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(Stafford, 983 F.2d 25 (5th Cir. 1993),   the statute of limitation on credits and   the deductibility by a passthrough entity
         and Powell, 955 F.2d 1206 (9th Cir.   refunds, it should be noted that this   (PTE) of a “specified income tax pay-
         1992)); or a tax liability was eligible for   result could also be advantageous to the   ment,” which is defined as “any amount
         discharge in bankruptcy (Bergstrom, 949   IRS in limited circumstances. Should   paid by a partnership or an S corpora-
         F.2d 341 (10th Cir. 1991)).       a taxpayer’s original return disclose ad-  tion” to a state, a political subdivision
           Based on Healer and the other cases   ditional income that was not included in   of a state, or the District of Columbia
         cited above, a taxpayer’s nondelegable   the SFR assessment, any additional tax   to satisfy its liability for income taxes
         duty to file a tax return, coupled with   arising from the additional income may   they impose on the partnership or the S
         practical consideration of the intended   be assessed by the IRS without running   corporation. To date, no such guidance
         purpose of Sec. 6020 SFR authority,   afoul of the assessment statute outlined   has been published, and the priority of
         the courts support the proposition that   in Sec. 6501. IRM provisions inform   this guidance is unclear after the passage
         an SFR filed pursuant to Sec. 6020(b)   IRS employees of their ability to assess   of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022,
         is prima facie good and sufficient for   additional tax under such circumstances   P.L. 117-169, and the competing need
         all purposes where the IRS’s author-  (see IRM §     for guidance in other areas of the tax law.
         ity to prepare a return, determine the                                With the lack of expanded guidance
         tax liability on such return, and make   Advocating for clients     in this area, taxpayers and practitioners
         assessments based upon that return is   Based on the reasoning outlined in   face uncertainty regarding the timing of
         at issue. However, courts have limited   Healer, an SFR filed by the IRS on   the deduction provided for in the notice.
         the application of Sec. 6020(b) in other   behalf of a taxpayer under the authority   Specifically, for passthrough entities on
         contexts, including cases involving the   of Sec. 6020(b) likely does not constitute   the accrual method, the issue arises of
         statute of limitation on a claim for re-  a return for purposes of determining   whether the deduction must be taken
         fund or credit.                   whether the limitations imposed by   in the year the tax is paid or whether it
           IRS internal guidance is consistent   Sec. 6511 apply to a taxpayer’s claim for   is possible to take the deduction in the
         with the holding in Healer. The Inter-  credits or refunds. It is important for   preceding year.
         nal Revenue Manual (IRM) states that   tax practitioners to be aware of the rules
         SFR reconsideration claims are original   and prior court analysis concerning the   Timing rules
         returns and instructs employees to   statute of limitation on claims for credit   The notice states that if a partnership
         apply the refund statute expiration date   and refunds for a tax year where an SFR   or an S corporation makes a specified
         (RSED) rules to the date the original   is present in order to effectively advocate   income tax payment during a tax year, it
         return filed by the taxpayer is received   for clients, particularly in the event that   is allowed a deduction for the payment
         (see IRM § (Dec. 16, 2015)).   the IRS misinterprets Sec. 6020(b).  “in computing its taxable income for
         Therefore, a taxpayer may be eligible   From Tiffany Mosely, J.D., LL.M.    the taxable year in which the payment
         to file a claim for refund at any time   (,   is made.” This language implies that a
         if the only return present is an SFR   Los Angeles                  deduction is only allowed in the year
         filed pursuant to Sec. 6020(b). There is                            of payment. However, the notice fails
         evidence that this may remain true even                             to address whether certain special rules
         where the taxpayer signs the SFR audit   State & Local Taxes        apply relating to accrual-basis taxpayers
         report or otherwise ratifies a return                               and the timing of their state income
         made pursuant to Sec. 6020(a) (see Rev.   PTE deduction: Timing issues   tax deductions.
         Rul. 2005-59, also Millsap, 91 T.C. 926,   for accrual-method taxpayers  For a cash-basis taxpayer, the notice’s
         938 (“the substitute returns in this case,   It has been over two years since the IRS   language appears in line with the gen-
         prepared by respondent under section   issued Notice 2020-75, which effectively   eral rules under Regs. Sec. 1.461-1. A
         6020(b), do not preempt or preclude   blesses an entity-level workaround to the   taxpayer utilizing the cash receipts and
         the petitioner’s right to contest the defi-  individual $10,000 state and local tax   disbursements method of accounting
         ciency determined by respondent”), and   deduction limitation imposed through   is generally allowed a deduction for an
         IRM §             2025 and enacted as part of the law   item in the tax year in which it is paid.
                                           known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,   For an accrual-basis taxpayer, the
         A double-edged sword              P.L. 115-97.                      notice is also in line with the general
         While it is favorable to taxpayers to   As background, Notice 2020-75 an-  rules under Regs. Sec. 1.461-1 but does
         take the position that an SFR does   nounces the intent of Treasury and the   not address the applicability of certain
         not constitute a return for purposes of   IRS to issue proposed regulations on   special rules that may allow for the

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