Page 201 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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Example 4. Continuations between   post-merger entity is only 20%. The
           “old and cold” partnerships: A and   remaining 80% is owned by CD’s   Practice & Procedures
           B are equal members in AB LLC, a   historic partners. Under the merger
           widget manufacturer. The members   rules, AB terminates in the transac-  Is a substitute for return a
           are approached by their largest   tion because AB’s partners own 50%   return? Understanding the
           competitor, CD LLC, with an offer   or less of the capital and profits of   statute of limitation for credits
           to acquire their business. Under the   the post-merger partnership. Since   and refunds
           agreement, CD will give A and B a   CD’s historic partners retain the re-  Sec. 6511 outlines the limitations on a
           cash payment equal to 80% of the   maining 80%, CD is the continuing   claim for credit or refund of an overpay-
           value of AB and a rollover interest   partnership, which files a full-year   ment of any tax. Where the taxpayer does
           worth 20% of the total capital and   return accordingly.         not file a required return and the IRS
           profits of CD. Immediately after                                 prepares a return on behalf of the taxpayer
           the transaction, AB will liquidate.  Example 5: Comparison to    under Sec. 6020(b), the issue arises of
                                              Rev. Rul. 99-6: Assume the    whether the substitute for return starts
           The consolidation of AB and CD     same facts as Example 4, ex-  the running of the statute of limitation on
         appears similar to the facts of Rev. Rul.   cept the purchase agreement   claims for refund under Sec. 6511. This
         66-264. Immediately after the transac-  specifies Rev. Rul. 99-6, Situ-  item examines this issue and the potential
         tion, A and B remain direct partners in   ation 2, is intended to apply to   position that such a substitute for return
         a partnership that carries on the trade   the transaction.         (SFR) does not constitute a return that
         or business of AB. Given the similari-                             triggers the statute of limitation on claims
         ties, it is not unreasonable to immedi-  Again, it is unclear if the applica-  for refund under Sec. 6511.
         ately assume CD is a continuation of   tion of Rev. Rul. 99-6 makes sense
         AB. However, nuanced differences may   where partners of the target partner-  SFR procedures
         change the analysis. Here, CD is an ex-  ship continue to be partners in the   Sec. 6020 grants the IRS the author-
         isting, “old and cold” partnership with   acquiring partnership. The merger   ity to prepare and execute a return on a
         its own widget fabrication trade. Does   rules already discuss how to account   taxpayer’s behalf. Where a taxpayer fails
         the existence of a CD trade or business   for a consolidation of multiple part-  to file a required return or submits a false
         create a need for further analysis?  nerships. The transaction pattern   or fraudulent return, Sec. 6020(b)(1)
           The framework that makes the    that best fits Rev. Rul. 99-6 is one   authorizes the IRS to prepare an SFR on
         most sense to apply when evaluating   where there is no continuity of own-  the taxpayer’s behalf using information
         a transaction where multiple “old and   ership in the continuing partnership.   already in its possession or other available
         cold” partnerships become a single   For example, if CD acquired 100% of   information. The IRS then assesses the
         partnership is the merger rules of Regs.   the AB partnership interests for cash,   tax reflected on the SFR.
         Sec. 1.708-1(c). If the merger rules   then the transaction is consistent   The IRS most commonly uses these
         apply, the determinations related to   with Situation 2 of Rev. Rul. 99-6.  SFR procedures when a taxpayer has
         partnership continuations are made by                              failed to file a required return, and one or
         reference to a set of mechanical rules.   Determine which rules apply   more third parties have reported income
         These rules determine which (if any)   to the facts                to the taxpayer for the tax year at issue.
         partnership is a continuation, based on   Whether partnerships terminate or   Once an SFR authorized under Sec.
         the ownership of the post-merger part-  continue for federal tax purposes is   6020(b)(1) is prepared and executed by
         nership or on the net fair market value   not always cut and dried. The tax   the IRS, Sec. 6020(b)(2) deems the SFR
         of the assets contributed by each of the   consequences of a transaction may   “prima facie good and sufficient for all
         consolidating partnerships. If none of   not even align with state law. In ad-  legal purposes.” However, a question may
         the members of the consolidating part-  dition, the fact patterns of a partner-  arise of whether an SFR is considered a
         nerships own more than 50% of the   ship continuation transaction may   return for purposes of the statute of limi-
         capital and profits, both partnerships   brush up against other rulings, so it   tation on claims for refund.
         are deemed to terminate on the date of   is important to identify which set
         the merger, with the resulting partner-  of rules best applies to an underly-  Sec. 6511 limitations on credit or
         ship treated as newly formed.     ing transaction.                 refund claims
           In Example 4, A and B’s owner-     From Mike Laier, CPA (Mike.Laier@  Sec. 6511(a) provides that where the tax
         ship in the capital and profits of the, Chicago       is one for which a return is required, a

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