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In a news release issued June 17,   silicon, germanium); doping mate-  The report states that many U.S.
         2021, the U.S. Senate Committee on   rial (e.g., boron, phosphorus, arsenic);   leaders in semiconductors operate with
         Finance announced the introduction of   size (generally, up to 300 millimeters   a fabless business model, providing
         the previously noted FABS Act, which   or 12 inches); thickness (generally,   their designs to a third-party foundry
         proposed a 25% ITC for domestic   up to 775 micrometers); and surface   company (also referred to as a “pure-
         manufacturing of semiconductors, co-  characteristics (e.g., flatness, particle   play semiconductor foundry”) that
         sponsored by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.,   density, haze). Wafers meet the physics   specializes in contract manufacturing
         and Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho. As part   definition of semiconductor and are   of semiconductors. Foundry companies
         of the release, Sen. Wyden stated:   the primary source material for the   sometimes provide additional capacity
                                           chip or integrated circuit manufactur-  or otherwise produce certain chips for
           Chips are a critical technology in   ing process.                 IDMs. Furthermore, the fabless-foundry
           our economy, as recent supply chain   Despite wafers’ being an essential   model has become increasingly prevalent
           disruptions and shortages have   part of the semiconductor supply chain,   as the costs of building and maintaining
           made crystal clear. The supply of   it is unclear whether Congress intended   a state-of-the-art semiconductor manu-
           everything from computers to cars   the term “semiconductor” under Sec.   facturing facility have skyrocketed, and
           is affected by these shortages, and   48D to include the manufacturing of   continued advances in chipmaking tech-
           the way to fix this problem is to   wafers or other essential supply chain   nology require entirely new, increasingly
           bring chip manufacturing back to   materials. Moreover, various types of   costly fabrication equipment.²⁷
           the United States. Our bill would   equipment are used across the entire   In removing “processing and re-
           provide a significant investment tax   life cycle of semiconductor manufactur-  search” from the CHIPS Act of 2022’s
           credit to companies that build chips   ing, and the definition of “semiconduc-  final language, Congress may have con-
           here at home, rather than overseas.   tor” will heavily influence what type of   sidered the availability of other tax and
                                           equipment constitutes “semiconductor   nontax incentives for such activities,
           Further, Sen. Crapo stated, “It is   manufacturing equipment” for pur-  specifically the Sec. 41 R&D credit,
         critical that we leverage federal govern-  poses of the Sec. 48D credit. Note that   as well as grants and/or loans under
         ment incentives to bolster American   companies that fall into this gray area   the CHIPS for America incentive pro-
         companies and bring chip and semi-  related to the semiconductor supply   gram through Commerce, as noted, to
         conductor manufacturing back to the   chain would be able to explore potential   incentivize investments in facilities and
         United States. This tax incentive is a   grants under the CHIPS for America   equipment in the United States for the
         great step toward our goal of fortifying   incentive program through Commerce.  fabrication, assembly, testing, advanced
         our supply chains, strengthening na-                                packaging, production, or research and
         tional security, and boosting economic   Semiconductor fabs         development of semiconductors, materi-
         competitiveness.”²⁶ Based on the news   Based on the White House’s 100-Day   als used to manufacture semiconduc-
         releases, one could infer that Congress   Report prepared under Executive Order   tors, or semiconductor manufacturing
         intended for the term “semiconductor”   14017, there are two basic industry   equipment. Because the R&D credit is
         under Sec. 48D to include chips or in-  models for semiconductor fabs: (1)   generally calculated based on incremen-
         tegrated circuits, as defined by the SIA.  the vertically integrated device manu-  tal qualified research expenditures from
           Beyond semiconductor chips or   facturer (IDM) model, where IDMs   prior years, it generally would not pro-
         integrated circuits, there is less certainty   perform all of the steps in the semicon-  vide the same level of benefit as a 25%
         regarding whether Congress intended   ductor manufacturing process — from   credit for qualified research investment.
         the term to include semiconducting   design to final testing, accounting for   As noted previously, buildings or
         materials used to produce the final   about two-thirds of global semicon-  their structural components, includ-
         product, such as wafer substrates. Wafer   ductor production capacity — and (2)   ing portions of them, used for offices,
         manufacturing is itself a complex   the fabless-foundry business model, in   administrative services, or other func-
         process resulting in characteristics   which the design process is separate   tions unrelated to manufacturing do not
         that vary by source material (e.g.,   from the manufacturing process.   satisfy the requirements as “qualified

         26.   Senate Committee on Finance, “Wyden, Crapo, Cornyn, Warner, Daines,   27.   See White House, “Building Resilient Supply Chains, Revitalizing American
            Stabenow Introduce Bill to Boost Domestic Manufacturing of Semiconduc-  Manufacturing, and Fostering Broad-Based Growth: 100-Day Reviews
            tors” (June 17, 2021).                             Under Executive Order 14017” (June 2021).

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