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credit-eligible portion of the tax basis of   toward completion of the qualified   The phrase “building or its structural
         qualified property.               facility or property during the period   components” in Sec. 48D(b)(2)(B)(i)
           Historically, the IRS and Treasury   beginning in the calendar year immedi-  is similar to the threshold requirement
         have focused on eligible basis associated   ately succeeding the calendar year that   for a qualified rehabilitated building
         with federal ITC claims through exams   construction has commenced, through   that is eligible for the rehabilitation
         as well as part of the Sec. 1603 grant-in-  the date that the qualified facility or   credit under Sec. 47(c)(1)(A), which
         lieu-of-ITC program. Having sufficient   property is placed in service.¹⁰   refers to a “building (and its structural
         documentation is crucial to accurately   Generally, the Sec. 48D credit is   components).” The regulations under
         calculating and substantiating Sec. 48D   claimed in the tax year that the qualified   former Sec. 48(a), which included the
         credit claims. Best practices may include   property is placed in service for federal   investment credit for a qualified reha-
         commissioning a cost-segregation study.   tax purposes (i.e., ready and available for   bilitated building, provided that the term
         Note that the IRS may impose a 20%   its assigned function). For example, if a   “building” generally means “any structure
         penalty on any excessive amounts treated   company begins construction related to   or edifice enclosing a space within its
         as payments or amounts received as   qualified property on Dec. 31, 2026 (the   walls, and usually covered by a roof, the
         payments due to a lack of reasonable   day before the statutory sunset date),   purpose of which is, for example, … to
         cause, which may include insufficient   and places the property in service on Jan.   provide working, office, parking, display,
         documentation to substantiate the credit   1, 2028, the Sec. 48D credit is claimed   or sales space.”¹³
         amount.⁹                          in tax year 2028. However, taxpayers   It is unusual for the eligible basis of
           Furthermore, taxpayers that have   may instead elect to accelerate claiming   an ITC to include the cost of a build-
         planned projects with an expected   the Sec. 48D credit based on certain   ing or its structural components, so this
         placed-in-service date after Dec. 31,   progress expenditure rules under Secs.   provision can significantly increase the
         2026, should consider contemporane-  46(c)(4) and (d).¹¹            percentage of a project’s costs that may
         ous documentation of a beginning-   Generally, this applies with respect   be credit-eligible. However, as noted
         of-construction strategy to support a   to the taxpayer’s expenditures for the   above, any buildings or their structural
         determination that construction began   construction of any progress expenditure   components, including a portion of
         before Jan. 1, 2027. The IRS provides   property with a normal construction pe-  them, used for offices, administrative
         two methods to establish the begin-  riod of two years or more that is expect-  services, or other functions unrelated
         ning of construction when determining   ed to be qualified property in the hands   to manufacturing do not satisfy the
         eligibility for ITCs: (1) having paid or   of the taxpayer when placed in service.¹²   requirements as qualified property and
         incurred at least 5% of the total cost of   Sec. 48D(b)(2) defines “qualified prop-  must be excluded from eligible basis.
         the depreciable basis of the qualified   erty” as tangible property (including any   Nor does the qualified investment with
         facility or property, excluding land and   building or its structural components,   respect to any advanced manufacturing
         property not integral to the facility (5%   except for a building or portion of a   facility for any tax year include that por-
         safe harbor), and (2) starting physical   building used for offices, administrative   tion of the basis of any property that is
         work of a significant nature on-site or   services, or other functions unrelated to   attributable to qualified rehabilitation
         off-site related to a qualified facility or   manufacturing), with respect to which   expenditures with respect to a qualified
         property (physical work test).    depreciation (or amortization in lieu of   rehabilitated building, as defined in
           Moreover, once it has been deter-  depreciation) is allowable, that is either:   Sec. 47(c)(2).¹⁴
         mined that construction has commenced   (1) constructed, reconstructed, or erected
         under the 5% safe harbor and/or the   by an eligible taxpayer; or (2) acquired   Advanced manufacturing facility
         physical work test, the beginning-of-  by the taxpayer, if the original use of the   While Sec. 48D(b)(3) defines “ad-
         construction requirement is satisfied   property commences with the taxpayer;   vanced manufacturing facility” as a
         only if the taxpayer further satisfies   and (3) that is integral to the operation   facility for which “the primary purpose
         certain continuity requirements that re-  of an advanced manufacturing facility of   is the manufacturing of semiconduc-
         quire continuous efforts or construction   an eligible taxpayer.    tors or semiconductor manufacturing

           9.  See Secs. 6676(a) (relating to refund claims) and 48D(d)(2)(F) (relating to    12.  Regs. Sec. 1.46-5(d).
            amounts treated as payments).                    13.  Regs. Sec. 1.48-1(e).
          10.  See Notice 2013-29, as clarified or modified by subsequent notices through    14.  Sec. 48D(b)(4).
            Notice 2021-41.
         11.   Sec. 48D(b)(5).

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