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                                           unconstitutional, a Treasury regulation   meet certain requirements to trigger the
               The proposed                is invalid, or a notice or revenue proce-  IRS’s obligation, including receiving a
                                           dure is invalid.
                                                                             statutory notice of deficiency and not
            regulations would                 The proposed regulations asked for   having previously requested Appeals
          implement statutory              comments on whether Appeals ought   consideration for the same matter or
                                           to be able to consider two types of cases
                                                                             issue in a tax year or period. If the
           language requiring              listed as exclusions in the Internal Rev-  taxpayer fulfills those requirements,
                  the IRS to               enue Manual but not in the proposed   the IRS would have to provide the
             notify a taxpayer             regulations — those requesting “9100   taxpayer a written notice with a detailed
                                                                             description of the facts involved, the
                                           relief ” extending the time to make an
              of the reasons               election (under Regs. Secs. 301.9100-1   basis for the decision to deny the re-
                 for denying               through -3) and those requesting   quest, a detailed explanation of how
                                                                             the basis for the decision applies to
                                           changes of accounting method. In both
                  a request                circumstances, the IRM currently denies  those facts, and the procedures for
                 for referral              Appeals consideration for a decision   protesting the decision to deny
                                                                             the request.
                                           issued by an Associate Office where the
                 to Appeals.               decision is reviewable by a court under
                                           an abuse-of-discretion standard.  Implications
                                                                             The proposed regulations would for-
         issued the statutory notice of deficiency;   Notification of reasons for   malize what constitutes a “federal tax
         (5) cases designated for litigation; and   denying a referral to Appeals  controversy” and clarify which cases will
         (6) cases withheld on the basis of sound   The proposed regulations would also   be excluded from going to Appeals —
         tax administration, among others.   implement statutory language requir-  notably including challenges to statutes
         The proposed regulations would also   ing the IRS to notify a taxpayer of the   and the validity of regulations and sub-
         exclude from Appeals consideration   reasons for denying a request for referral   regulatory guidance. This clarity should
         challenges alleging that a statute is   to Appeals. The taxpayer would have to   help taxpayers determine whether to ap-
                                                                             peal an IRS decision and the arguments
                                                                             a taxpayer might make in an appeal.
                                                                               The proposed regulations also identi-
                                                                             fy the requirements for both the taxpayer
                                                                             and the IRS when a request for Appeals
                                                                             consideration is denied. This added
                                                                             transparency into the IRS’s decision-
                                                                             making and information concerning the
                                                                             basis for denial will assist taxpayers in
                                                                             understanding more about how the IRS
                                                                             views their case and issues, as well as
                                                                             determining whether to protest the deci-
                                                                             sion to deny the request.
                                                                               From Kirsten Wielobob, J.D., and
                                                                             John Dilorio, J.D., LL.M., Washington,
                                                                             D.C.   ■
     PHOTO BY MINT IMAGES/GETTY IMAGES                                        Editor

                                                                              Susan Minasian Grais, CPA, J.D., LL.M.,
                                                                              is a managing director at Ernst & Young
                                                                              LLP in Washington, D.C.

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