Page 36 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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                                           Updates and guidance on key

                                           IRS practice developments.

         Authors:                                                            authors describe the previous IRS ap-
         Regina Clark, J.D.                Practice & Procedures             proach to the doctrine and then explain
         Gloria Sullivan                                                     the changes set forth in the memoran-
         John Dilorio, J.D., LL.M.         Memo removes IRS                  dum, providing some practical tips.
                                           procedural requirements
         Editor:                           for economic substance            Background on the economic
         Uzell T. Williams-Freeman, CPA    arguments                         substance doctrine
                                           On April 22, 2022, the IRS issued a   Though historically a judicial concept,
                                           memorandum to all Large Business   the economic substance doctrine was
            The IRS no longer              & International Division (LB&I) and   codified by Congress in the Health
                                                                             Care and Education Reconciliation Act
                                           Small Business/Self-Employed Divi-
           requires examiners              sion (SB/SE) examination employees   of 2010, P.L. 111-152, by adding Sec.
             to follow a four-             to communicate updated guidance for   7701(o), which defines the doctrine
                                           examiners and managers on the eco-
                                                                             as follows:
             step process for              nomic substance doctrine and related
         determining whether a             penalties (LB&I-04-0422-0014). The   The term “economic substance
          transaction complies             memorandum makes it easier for the   doctrine” means the common law
                                                                               doctrine under which tax benefits
                                           IRS to assert that a transaction lacks
            with the economic              economic substance or a business    … with respect to a transaction
           substance doctrine              purpose by removing the previously   are not allowable if the transaction
                                           required four-step process for relying
                                                                               does not have economic substance
          before a penalty can             on the economic substance doctrine,   or lacks a business purpose. [Sec.
            be asserted under              including the requirement for execu-  7701(o)(5)(A)]
             Secs. 6662(b)(6)              tive approval.                      Sec. 7701(o)(1)(B) requires that the
                                             The memorandum’s guidance su-
          and 6662(i); a recent            persedes the instructions in Internal   taxpayer have a substantial purpose,
            IRS Chief Counsel              Revenue Manual (IRM) Section      apart from any federal income tax ben-
                                                                             efit, for entering into the transaction.
                                 , Economic Substance Doc-
              memo clarifies               trine; IRM Exhibit 4.46.4-4, Guidance   Sec. 6662(b)(6) was also added to
              the assessment               for Examiners and Managers on the   implement Sec. 7701(o) by imposing
                                           Codified Economic Substance Doctrine
                                                                             a 20% penalty on any underpayment
           limitation period in            and Related Penalties; and IRM Section   attributable to tax benefits that were
          multiyear Sec. 332(b)  , Penalty Administration, and  disallowed because a transaction   PHOTO BY SEAN GLADWELL/HEMERA/THINKSTOCK
                liquidations.              will be added to IRM Section 4.10.13,   lacks economic substance. Sec. 6676
                                           Examination of Returns, Certain Techni-
                                                                             extends the penalty to refund claims,
                                           cal Issues.                       and Sec. 6662(i) increases the penalty
                                             After first reviewing the background  to 40% for nondisclosed transactions.
                                           of the economic substance doctrine, the  This penalty is strict-liability, with no

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