Page 197 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 197

Gross Income
                                                  Various forms of debt workouts and
         A primer on                       restructurings can trigger COD income, which
         cancellation-of-debt              results in taxable income to the debtor unless
         income and exclusions
         In times of economic uncertainty, tax   specifically excluded under Sec. 108.
         professionals receive more frequent
         questions about the ramifications of
         debt workouts and restructurings, in-  ■   Exclusion of COD income that   exclude the COD income unless the
         cluding whether cancellation-of-debt   would generate a tax deduction if   partner is also undergoing a Title 11
         (COD) income will result. After sum-  paid; and                     bankruptcy (Sec. 108(d)(6)).
         marizing the basics of COD income,   ■   Purchase-money debt reductions, as   Insolvency: If Example 1 occurred
         this item discusses four exclusions that   defined in Sec. 108(e)(5).  in an insolvency situation, the rules
         are commonly used by operating busi-                                would be different. A taxpayer that is
         nesses in this type of situation.  Bankruptcy and insolvency        insolvent immediately before a COD
           Generally, COD income can occur   exclusions                      income event may exclude the COD
         in any of the following circumstances   The bankruptcy and insolvency exclu-  income but only to the extent of the
         (among others):                   sions provided in Secs. 108(a)(1)(A)   taxpayer’s insolvency (Secs. 108(a)(1)(B)
         ■   Modification of a debt, as defined in   and (B) operate similarly to exclude   and (a)(3)). The calculation for insol-
           Regs. Sec. 1.1001-3;            COD income. However, it is critical for   vency is “the excess of liabilities over the
         ■   Issuance of equity in satisfaction of   a tax professional to understand several   fair market value of assets” (Sec. 108(d)
           debt (see Secs. 108(e)(8) and    distinctions between them. Consider the   (3)). Although it would seem that the
           108(e)(6));                     following example:                degree of insolvency before the COD
         ■   Acquisition of outstanding debt at                              income event can be derived from the
           a discount by a party related to the   Example 1: Corporation D under-  equity value issued in the workout, that
           debtor, as defined in Sec. 108(e)(4);  goes a debt workout in which $500   is not always the case, as illustrated by
         ■   Issuance of a contingent value right   million of debt is discharged in ex-  the following example:
           or similar property right in satisfac-  change for (1) new debt of $200 mil-
           tion of debt;                     lion, (2) cash of $50 million raised   Example 2: In Example 1, in which
         ■   Discharge of the debt occurring   from new senior creditors, and (3)   Corporation D incurs $100 million
           either within or outside a bank-  preferred equity in Corporation D of   of COD income, it would appear
           ruptcy proceeding; and            $150 million. Corporation D reports   that Corporation D was insolvent
         ■   An asset foreclosure or similar   $100 million of COD income in   by at least $100 million. However,
           transaction satisfying the debt.   the transaction.                 suppose that a valuation performed
           Unless specifically excluded under                                  on Corporation D as of the date
         the tax law, COD income is taxable   Bankruptcy: If Example 1 oc-     immediately after the COD income
         under Sec. 61. In the case of certain   curred pursuant to a Title 11 bank-  event provides an enterprise value
         foreclosure transactions, the cancella-  ruptcy, Corporation D may exclude the   (assets over liabilities, excluding
         tion event could generate gain on the   entire $100 million of COD income.   debt) of $450 million and an equity
         sale of the assets securing the debt;   This is because, if a taxpayer’s COD   value of $200 million. The post-
         however, that analysis is beyond the   income event occurs in a bankruptcy   transaction valuation would imply
         scope of this item.               governed by Title 11 of the U.S. Code,   that Corporation D may have been
           Exclusions from the general rule   all COD income is excluded (Sec.   insolvent by as little as $50 million
         of COD income inclusion are found   108(a)(1)(A)). Note that where the   immediately before the transaction
         in Sec. 108. While there are several of   entity that incurred the COD income   ($450 million enterprise value less
         these exclusions, this item focuses on   is a corporation, the exclusion applies   $500 million debt before the COD
         four of them that are commonly used   at the corporate level. In contrast, if the   income event). If that is the case,
         by operating businesses:          entity that incurred the COD income is   only $50 million of the $100 million
         ■   The bankruptcy exclusion;     a partnership for income tax purposes,   of COD income is eligible for the
         ■   The insolvency exclusion;     partners of the partnership may not   insolvency exclusion.

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