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           In addition, Section 107 of the   stems from a taxpayer’s ability to make   implementing a process to track quali-
         CHIPS Act of 2022 creates a new re-  an election to be treated as making a   fied investments, including planning
         fundable 25% advanced manufacturing   payment against tax equal to the credit   around timing, basis reduction, and
         investment tax credit (ITC) under Sec.   amount otherwise determined in lieu   recapture provisions; and (4) substantiat-
         48D for qualified investment related   of claiming the credit (direct-pay elec-  ing and monetizing the Sec. 48D credit.
         to facilities that primarily manufacture   tion) as a general business tax credit.⁶
         semiconductors and semiconductor   Through the direct-pay election, taxpay-  Qualified investment and
         manufacturing equipment. Importantly,   ers are entitled to a payment from the   qualified property
         this new ITC can supplement and be   federal government to the extent that   An eligible taxpayer’s qualified invest-
         paired with other funding secured under   they do not have a tax liability to offset   ment with respect to an advanced
         the CHIPS for America programs. This   or if the taxpayer is in a tax loss position.   manufacturing facility is the tax basis
         article summarizes the key features of   The costs associated with building or   (i.e., capitalized costs) of any qualified
         the new Sec. 48D credit and highlights   expanding a semiconductor manufactur-  property originally placed in service by
         key considerations for manufacturers   ing facility can easily surpass $1 billion,   the taxpayer after 2022.⁷ The construc-
         of semiconductors and semiconductor   meaning a 25% tax credit would be   tion of such property must begin before
         manufacturing equipment, includ-  significant to the project’s economic vi-  Jan. 1, 2027.⁸ If the construction began
         ing current uncertainties surrounding   ability. With such a substantial incentive   before Jan. 1, 2023, only capitalized costs
         the credit.                       value tied to qualifying for the Sec. 48D   attributable to the construction, recon-
                                           credit, it is critical for potential credit   struction, or erection of the property
         Advanced manufacturing ITC        claimants to assess eligibility in order   after Aug. 9, 2022 (i.e., the CHIPS Act
         overview                          to plan accordingly. Considerations in-  of 2022 enactment date), are eligible
         The refundable Sec. 48D credit is equal   clude: (1) understanding the meaning of   for the Sec. 48D credit, provided that
         to 25% of the qualified investment   the terms “qualified investment,” “quali-  the property is placed in service after
         in new depreciable tangible property   fied property,” “advanced manufacturing   Dec. 31, 2022. It is necessary for tax-
         integral to the operation of a facility to   facility,” “eligible taxpayer,” “foreign   payers that have qualified investments
         manufacture semiconductors or semi-  entity of concern,” and “applicable   incurred on or before Aug. 9, 2022, to
         conductor manufacturing equipment.   transaction”; (2) identifying which costs   separately track costs after that date to
         The refundable nature of the credit   will qualify and areas of uncertainty; (3)   help substantiate and determine the

           6.  Sec. 48D(d).                                   8.  Sec. 48D(e).
           7.  Sec. 48D(b)(1).

           EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                  semiconductor manufacturing      equipment. Certain “foreign
                                              equipment. Because taxpayers     entities of concern” or taxpayers
            •  National concerns about        may elect to be treated as       making certain “applicable
              lagging U.S. production of      making payments against tax      transactions” are ineligible for the
              semiconductors as a share       equal to the credit amount, the   credit. The latter include certain
              of global production led to     credit is in effect refundable.  transactions involving a material
              legislation in 2021 and 2022,                                    expansion of semiconductor
              providing funding incentives and   •  Qualified property eligible for the   manufacturing capacity in certain
              a new advanced manufacturing    credit must be placed in service   “foreign countries of concern.”
              investment tax credit.          after 2022, and its construction
                                              must begin before Jan. 1, 2027.   •  Credit recapture rules apply
            •  The credit, under Sec. 48D,                                     where taxpayers dispose of
              equals 25% of qualified       •  An advanced manufacturing       credit property within specified
              investment in new buildings,    facility for purposes of the     periods and in the case of
              facilities, and other depreciable   credit must have as its primary   applicable transactions.
              tangible property integral to   purpose the manufacturing
              the operation of a facility to   of semiconductors or
              manufacture semiconductors or   semiconductor manufacturing

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