
         clean hydrogen credit can revoke their   (including extensions) for the tax return   ship or S corporation, any election

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