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         address, and taxpayer identification   entire trust would no longer be exempt   interest is $16,000 ($17,000 for 2023).
         number of each trustee and grantor, as   from GST tax.              The gift tax annual exclusion for gifts of
         well as the general nature and estimated                            a present interest to a spouse who is not
         total value of the trust’s assets.  Inflation adjustments           a U.S. citizen is $164,000 ($175,000 for
           Limit duration of generation-   The IRS released Rev. Proc. 2021-45,   2023).
         skipping transfer exemption: This   setting forth inflation adjustments for   Interest on a certain portion of
         provision would limit the GST exemp-  various tax items for 2022, and, for 2023,   estate tax payable in installments:
         tion to “(a) direct skips and taxable dis-  inflation-adjusted amounts are set forth   The dollar amount used to determine
         tributions to beneficiaries no more than   in Rev. Proc. 2022-38.¹³ The follow-  the “2% portion” (for purposes of calcu-
         two generations below the transferor,   ing may be of interest to estate plan-  lating interest under Sec. 6601(j)) of the
         and to younger generation beneficiaries   ning professionals:       estate tax, extended as provided in Sec.
         who were alive at the creation of the   Unified credit against estate   6166, is $1,640,000. For 2023, the dollar
         trust; and (b) taxable terminations oc-  tax: The basic exclusion amount is   amount is $1,750,000.   ■
         curring while any person described in (a)   $12,060,000 for determining the
         is a beneficiary of the trust,”¹² although   amount of the unified credit against es-
         Sec. 2653 (regarding the taxation of   tate tax under Sec. 2010. For decedents   Contributors
         multiple skips) would not apply for these   dying in calendar 2023, the basic exclu-
         purposes. For purposes of determining   sion amount is $12,920,000.   Justin Ransome, CPA, J.D., MBA, is a
         the duration of GST exemption, a trust   Valuation of qualified real prop-  partner in the National Tax Department of
         created before the date of enactment   erty in decedent’s gross estate: If   Ernst & Young LLP in Washington, D.C.
         (i.e., a grandfathered trust) would be   the executor elects to use the special-use   He would like to thank his colleagues
         deemed to have been created on the date   valuation method under Sec. 2032A for   in the firm’s National Tax Department in
         of enactment. As a result, trust assets   qualified real property, the aggregate   Private Tax for their contributions to this
         would be exempted from GST tax only   decrease in the value of the qualified real   article, as well as Fran Schafer for her
         during the life of any beneficiary who   property resulting from electing to use   thoughtful comments on the article. The
         is no younger than the grandchild of   Sec. 2032A for purposes of the estate   views expressed here are those of the
         the transferor or a beneficiary who is a   tax cannot exceed $1,230,000. The   author and do not necessarily reflect the
         member of a younger generation who   amount for decedents dying in 2023 is   views of Ernst & Young LLP. For more
         was alive at the creation of the trust.   $1,310,000.                 information about this article, contact
         After this period, the inclusion ratio of   Gift tax annual exclusion: The gift
         the trust would increase to 1, and the   tax annual exclusion for gifts of a present


            Podcast episode                                 PFP Section resource (members only)
            “Five Questions to Get Clients to Act on Their Estate   2022 Individual, Estate, and Gift Tax Cheat Sheet
                                                            CPE self-study
                                                            Estate & Trust Primer — Tax Staff Essentials
            The Adviser’s Guide to Financial and Estate Planning,
            Vol. 1                                          Estate Planning Certificate Program (Exam + Course)

            For more information or to make a purchase, visit or call the Institute at 888-777-7077.

          12.  Greenbook, p. 48.                             13.  Although Rev. Proc. 2022-38 was issued on Oct. 18, 2022, after the period
                                                               covered by this article, its corresponding amounts are included here for
                                                               reference and comparison.

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