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is discharged, the debtor does not realize
         COD income to the extent it relates to the   Partners & Partnerships  Whether partnerships
         deferred original issue discount.
           Purchase-money debt reduction   Navigating partnership            terminate or continue
         (Sec. 108(e)(5)): If a buyer of property   continuations                  for federal tax
         issues a debt instrument to the seller in   Transactions between partnerships can
         exchange for the property and the seller   result in situations where it may be   purposes is not
                                                                              always cut and dried.
         subsequently forgives the debt (either in   unclear whether any of the partner-
         whole or in part), the forgiveness results in   ships involved terminate for federal tax
         a reduction in the basis of the purchased   purposes. Compounding this confusion
         property rather than COD income. The   is the disconnect between what may
         statute states that this exclusion applies   occur under state law and the fictional   carried on inside CD, which continues
         only to solvent debtors not in bankruptcy at   series of events deemed to occur for   to be owned and operated by A and B.
         the time of the COD income event. In the   purposes of Subchapter K. These dif-  Since the reorganization of AB does not
         case of an insolvent or bankrupt partner-  ferences can lead to circumstances   meet the definition of a termination,
         ship, however, the IRS has stated that it will   where a partnership may continue to   CD should be treated as a continuation
         not prevent the partnership from using the   exist for tax purposes even when it is   of AB. A full-year partnership return is
         Sec. 108(e)(5) exclusion, provided that all   dissolved under state law. This item   filed, as the restructure is disregarded
         the partners in the partnership adopt treat-  discusses the rules and authorities re-  for federal tax purposes (see Rev. Ruls.
         ment consistent with that of the partner-  lated to partnership continuations and   84-52, 95-37, and 95-55). Going for-
         ship (see Rev. Proc. 92-92).      when they may apply.              ward, A and B will file the return under
                                                                             the new business name CD LLC, but
         Keep these exclusions in mind     When does a partnership           there is no requirement that the part-
         Various forms of debt workouts and   continue? When does it         nership obtain a new federal employer
         restructurings can trigger COD income,   terminate?                 identification number.
         which results in taxable income to the   A partnership continues when it does
         debtor unless specifically excluded under   not meet the definition of a termina-  Rev. Rul. 66-264
         Sec. 108. Two key Sec. 108 exclusions are   tion under Sec. 708(a). A partner-  Partnership continuations may occur
         the bankruptcy and insolvency exclusions.   ship terminates when no part of any   in more complex transactions than in
         These exclusions operate similarly but with   businesses, financial operation, or   Example 1.
         important differences. If a taxpayer excludes   venture of the partnership continues
         cancellation of debt from income under   to be carried on by any of its partners   Example 2. “Drop down” continua-
         the bankruptcy or insolvency exclusion, the   in an entity taxed as a partnership   tion of an operating partnership: A
         taxpayer must account for that benefit by   (Sec. 708(b)). Consider the follow-  and B are members in OpCo LLC.
         correspondingly reducing its tax attributes.   ing example:           The members are approached by
           Other situations in which COD income                                Sponsor, a private-equity fund that
         does not arise include where the liability   Example 1. “Drop down” continua-  is interested in acquiring a majority
         discharged would have been deductible if   tion: A and B are the sole members   interest in OpCo. Sponsor forms
         paid by the taxpayer and in the case of a   of AB LLC, a limited liability com-  NewCo LLC and funds it with cash.
         purchase-money debt reduction. Tax advis-  pany (LLC) taxed as a partnership.   Immediately after the formation
         ers should keep these tax considerations   On April 30, 20X2, they transfer   of NewCo, A and B contribute a
         relating to COD income events top of   100% of their units in AB to a new   percentage of their OpCo interests
         mind during times of economic turmoil,   legal entity — CD LLC — in   to NewCo in exchange for units
         when debt workouts and restructurings   exchange for 100% of the units of   totaling 10% of the value of NewCo.
         often occur.                         CD. Immediately after the transac-  After the contribution, NewCo
           From Nick Gruidl, CPA, MBT (Nick.  tion, A and B are members in CD,   acquires the remaining partnership, Washington, D.C.;   which owns 100% of AB.         interests of OpCo from the members
         Joseph Wiener, J.D., LL.M. (Joseph.                                   with cash. Following the transaction,, New York City; and   Although it appears that AB be-  NewCo is owned 90% by Sponsor
         Sarah Lieberman, J.D. (Sarah.Lieberman@  comes a disregarded entity, the trade   and 5% equally by A and B. OpCo, Washington, D.C.      or business of AB continues to be   is owned 100% by NewCo.

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