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reasonable-cause defense and no pen-
         alty relief even if a taxpayer receives an   Sec. 7701(o)(1)(B) requires that the taxpayer
         opinion on the transaction. According-
         ly, if a transaction is determined to lack   have a substantial purpose, apart from any
         economic substance, the tax benefits of   federal income tax benefit, for entering into
         the transaction are disallowed and the
         strict-liability penalty applies.                       the transaction.
           The Joint Committee on Taxa-
         tion (JCT) report for Sec. 7701(o)
         (JCX-18-10) provides certain safe   and their managers regarding the   is provided on how to request
         harbors addressing when the doctrine   codified economic substance doctrine   DFO approval.
         is not meant to apply. These include   and related penalties was set forth in
         “certain basic business transac-  IRM Section 4.46.4 and IRM Exhibit   The four steps were elaborated
         tions,” including:                4.46.4-4.                         upon in IRM Exhibit 4.46.4-4. The
         1.  The choice between capitalizing   IRM Section sum-  guidance there for Step 1 provided 18
           a business enterprise with debt or   marized the four steps examiners were   facts and circumstances that tend to
           equity;                         required to take before a penalty could   show the application of the economic
         2.  A U.S. person’s choice between   be asserted under Secs. 6662(b)(6) and   substance doctrine to a transaction
           using a foreign corporation or a   6662(i), stating:              is likely not appropriate, such as that
           domestic corporation to make a                                    the transaction generates targeted
           foreign investment;               Step one — DOCTRINE LIKELY      tax incentives consistent with con-
         3.  The choice to enter into a transac-  NOT APPROPRIATE: The       gressional intent in providing the
           tion or series of transactions that   examiners must evaluate a number   incentives. Additionally, the guidance
           constitute a corporate organization   of factors that tend to show that   provided that it is “likely not appro-
           or reorganization under Subchapter   application of the economic sub-  priate to raise the economic substance
           C; and                            stance doctrine to a transaction is   doctrine” for transactions related
         4.  The choice to use a related-party   likely not appropriate. If the exam-  to the four “basic business transac-
           entity in a transaction, provided that   iner continues to believe that the   tion” safe harbors listed above in the
           the arm’s-length standard of Sec.   doctrine applies, go to step two.   JCT report.
           482 and other applicable concepts   Step two — DOCTRINE MAY          The inquiries required in Step 3 of
           are satisfied.                    BE APPROPRIATE: Requires        IRM Section were par-
           The JCT report also provides that   the examiner to evaluate further   ticularly important and demonstrated
         “it is not intended” that certain tax   whether additional circumstances   a preference for other approaches/
         credits, such as those under Secs. 42,   in the case are those that tend   doctrines when possible and appro-
         45, 45D, 47, and 48, be disallowed in   to show that application of the   priate. IRM Exhibit 4.46.4-4 listed
         a transaction involving “the type of   doctrine is appropriate.     the seven inquiries to be made under
         activity that the credit was intended to   Step three — DEVELOPMENT   this step:
         encourage.”                         OF CASE FOR APPROVAL: 
                                             If the examiner continues to      1.  Is the transaction a statutory or
         Previous IRS approach               believe the application of the       regulatory election? If so, then
         To understand how the memorandum    doctrine is warranted after          the application of the doctrine
         makes it easier for the IRS to assert   conducting steps 1 and 2, a series   should not be pursued without
         that a transaction lacks economic   of seven inquiries must be made      specific approval of the exam-
         substance, it is necessary to summarize   before seeking approval to apply   iner’s manager in consultation
         the detailed four-step process that   the doctrine.                      with local counsel.
         was previously required for relying on   Step four — DFO [director of   2.  Is the transaction subject to a
         the doctrine.                       field operations] APPROVAL:          detailed statutory or regulatory
            Prior to the memorandum, the IRS   If the examiner and his or her     scheme? If so, and the transac-
         had addressed the economic substance   manager and territory manager     tion complies with this scheme,
         doctrine in a variety of notices and di-  determine that the application of   then the application of the
         rectives. Robust guidance for examiners   the doctrine is merited, guidance   doctrine should not be pursued

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